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About *meeh*

Age: 7-teen

Loçation: under a bed ñear you;P

Hºbbiez: Pharmasuticals....hehe

Sexualitÿ: uhm...

§tatu§: seeing someone very special

OçÜpatiºñ:*~*Beiñ' tha mÄiñ ÅttrÄçtiôñ, Gettiñ a££ thÅ §ati§ƒÅtiôñ,dºiñ' Åll thÅ teħiñ, gettiñ Ä££ thÅ p£ea§iñ,

çÜz I be §hÄkeñ mÜh hipz, whi£e them bô¥z be £içkiñ them £ipz*~*

Mu§iç: Sublime¤BoB Marleÿ¤Blink182¤Pink Floÿd¤Fleetwood Mac and on and on.....

CºmputeR: I thiñk it’§ a gÜy CÜz i a£way§ tÜrn it ôn!!!!

E-mail: chrissy is or Stary

Aim: Sweet Chrissy

I eat iint

AOL: Sn0wdawl

stary nytez

Yahoo! pager: snowdawl

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