
This used to be a paragraph decrying online poetry, but I've decided to remove it. It looked silly. Made me look silly too.

In a vain attempt to sift the self-indulgent drivel from the self-aggrandising drivel, I've recently made an attempt to inflict a chronology upon these poems. But as I can't really remember when I wrote most of them, the chronology is, I'm afraid, rough at best. Also, not all of these poems are unique to this website: some have seen the light of day in other publications, and these are marked with asterisks. Which publications, and whether their editors are still at large and/or have visiting hours when you might be allowed to see them, I don't always remember.


With TimeExtra Life (or, 1-Up)


ElsewhereKeatonesqueWatersideTutorialQuelle Nightmare!Zenith


On Turning Twenty-Six Rain, Rain Black SheepTo Floyd Patterson


Elegy for a Robin HebridesDecisions, SignsListening Post


Visiting Hours* The GP's Waiting Room
Less Than Kind* The Prince of Morocco in HellTo Charlie ChaplinBoundary
Early Doors*


A Winter's Tale* From a London Underground Carriage* To William Holden*A Murlin*
Christmas Shopping Native Spring*


Hal and I- Thought Processed Edinburgh, There and Back Again