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My Cats

I got so many cats,I had to put them on a second page! On this page you will find the newly adopted cats. Just click on them to go to where I adopted them. I hope you enjoy!

What a rich cat this kitten must be! This is Act Two's Le Temple des Millions D'Années of RubyFalls. He is a black classic tabby American Wirehair. Now don't hit him up too hard for money.

Introducing Mary Shelley my devon rex. She is named after the famous author of (ooo..scary) Frankenstein!

PURRRRR....What a lovely kitty! This is Midir. He is as white as snow. He could get lost very easily in a snowstorm!

Meet Berta my black bicolor Norwegian Forest Cat. Where she is from it is very cold,that is why she has such a shaggy coat of fur. :)

This kitty is Ivory Coast's Ararat. He is an American Curl Longhair. Ararat is from the first litter Ivory Coast had!

Who is this dashing cat? 'Tis Esperanto! Isn't he handsome? He has an ego the size of the Empire State building though.

Meet Morning Dew's Girl From The North Country. She is a bronze Egyptian Mau. She may be from the north,but I am from the West Coast,watch CA!

Meow. Meet Kitty my Turkish Angora. Isn't her name just original? *grin*

Hello! This little kitten is Atlas my Turkish Van. He is such a sweetie!!

This is Skye a very fluffy Norwegian Forest Cat. She needs all that fluffy fur to keep her warm in the cold forest of Norway.

*Music playing in background* Here is Sony my Turkish Angora. He also turns the volume on the boom box too loud. He thinks that the Sony company that makes electronics was named after him.

Meet Rootbeer,who is my beautiful ruddy Somali. Can you guess what her favorite beverage is?

This is Fighting For Our Love,my male Russian Blue. He doesn't have to fight too hard for my love! *g*

Here is Beautiful Stranger. She is a seal point Siamese. She loves singing. She is from a new cattery,Morning Dew Cattery.

Meet Hickory my cream bicolor stumpy Manx. He loves his little tail. :) Hickory is from the first Manx litter River Rapids has ever had.

Wahhhh...But I want to be in the show Ricky! *tee hee* This is Lucy my Russian Blue. She loves watching the I Love Lucy show and never misses an episode!

This is a very spirited kitten indeed. This is Cherished Teddy,my red mackeral tabby Rex Fold. He is rooting his team on,the Cherished Teddies.

Here is Frost Dancers' Inside Out. He is a red and white harlequin American Curl Longhair. He often times gets confused while dressing.

May the luck of the Irish be with you! This is St.Patrick's Day(Saint) my St.Patty's Day kitten. He is a white American Shorthair. Make sure he stays out of that green beer!

These two sweeties are Queen Pen and Natalie Imbruglia. They are both Tonkinese and are from Dr.Evil's Cattery.

Ash is here to greet you. This is Ash my silver tabby American Curl Shorthair(bet thought I was going to say American Shorthair,also known as ASH)!

The fur is flying when these two are around. Meet Valentina my Russian Blue and Encino Man my red point Siamese. They sometimes bicker,but are always there for each other. :)

This tailless wonder is Edmund my cream Manx. You don't have to have a tail to be cool with this cat. *:0)

Meet Faith my blue Somali. She is from the first Somali litter at Tilly's Cattery. I was reserved a kitten(Faith) in that litter because I guessed Tilly's new breed.

Who is that wiggling? That's Hula Hoop! He loves to dance and play. I remember having a hula hoop when I was younger,I used to be quite good at it too!

Here is my Siamese,Robert. We like to call him Bob. He is from one of the newest catteries,Blue Mountain.

Meet Jell-O. Yummmm....always room for jello! Can you guess what Jell-O's favorite food is?

This is George my lilac point Siamese. A nice name for a nice cat,don't you think?

Who is this lazy guy? This is Binx. His name reminds me of a character in a movie. He is from Dew Frosts Cattery

Feeling down? You need this kitty around! This is Hope. She is a blue classic tabby American Curl from Tilly's Cattery.

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Cats copyright by Leilani or respective creators 1999-2000. This page provided by Angelfire.Background and buttons from Cat Stuff *NOTE* I own both /hi2/grin and /hi3/rubyfalls,I am NOT bandwidth stealing!!!!!!