The Royal Order of Kamehameha Sent an Official Letter To The U.S. Government Protesting the Akaka Bill On September 2, 2000

On September 22, 2003 the Kailua, Kona newspaper "West Hawai'i Today" reported that a couple members of the Royal Order of Kamehameha had personally lobbied in favor of the Akaka bill in the Washington, D.C. offices of all 100 U.S. Senators, while wearing their Royal Order costumes. However, three years previously, a different branch of the same organization had sent an official letter to the U.S. government strongly protesting against the bill. First, the news report from September 2003. Then, the official letter from September, 2000.


** Excerpt ** "Dressed in their sacred regalia, descendants of King Kamehameha delivered an unprecedented, personal pitch to Congress this week for official recognition of their people. Nine members from royal societies including the Royal Order of King Kamehameha, Ahahui Kaahumanu, Hale O Na Alii O Hawaii and the Daughters and Sons of Hawaiian Warriors visited the offices of all 100 senators. Their message was simple - senators should vote for a Native Hawaiian recognition bill that remains stalled. At the same time the royal descendants were working on Capitol Hill, officials from the Office of Hawaiian Affairs were paying visits to the NAACP, Asian, Hispanic and religious groups."


It should be noted that different branches of the Royal Order of Kamehameha are independent of each other, and may take contradictory positions on important issues. It is not known how many members of the Royal Order were included among the nine lobbyists of September 2003, nor whether they were officially representing their local branch (from Honolulu) or were merely rogue members whose trip to Washington may have been paid for by the Office of Hawaiian Affairs.

However, three years previously, a different chapter of the Royal Order of Kamehameha, from Hilo Hawai'i, had sent a letter, on official stationery, to the United States government, protesting most strenuously against the Akaka bill (then known in the 106th Congress as S.2899 and H.R.4904).

Here is a photograph of the front page of that official letter of September 2, 2000, followed by the full text of that letter.

** Text of the first page of the letter transcribed from the photograph; the full text of the letter was published on the Nation of Hawai'i website as message number 142:

September 2, 2000
United States Secretary of State
Madeleine K. Albright
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW , 7226
Washington, D.C. 20500
RE: Senate Bill 2899 / House Resolution HR4904

On behalf of The Royal Order of Kamehameha I - Heiau o Mamalahoa Helu 'Elua and my Ali'i 'Ai Moku Sir Paul K. Neves K.C.C.K who is the personal representative of the Ali'i Nui, I send you greetings and this urgent message.

Dear Madam:

The Royal Order of Kamehameha I, strongly condemns the above referenced proposed legislation as a clear violation of the process for reconciliation between the United States Government and the Hawaiian Kingdom and its Hawaiian Nationals. The arrogance of the United States Department of the Interior follows Hawaiian testimony given during island-wide hearings conducted on or about December 11th, 1999. Your Government continues to violate our treaties and international law and Hawaiian Nationals are being denied the right to object to this outrage. Hearings have been cancelled on all but one island.

Under municipal law, U.S. Public Law 103-150, the United States of America clearly indicated violations of the Treaty with the Hawaiian Kingdom and its intent to seek reconciliation. This reconciliation process must begin with sincere talks between representatives of the Hawaiian Kingdom and representatives of your State Department. Anything less would be improper venue and would be intervening in government internal affairs. Additionally, this proposed law attempts to address us as a race which is improper, we are a nationality.

Senate Bill 2899 / House Resolution HR4904 contains numerous accounts of incorrect historical facts about Hawai'i's history. This Bill is intervening in the internal affairs of the Hawaiian government by designating the United States Secretary of the Interior as the leading authority along with other U.S. Federal agencies and agencies of the illegal State of Hawaii over what are clearly Hawaiian Kingdom matters.

The Royal Order of Kamehameha I again, strongly protests against and condemns this improper attempt to interfere with the reconciliation process. The Order denounces it as another violation of international law between nations.

We demand that this legislative activity be stopped immediately and forthwith. We respectfully request that Diplomatic exchanges between our two nations commence as soon as possible.

On behalf of my Ali'i 'Ai Moku I remain,

Mamo Dominic Vea, Ku'auhau
Ali'i Sir Robert C. McKeen Jr. Kakau'olelo

U.S. Department of the Interior
U.S. Senator Daniel Akaka
U.S. Senator Daniel Inouye
U.S. Representative Patsy Mink
U.S. Representative Neal Abercrombie
Gov. Ben Cayetano
The Speaker of the United States House of Representatives
Members of the United States House of Representatives
Members of the United States Senate
President of the United States of America - Bill Clinton


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