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General Information:

Name: Red Jungle.
Alias: Jungle.
Faction: ??
Sex: Male.
Height Class: Medium.
Classification: Regular.
Conversion Form: Panther.


'Crazed Cavalier'


Superstructure Information:

The Crazed Cavalier is slender in appearance as his armor is light – all apart of his design to move quickly and actuarially. In robot form, one would be scarcely aware of Red being a beast warrior at a glance as most of the noticeable features such as the beast’s head and the extra limbs are tucked away. The point of this is obvious when considering Red was brought online by the Maximal Secret Police (MSP) to function as one of their agents – the lack of distinguishing features allows him to blend in, making him the type of ‘bot you’d forget the very moment he passed.

Red’s colorings are red and black – nothing exotic. His optics are dark green. Like some beast warriors, he has teeth. However, two on the top and two on the bottom are fanged – he is bonded with panther DNA after all.

Weapons/Equipment/Special Features:

* Chain Guns:

At a first glance, such weaponry may seem out of place or even unpractical for an operative such as Red. However sometimes stealth fails and when it does, if you are unable to hit hard and fast – you’re toast. The pair of chain guns are unveiled when the Crazed Cavalier’s upper chest plating moves downward as a single piece. Extending from their compartment approximately an inch, each is equipped with six launchers, firing armor penetrating solid rounds, capable of penetrating even TM2 and Greater Force armor types.

* Cloak Field:

The first documented mention of cloaking technology dates back to the Great War era, when an Autobot named Mirage had the ability to generate a cloaking field around himself. The technology, though effective was crude as the field was a rectangular barrier or ‘box’, giving way to many limitations. The technology has evolved such that the field is now essentially ‘skin tight’ allowing for a greater range of mobility on the user’s behalf. However, one major problem still exists - when the cloak field is in use for prolonged periods, a great deal of heat is generated allowing for sensor detection to occur. Such a spike on a sensor grid could equal certain death.

* Jump Jets:

They come out of a compartment in his lower back and are light black in color. Used for short term flight only. If they are active too long, they will burn out. If that occurs, only a nice trip to the cr-chamber can get them back online. Important to note that Red can turn them on, off, and back on again very quickly. Also when active, they make a minimum amount of noise.

* Knives (4x):

The description name says it all. There is nothing special about them and there doesn’t need to be. They are thin and black with curved blades. A basic but highly effective weapon of choice for those whose survival is dependent upon stealth. They are stored in compartments in the Crazed Cavalier’s under arms, designed such that the handles slide into Red’s palms when un-holstered. What that amounts to is simple – in a near single motion Red can kill or severely wound any target – TM2 or otherwise.

* Night Vision:

A notable carry over from his beast form, in robot mode, the Crazed Cavalier can clearly see in the dark. When employing this feature, Red’s optics change from their dark green coloration to a black one. Other then making him look fierce, the practical benefit lays in that his eyes do not need time to adjust to radical light changes. Thus he does not experience any sort of momentary blindness.


Created By: Jungle