Two Major Problems With Preterism

by Dr. Thomas Ice and Dr. Timothy Demy

Some interpreters of prophecy wish to argue that the tribulation is already past. This view is called "preterism" (Latin for "past") and holds that all prophecies relating to the tribulation are now history and were fulfilled during the first century A.D., usually revolving around events associated with the destruction of Jerusalem in A.D. 70.

Preterism cannot be supported from Scripture for at least two major reasons.

First, in order to support the notion of an A.D. 70 fulfillment of the large number of details surrounding the tribulation, preterists must use an unwarranted allegorical interpretative approach.

This means that passages such as Matthew 24:30 and Revelation 19:11 - 21, which have traditionally been interpreted as references to Christ's second coming, must somehow be understood to really represent Christ coming mysteriously through the Roman army which conquered Jerusalem in A.D. 70. Such an approach exceeds the legitimate hermeneutical disagreements over figurative versus normal use of figures of speech and commits the error of spiritualization by supplying a meaning not supported by textual interpretation.

A second major error of preterism is the confusion of judgment and salvation in relation to the nation of Israel. Preterism sees only judgment toward Israel in passages that speak of the tribulation, such as the Olivet discourse (Matthew 24; Mark 13; Luke 17:20-37; 21:5-36) and Revelation 4 - 19.

Except for Luke 21:20 - 24, which clearly speaks of the A.D. 70 judgment upon Jerusalem, the rest of the passages picture Israel in a position from which God will deliver them from their enemies through His second coming. Even their allegorical approach to the biblical text cannot hide the clear fact that tribulation passages describe our Lord's salvation of Israel, not His judgment upon them.

From: the Pocket Prophecy Series, The Truth About The Tribulation; published by Harvest House

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