Bible Prophecy: Defending a Pre Trib, Futurist, Pre Mil View

Rapture and Second Coming Contrasts

By Tommy Ice and Timothy Demy

Rapture / Translation
Second Coming

Established Kingsom

1. Translation of all believers
1. No translation at all
2. Translated saints go to heaven
2. Translated saints return to earth
3. Earth not judged
3. Earth judged and righteousness established
4. Imminent, any-moment, signless
4. Follows definite predicted signs, including tribulation
5. Not in the Old Testament
5. Predicted in the Old Testament
6. Believers only
6. Affects all men
7. Before the day of wrath
7. Concluding the day of wrath
8. No reference to Satan
8. Satan bound
9. Christ comes for His own
9. Christ comes with His own
10. He comes in the air
10. He comes to the earth
11. He claims His bride
11. He comes with His bride
12. Only His own see him
12. Every eye shall see Him
13. Tribulation begins
13. Millennial kingdom begins

Dr. John Walvoord concludes that these "contrasts should make it evident that the translation of the church is an event quite different in character and time from the return of the Lord to establish His kingdom, and confirms the conclusion that the translation takes place before the tribulation."

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