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The Akaka bill was active in Congress for 13 years, from 2000 through 2012. But in December 2012 Senator Inouye died, and Senator Akaka retired. During the 113th Congress (2013-2014) there was no Akaka bill. But the State of Hawaii legislature, and Office of Hawaiian Affairs, continued working to assemble a racial registry of ethnic Hawaiians. In 2014 President Obama's Department of Interior announced its intention to change the rules for federal recognition of Indian tribes in general, and to write a special rule for giving federal recognition to the tribe being created by OHA. Independence activists became more assertive at the United Nations and other international venues.

During 2013-2016 there was a major (but failed) effort to create a Hawaiian tribe and get federal recognition for it before the Obama presidency came to an end. In Summer 2014 the U.S. Department of Interior issued an Advance Notice of Proposed Rulemaking announcing that it intends to create a regulation whereby a sufficiently large group of ethnic Hawaiians could ask for federal recognition as an Indian tribe, and DOI requested comments of a list of specific topics. Then in Fall 2015 DOI published an official Notice of Proposed Rulemaking including text of a proposed regulation and asking for more comments, due by end of 2015. A "final rule" was proclaimed by the Department of Interior providing a pathway whereby a Hawaiian tribe could organize itself and would be assured of federal recognition if it could meet specific requirements. That regulation, 43CFR50 [CFR = Code of Federal Regulations] became law when it was published in the Federal Register on October 14, 2016, to take effect on November 14. Meantime OHA gave millions of dollars to a "private" group to hold an election of delegates to write a tribal Constitution. The election was abandoned when the U.S. Supreme Court issued an injunction blocking it. But the candidates to be delegates nevertheless held a monthlong meeting and produced a proposed tribal constitution. That constitution needs to be ratified according to procedures established in 43CFR50, but the ratification election will require several million dollars in private funds not yet collected. All those events were covered in chronological order at

For text of the regulation, and analysis of ways it could have been repealed in early 2017, see "Repeal 43 CFR 50 -- Asking the Trump team, and members of the 115th Congress and their staffers, to repeal this executive order issued at the end of the Obama administration, which provides a pathway for a very small percentage of ethnic Hawaiians to rip apart the lands and people of Hawaii by creating a brand new Indian tribe and getting federal recognition for it." at

To follow events as they unfolded during 2017-2018, see a compilation of news reports and commentaries at:

To follow events as they unfolded during 2019-2020, see a compilation of news reports and commentaries at:

To follow events as they unfolded during 2021-2022, see a compilation of news reports and commentaries at:

To follow events as they unfolded during 2023-2024, see a compilation of news reports and commentaries at:



FOLLOWING ARE THE NEWEST WEBPAGES, AND MAJOR IMPROVEMENTS, IN CHRONOLOGICAL ORDER, MOST RECENT AT THE TOP. In January 2025 this website actually held more than 1,077 items, each of which could be anywhere from a few printable pages long to several hundred printable pages long. The items listed below are only the major ones and do not include subpages or time-period compilations.

IMPORTANT NOTICE: The angelfire webpage server for this Hawaiian Sovereignty website (which started in year 2000) uses software which is now obsolete and no longer sold or supported by Microsoft. As a result, it might become difficult or impossible to add new webpages or update existing ones. The problem could happen without warning and could make it impossible to post any further announcements. Therefore Ken Conklin has started a blog for the purpose of posting new or updated webpages which he would normally be posting here. Any reader who notices a very long time when no new material is posted here should suspect that there's a problem with angelfire which might never get resolved. That's especially true for pages where frequent updates are expected, such as compilations of news reports and commentaries about federal recognition for a Hawaiian tribe, NAGPRA, etc. If in doubt, go to the new blog by clicking or copy/pasting this URL:


453: ** New March 15, 2025. Hawaii Legislature 2025 -- Bills and Resolutions Related to Hawaiian Sovereignty and Racial Entitlement Programs. Text, testimony, and outcome.

452: ** New December 26, 2024. A scammer can use Hawaiian language as a political weapon by falsely inserting a word into an English translation of a historically important phrase. The false translation gets widely repeated for a long time. Respected scholars then innocently write it as though true, and cite its routine usage as justification for refusing to correct what they wrote. Example: Peter Young's naive acceptance of the false insertion of "native" into scammers' phrase "native tenant rights" regarding land titles under the Mahele and Kuleana Act, 1848-1850.

451: * New December 24, 2024. Privileged political leaders in positions of power use Hawaiian language as a political weapon by publicly humiliating and abusing an ordinary citizen appearing before them for daring to casually say that Hawaiian is a "dead language" (thereby questioning the motive of a previous testifier who unnecessarily used Hawaiian)

450: ** New July 22, 2024. Honolulu City Council Resolution 24-151: A proposal by councilmember Esther Kiaaina to give away a large parcel of city-owned vacant land in Kailua to the Department of Hawaiian Homelands, presumably to develop racially segregated housing on land that can be leased by law only to ethnic Hawaiians having a high percentage of native blood.

449: ** New March 16, 2024. Hawaii Legislature 2024 -- Bills and Resolutions Related to Hawaiian Sovereignty and Racial Entitlement Programs. Text, testimony, and outcome.

448: * New November 15, 2023. Protesting a PBS-Hawaii 150-minute double feature anti-American anti-haole propaganda panel discussion and film broadcast on November 16, 2023, focusing on the 1893 revolution that overthrew the Hawaiian monarchy and the 1898 joint resolution by both the U.S. Senate and U.S. House to accept the treaty of annexation offered by the Republic of Hawaii. Protest message to President/CEO Ron Mizutani, and full text of his newsletter of November 10 announcing the event.

447: *** New June 28, 2023. Does an 1864 treaty between Switzerland and the Kingdom of Hawaii remain in effect? No. Does its historical existence prove that the Kingdom of Hawaii continues to exist and has international recognition as a sovereign nation? No. Hawaiian activists have asserted these lies for decades, twisting history to attack U.S. sovereignty in Hawaii. Examples of Leon Siu, Keanu Sai, Niklaus Schweizer regarding the Swiss treaty

446: ** New February 20, 2023. Hawaii Legislature 2023 (and Honolulu County Council) -- Bills and Resolutions Related to Hawaiian Sovereignty and Racial Entitlement Programs. Text, testimony, and outcome.

445: * New February 12, 2023. Honolulu City Council resolution 22-262 urging the city administration to formally recognize and observe November 28th as La Ku'oko'a, Hawaiian Independence Day. Modern revival of an archaic holiday from the Kingdom of Hawaii seems harmless but conveys secessionist attitude, race-nationalism, and demands for reparations; similar to 30 years of hassles from 1993 apology resolution.

444: ** New September 14, 2022. TMT Mauna Kea testimony, 53 pages by Ken Conklin; is intended to debunk and discredit two racially divisive and politically diversionary claims asserted by TMT opponents. The false claims are: (1) Native Hawaiians, as a group, regard Mauna Kea as a sacred place which would be desecrated by TMT; (2) Native Hawaiians are an indigenous people whose genealogical relationship to Hawaii's 'aina (land, sea, air) gives them an inherent right to govern Hawaii and especially to have decision-making political power over land-use decisions.

443: *** New August 19, 2022. Four Principles of Equality and Unity

442: ** Updated May 5, 2022: For Hawaiians Only. Webpages identifying and describing government funded racial entitlement programs providing benefits exclusively to Native Hawaiians using taxpayer dollars from the U.S. and State of Hawaii. [Update provides list of agencies & programs getting 1.1 BILLION dollars approved by state legislature in 2022]

441: ** New February 7, 2022: Hawaii Legislature 2022 -- Bills and Resolutions Related to Hawaiian Sovereignty and Racial Entitlement Programs. Text, testimony, and outcome. Webpage published February 7, 2022 reporting on 16 bills already heard or scheduled; and then updated until end of session in May, whenever a new bill or resolution relevant to Hawaiian sovereignty was introduced and got a committee hearing at which Ken Conklin provided testimony.

440: * New February 7, 2022: NAGPRA Issues in Hawaii, 2022. Webpage will be updated throughout 2022 as news reports and commentaries get published.

439: * New January 15, 2022: Mauna Kea Master Plan, testimony for University of Hawaii Board of Regents meeting of January 20, 2022

438: * New November 25, 2021: (In)Significance of Hawaiian Kingdom Independence Day vs. Republic of Hawaii International Recognition

437: * New November 11, 2021: Mauna Kea Sacredness: Debunking the assertion of religious sacredness as a cynical ploy by activists seeking race-based political power and money for racially exclusionary government handouts.

436: ** New July 4, 2021: Critical Race Theory Hawaiian-Style: A Peculiar Ideological Combination Alleges Actual Native Hawaiian Victimhood; Asserts Native Hawaiian Inherent Racial Supremacy; Expresses Anti-U.S. and Anti-White Hostility; and Demands Asians in Hawaii to Ally with Native Hawaiians in the Interest of Social Justice.

435: ** New March 20, 2021: Major addendum to McKinley High School open letter, providing text and testimony at March 18 legislature hearing on a resolution to remove McKinley's name and statue; and associated news reports and blog entries.

434: ** New March 1, 2021: Hawaii Legislature 2021 -- Bills and Resolutions Related to Hawaiian Sovereignty and Racial Entitlement Programs. Text, testimony, and outcome.

433: ** New December 25, 2020: Newspaper propaganda blitzkrieg pushes proposal for a gambling casino on the Hawaiian Homelands in a State where any form of gambling is illegal and where there is no federally recognized Hawaiian tribe. The proposal is designed to create revenue for housing in racially exclusive ghettos but also to promote race-based political sovereignty.

432: ** New November 26, 2020: McKinley High School in Honolulu, regarding school name and statue -- Open letter to students, alumni, teachers, administrators, staff, community, and Board of Education explaining why the school's name and statue deserve to remain in place, and why a Hawaiian secessionist demand to remove them should be strongly rejected.

431: ** New September 18, 2020: President Trump speech on Constitution Day 2020: excerpts directly related to Hawaii. Links to webpages about Hawaii K-12 schooling and University of Hawaii relevant to Trump warning about Marxism, critical race theory, Black Lives Matter, and rioting.

430: ** New August 18, 2020: Did Nona Beamer invent the term Hawaiiana? Minor falsehood told by a revered kupuna, therefore adopted as authoritative truth, gets repeatedly broadcast and then made into movie distributed worldwide 13 years later. A case study showing how falsehoods get spawned and perpetuated in Native Hawaiian narratives about history. How doubting kupuna narratives undermines Hawaiian epistemology.

429: * New August 18, 2020: Correcting the falsehood that women had voting rights during the Hawaiian Kingdom

428: ** New February 17, 2020: Hawaii Legislature 2020 -- Bills and Resolutions Related to Hawaiian Sovereignty and Racial Entitlement Programs. Text, testimony, and outcome. [Will be updated continuously through end of session in May]

427: ** New December 3, 2019: The rise and fall of Christianity in Hawaiian politics. Ethnic Hawaiian race-nationalists are currently rejecting Christianity and reviving their ancient Pagan religion as a political weapon to assert racial supremacy over government decision-making and land ownership. Something similar happened in the 1800s. A movie released December 6, 2019 portrays a heroic native Hawaiian chiefess publicly defying the volcano goddess Pele and invoking the Christian God to stop lava from destroying Hilo in 1824; but in 1881 a powerful native Hawaiian princess saved Hilo by publicly praying to Pele after Christian missionaries and their followers had failed to stop the lava.

426: ** New November 6, 2019: Land Acknowledgments: The dangerous new fad of institutions expressing appreciation for aboriginals who long ago occupied their lands and whose descendants, however attenuated and assimilated, remain.

425: ** New October 12, 2019: Keanu Sai performance hosted by Professor Michelle Coleman, Middlesex University, London, October 15, 2019. Letter warning Professor Coleman she is sponsoring a political propaganda show associated with a financial scam involving new issue of Hawaiian Kingdom bonds. Coleman is urged to cross-examine Mr. Sai on several issues where his theory is factually false because of things he says and especially because of facts he fails to mention: There is a Treaty of Annexation; the Republic of Hawaii which freely offered the Treaty was internationally recognized as the rightful successor to the monarchial government; there was never a U.S. military takeover or occupation of Hawaii, nor any U.S. puppet regime. Detailed proofs of these points are provided so that Professor Coleman has ammunition to cross-examine Sai (unless she is actually his ally?) and the information can be given to attendees and to the general public to foster robust intellectual inquiry as a university should do.

424: ** New September 11, 2019: Four Fundamental Principles of Unity and Equality to Guide Hawaii’s Future. 4 sentences plus short explanations and links total 627 words.

423: ** New August 11, 2019: Kenneth R. Conklin, Ph.D. vs. Bill Fernandez, retired judge and mayor, regarding a list of Native Hawaiian historical grievances asserted as reasons why a project to construct a 30-meter telescope on Mauna Kea should be cancelled. Detailed point-by-point rebuttal.

422: ** New June 4, 2019: Ken Conklin Ph.D. vs. Keanu Sai Ph.D. -- Dialog regarding Sai's presentation to a committee of the Maui County Council in May-June 2019 in which Sai relies on false assertions that Hawaii is under a continuous prolonged belligerent occupation by the United States from January 1893 to now; that the State of Hawaii is an illegitimate puppet regime; that therefore land titles in Hawaii are not valid.

421: * New March 28, 2019: The Goebbels Award For Outstanding Use of Media for Propaganda Disguised As Fact -- awarded jointly to PBS-Hawaii and Leslie Wilcox, its President and CEO; for refusing to correct a racially inflammatory falsehood about the alleged banning of Hawaiian language in the schools of Hawaii. The falsehood was asserted repeatedly in advertisements through email, televised teasers, and website announcements ahead of an INSIGHTS panel discussion televised live on March 28, 2019 regarding the history and revival of Hawaiian language; and was also asserted by panelists during the discussion.

420: ** New February 11, 2019: Hawaii Legislature 2019 -- Bills and Resolutions Related to Hawaiian Sovereignty and Racial Entitlement Programs. Text, testimony, and outcome. [Will be updated continuously through end of session in May]

419: * New January 21, 2019: How Kamehameha School bribes other schools to be partners in racial segregation

418: ** On September 27, 2018 Ken Conklin submitted testimony regarding proposed rules for Public and Commercial Activities on Mauna Kea Lands. A short summary of the testimony lists 4 fundamental principles of unity and equality, two conclusions, and topics of specific rules that are analyzed. The summary is at
The complete 18 page testimony is at

417: ** New September 6, 2018: Senator Mazie Hirono (D,HI) vs. Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh re Hawaiian racial entitlement programs and converting a racial group into a federally recognized tribe

416: ** New August 4, 2018: Honolulu Thomas Square renovation unveils huge floodlit statue honoring Kauikeaouli Kamehameha III on July 31, 2018 (175th anniversary of Hawaiian Kingdom Sovereignty Restoration Day). Tall new flagpole permanently flies Hawaiian flag exclusively, round the clock. Similarity to Southern states erecting statues honoring Confederate generals decades after they lost the Civil War, for purpose of resisting federal government and asserting race-supremacist nationalism. History-twisting perverse English translation of state motto spoken by King in 1843 is carved in new stone wall demarcating Hawaiian Kingdom side of park. Large lava-rock so-called altar also erected.

415: ** New February 4 through May 7, 2018: Hawaii Legislature 2018 -- Bills and Resolutions Related to Hawaiian Sovereignty. Text, testimony, and outcome. Webpage was updated continuously throughout the 2018 session until it ended on May 3. Conklin opposed 17 items, providing written testimony in perhaps 50 hearings in various committees on amended versions and companion clones. Links are provided to lists of all bills and resolutions which passed. Only 5 minor items got passed out of the 17 which Conklin's testimony opposed, while the other 12 (including several major ones) failed. Complete details are provided.

414: ** New January 6, 2018: Hawaiian is an official language of the State of Hawaii, according to the State Constitution. Does that mean that criminal defendants or civil plaintiffs or defendants must be allowed to provide court testimony in Hawaiian? Does it mean that official State documents must be published in Hawaiian, or at least must have Hawaiian-language letterheads?

413: * New November 28, 2017: Hawaiian language names are being invented for the 21 train stations to be constructed along the planned 20-mile elevated track from Kapolei to Ala Moana. Is this a good idea in general? Are the particular names proposed for the first 9 stations well chosen? Is the committee creating historically and culturally authentic names, or is it primarily engaged in using the act of naming as a weapon to assert race-based political power in service to a Hawaiian sovereignty agenda?

412: * New November 18, 2017: 3 Dialogs: Ken Conklin (plus several others) vs. Keokani Kipona Marciel (plus a couple serious supporters plus a troll). The main topic is the Treaty of Annexation between Hawaii and the U.S. (1898), but there is also some discussion about the Hawaiian revolution (1893). And then there's an off-topic debate over a troll's assertion that the Southern Poverty Law Center called Conklin a white racist.

411: * New August 28, 2017: Memo to Ryan Zinke, Secretary of U.S. Department of Interior, asking him to repeal 43CFR50 -- Procedures for reestablishing a formal government-to-government relationship with the Native Hawaiian community. This is in response to Secretary Zinke's request for comments to help identify federal regulations to be rescinded or modified as part of President Trump effort to streamline government and make America great again.

410: New August 22, 2017: [not related to Hawaiian sovereignty] Testimony to Honolulu City Council committee opposing Bill 69 which would force older highrise condominium buildings and apartments to retrofit with fire sprinklers

409: * New July 22, 2017: Fifth Columnists Peter Carlisle and Jay Fidell take leading roles in July 4, 2017 street theatre trashing the holiday. Why they deserve contempt for it.

408: * New May 29, 2017 (Memorial Day): Papahanaumokuakea National Monument: Memo to Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke urging him to rescind the addition of OHA as co-trustee and to rescind racially exclusive rights for access for Native Hawaiians for religious and cultural activities. Acknowledging the historical and continuing presence of bones, and religious and cultural activities, of Asians and Caucasians.

407: * New May 1, 2017: NAGPRA Issues in Hawaii, 2017 (compilation of news reports and commentaries, beginning with Forbes Cave controversy in 2003, links to updates for every year since then; full text of new items throughout 2017)

406: ** New April 9, 2017: Conklin's official comments on Federal Register notice: "Revision of Standards for Maintaining, Collecting, and Presenting Federal Data on Race and Ethnicity: Proposals From Federal Interagency Working Group". Conklin's webpage commentary is entitled
"Factual vs. aspirational answers to the Census race (and gender) question(s) -- special focus on Native Hawaiians. Race statistics are badly skewed when researchers count mixed-race respondents solely as members of the race favored by respondent or researcher. The race question on Census surveys must be asked more precisely so that respondents do not answer aspirationally while news media and researchers assume they answered factually. Aspirational answers should be expected from mixed-race minorities who are politically active in asserting minority rights or demanding racial entitlements. Mixed race respondents should be asked to estimate percentage of each race in ancestry."

405: * New February 17, 2017: Kaniela Ing, Hawaii legislature committee chairman, unethically disappeared written testimony by Ken Conklin on two different bills to be heard on the same day. Apparently Conklin's appeal to the Speaker of the House forced Ing to make the testimony appear, but only the day after the hearing. The committee passed a bill with a major provision enacting a racial restriction on candidacy for a state office, that two federal courts ruled unconstitutional 17 years previously. Conklin's testimony would have informed the members of that fact, but they should have known anyway. Blame Ing for deceiving the members? Blame the members for being racists? Both!

404: ** New February 11, 2017: Hawaii Legislature 2017 -- Bills and Resolutions Related to Hawaiian Sovereignty. Text, testimony, and outcome.

403: **** New February 4, 2017: Republic of Hawaii -- letters of formal diplomatic recognition in 11 languages personally signed by Emperors, Kings, Queens, and Presidents of at least 19 nations on 4 continents sent to President Sanford B. Dole in Fall, 1894

402: *** New February 4, 2017: Native Hawaiians Study Commission majority report (U.S. Senate and House, 1980-1983)

401: *** New February 4, 2017: For Hawaiians Only. Webpages identifying and describing government funded racial entitlement programs providing benefits exclusively to Native Hawaiians using taxpayer dollars from the U.S. and State of Hawaii.

400: * New January 21, 2017: Is there a Treaty of Annexation between Hawaii and the United States? Dialogs between Williamson Chang and Ken Conklin

399: ** New January 20, 2017: Native Hawaiian victimhood -- malpractice in the gathering and statistical analysis of data allegedly showing disproportionate Native Hawaiian victimhood for disease and social dysfunction. How and why the Hawaiian grievance industry uses bogus statistics to scam government and philanthropic organizations, politicians, and public opinion.

398: ** New December 15, 2016: History of efforts to get official government recognition of ethnic Hawaiians as a political entity or Indian tribe -- a narrative summary covering 17 years 2000 through 2016, broken into two-year Congressional periods. Each "Congress" has a link to an index for that two year period, broken into sub-indexes in chronological order, linking to webpages providing full text of news reports, commentary, and lawsuits regarding the Akaka bill in Congress, stealth maneuvers by Senator Inouye, Obama Department of Interior regulatory process, Hawaii legislature bills and resolutions, etc.

397: ** New December 5, 2016: Three ways President Trump and Congressional Republicans can kill the Department of Interior Final Rule 43CFR50 (authorizing creation and federal recognition of a phony Hawaiian tribe) -- Celebrating the long-term help of the Heritage Foundation and U.S. Commission on Civil Rights in fighting creation of an apartheid regime in Hawaii.

396: ** New November 14, 2016: Repeal 43 CFR 50 -- Asking the Trump team, and members of the 115th Congress and their staffers, to repeal this executive order issued at the end of the Obama administration, which provides a pathway for a very small percentage of ethnic Hawaiians to rip apart the lands and people of Hawaii by creating a brand new Indian tribe and getting federal recognition for it.

394 and 395: *** These two webpages are being released as a pair, on May 1, 2016 in honor of the nationwide celebration of Law Day and the Hawaii celebration of Lei Day.
394. Hawaiian religious fascism. A twisted version of a beautiful creation legend provides the theological basis for a claim that ethnic Hawaiians are entitled to racial supremacy in the governance and cultural life of the Hawaiian islands.
395. The Aloha Spirit. How aloha for all, manifested in the twin pillars of unity and equality, can overcome Hawaiian religious fascism which is the theological basis for a claim to racial supremacy.

393 * New April 23, 2016: The Goebbels Award For Outstanding Use of Media for Propaganda Disguised As Fact -- awarded jointly to Director of Hawaiian Studies Dawn Kau'ilani Sang, Superintendent Kathryn Matayoshi, and the Hawaii Department of Education; for refusing to correct a scurrilous falsehood on their website and in their curriculum despite being provided with massive irrefutable proof that it is false.
Also on April 23, item #392 was significantly updated by adding correspondence from Ken Conklin directly informing Superintendent Matayoshi about the falsehoods, providing detailed, irrefutable proof and requesting correction of the offending webpage; plus Superintendent Matayoshi's letter refusing to make corrections; plus an email sent to all members of the Board of Education asking them to order Sang and Matayoshi to correct the falsehoods both on the webpage and in the school curriculum.

392 ** New March 16, 2016: Holding the State of Hawaii Department of Education accountable for propagating the lie that Hawaiian language was banned. Dawn Kau'ilani Sang, Director of the Office of Hawaiian Education, stonewalls and doesn't correct two-page webpage proclaiming that lie in three places, despite lengthy, detailed, irrefutable proof it is false. Full text of all communications, including news reporter and editor who cited the DOE webpage as authority for refusing to correct that falsehood in published newspaper article.

391 ** New February 7, 2016: Hawaii Legislature 2016 -- Bills and Resolutions Related to Hawaiian Sovereignty. Text, testimony, and outcome. This webpage will be continuously updated as new bills and resolutions are introduced, until the legislature's 2016 regular session ends in early May.

390 ** New January 5, 2016: Some important testimony against the U.S. Department of Interior proposed regulation for federal recognition of a phony Hawaiian tribe

389 ** New November 26, 2015: Department of Interior Notice of Proposed Rulemaking for federal recognition of a Hawaiian tribe -- Fall 2015 announcement, full text of proposed regulation, and how to submit comments

388 *** New November 26, 2015: Ken Conklin's 134 pages of testimony in opposition to the Department of Interior Notice of Proposed Rulemaking to give federal recognition to a Hawaiian tribe.

387. *** For 16 years this website has compiled indexes and full text, in chronological order, of all significant legislation, news reports and commentaries related to efforts to create a state-recognized ethnic Hawaiian tribe and efforts to get federal recognition through administrative rule changes, executive order, or Congressional legislation.
For the 114th Congress, 2015-2016, the history webpage is at
The months of October, November and December 2015 were especially active, including rulemaking by the U.S. Department of Interior to be prepared to recognize a Hawaiian tribe, an election of delegates to a race-based convention to create a governing document for a Hawaiian tribe, and a lawsuit by Grassroot Institute and Judicial Watch to block the election. The U.S. Supreme Court issued an injunction blocking the counting of votes or reporting of results of the election.
The subpage for October is at
The subpage for November is at
The subpage for December 2015 is at

386 * New May 2, 2015: Mauna Kea 2015: Sacred Place; Political Pawn; Profane Demagoguery; Recreational Activism

385 * New April 20, 2015: The latest nonsense from Keanu Sai (April 2015). Does an 1864 treaty between Switzerland and the Kingdom of Hawaii remain in force, and can it be used as a basis for charging a Swiss banker with war crimes for foreclosing on a mortgage in Hawaii?

384 ** New February 18, 2015 and updated until May: Hawaii Legislature 2015 -- Bills and Resolutions Related to Hawaiian Sovereignty. Text, testimony, and outcome.

383 ** New January 7, 2015: Book review of James L. Haley, CAPTIVE PARADISE: A history of Hawaii (New York: St. Martin's Press, 1st ed., November 2014)

382 * New October 26, 2014: Book review of Francis Boyle: "Restoring the Kingdom of Hawaii: The Kanaka Maoli Route to Independence" (Atlanta: Clarity Press, September 1, 2014)

381 * New September 27, 2014: Voter Recommendations for Hawaii General Election November 4, 2014; with special attention to Hawaiian sovereignty

380 *** New August 20, 2014: The 7 best testimonies against the Department of Interior proposal to create a Hawaiian tribe and give it federal recognition (the 60-day comment period ended yesterday). The DOI proposal is at
At least 2069 written comments were submitted. A large majority were opposed to the Department of Interior proposal. The following seven testimonies are especially valuable in opposition because they explicitly rely upon the fundamental principles of racial equality and the unity of all Hawaii's people under the undivided sovereignty of the State of Hawaii:
(1) Kenneth R. Conklin of the Center for Hawaiian Sovereignty Studies!documentDetail;D=DOI-2014-0002-0887
(2) Keli'i Akina, President, Grassroot Institute of Hawaii
(3) Hans A. von Spakovsky of The Heritage Foundation
(4) Paul M. Sullivan
(5) H.W. Burgess
(6) Sandra Puanani Burgess
(7) Jack Miller


379 ** New August 15, 2014: Testimony of Kenneth Conklin to Department of Interior opposing attempt to create Hawaiian tribe and give it federal recognition through administrative rule-making -- 14 sections totaling 100 pages, in pdf format

378 ** New August 15, 2014: Department of Interior attempt to create a Hawaiian tribe and give it federal recognition through administrative rule-making -- Federal Register Advance Notice of Proposed Rulemaking and how to find all submitted written testimony

377 * New August 1, 2014: 4 U.S. Senators letter to Secretary of Interior Sally Jewell objecting to administrative rulemaking to create a Hawaiian tribe; on official stationery with signatures.

376 * New June 22, 2014: Voter Recommendations for Hawaii Primary Election August 9, 2014

375 * New June 14, 2014: Why it's important to defeat Neil Abercrombie for a second term as Governor of Hawaii

374 * New May 27, 2014: Stop Appeasing Hawaii's Racial Separatists

373 ** New May 10, 2014: Building a Hawaiian tribe through actions of the state legislature: May 2014 progress report (Roll Commission failure to follow the requirements of enabling legislation Act 195; identity theft of 87,000 names from earlier racial registries; enrollment of minor children; legislative hearing as cheerleader rather than oversight enforcer; and more issues)

372 * New April 23, 2014: Honoring Hawaii's only President, Sanford B. Dole, on his 170th Birthday, April 23, 2014

371 * New March 13, 2014: Dialog -- Ian Lind vs. Mark Umi Perkins regarding whether it is proper to poke fun at pretenders to the non-existent Hawaiian throne, whether Hawaii remains an independent nation, and other arcane topics

370 * New February 26, 2014: A series of Hawaiian sovereignty public forums in 2014 -- A small group of independence activists uses deceptive advertising to make a one-sided propaganda circus seem to be an open and honest discussion, tells falsehoods about Hawaii history as though they are true, and allows no rebuttal.

369 ** New January 13, 2014: Why businesses, labor unions, and community groups in Hawaii should oppose state and/or federal recognition of a phony "Native Hawaiian" tribe -- letter to Hawaii Coalition Against Legalized Gambling, and commentary in Honolulu Star-Advertiser, as examples

368 ** New January 13, 2014: On January 10, 2014 a letter was sent to more than 150 leaders of Indian tribes on the U.S. mainland. The letter describes how federal recognition of a phony "Native Hawaiian" tribe would have bad consequences for the genuine tribes, and asks them to express opposition to executive action when speaking to officials in the Bureau of Indian Affairs, Department of Interior, and White House.

367 ** New December 15, 2013: The most effective way to get a gambling casino in Hawaii is to create a Hawaiian tribe and get it federally recognized by the Obama administration. But the genuine tribes on the mainland might help us stop that.

366 ** New November 7, 2013: Keanu Sai's Hawaiian history fantasies underlying his adventures with the International Criminal Court, the community of diplomats, and the Hawaii mortgage market. The alleged Liliuokalani Assignment, and the alleged Executive Agreement of Restoration

365 ** New October 31, 2013: The Lili'uokalani Cult -- A scary but true Halloween story. Hawaiian secessionists try to inspire winners for 21st Century battles by conjuring the ghosts of 19th Century losers.

364 * New October 24, 2013: My testimony on marriage equality, October 24, 2013

363 * New August 28, 2013: "I have a dream" -- for Hawaii, 50 years later (Recalling Martin Luther King's speech, and how his dream applies to Hawaii in 2013)

362 * New August 6, 2013: Some jurisdictional conflicts if a Native Hawaiian tribe gets federal recognition, as shown by actual mainland examples from the last week of July 2013

361 * New July 12, 2013: The trouble with the Kana'iolowalu racial registry

360 ** New June 12, 2013: Rebuttal to maiden speech by U.S. Senator Brian Schatz (D,HI) on June 11, 2013 pleading for federal recognition for a phony Akaka tribe

359 * New May 1, 2013: Can Akaka tribe be recognized by bureaucratic fiat? Issues raised in report by the Inspector General of the U.S. Department of Interior regarding arbitrary and capricious granting of recognition to the "Tejon Indian Tribe" in 2011 by Larry Echo Hawk, who was then Assistant Secretary for Indian Affairs.

358 * New March 28, 2013: Correcting some of the errors in Niklaus Schweizer's history of Prince Kuhio and the Royal Hawaiian Band. He portrayed Kuhio as 'a gallant Hawaiian prince' but did not mention that Kuhio fought in a war on the side of British colonialists in Africa, and tried to have Liliuokalani declared mentally incompetent so he could steal her land. Schweizer asserted that there was an executive agreement between U.S. President Cleveland and Queen Liliuokalani to restore the Hawaiian monarchy -- a gratuitous assertion that is false and also irrelevant to the history of Kuhio or the band.

357 ** New March 11, 2013: Racial entitlement bills in the 2013 Hawaii legislature (and how all the Republicans except Senator Slom and Representative McDermott are voting in lockstep with the Democrats)

356 ** New February 10, 2013: U.S. apology resolution 20th anniversary -- A resolution was introduced in the Hawaii legislature to commemorate the 20th anniversary of the U.S. apology resolution; and testimony was offered to the Hawaii legislature in the form of a substitute resolution explaining that the apology resolution is filled with falsehoods, has produced bad consequences, and should be repealed.

355 * New January 2, 2013: Minorities at University of Hawaii: Which ethnic groups are underrepresented in the student population? Which one is hugely overrepresented? Why does it matter?

354 * New December 30, 2012: Ethnic Hawaiians Disproportionately Incarcerated? Not!

353 * New December 16, 2012: "Defend Hawaii" T-shirts feature AR-15 assault rifles

352 * New November 11, 2012: Silver linings around the 2012 election clouds -- A few happy consequences for Hawaii conservatives flowing from the defeat of Republicans Lingle, Djou, Crowley, and Romney

351 * New October 7, 2012: Hawaii voter recommendations for 2012 to oppose racial separatism -- President, U.S. Senate, U.S. House (D1,D2), OHA trustees(5), state legislature. Extensive details about how aggressively Lingle and Djou have pushed the Akaka bill and racial entitlements.

350 *** New September16, 2012: Why the new Akaka bill is the worst one yet: bad for the people of Hawaii, bad for the genuine Indian tribes, bad for the entire U.S. It authorizes casinos in Hawaii and on the mainland; worsens racial balkanization in America by redefining "tribe" in the Constitution to mean "indigenous"; abandons protections for Hawaii's people that were in previous versions; grants federal recognition to a tribe not yet created.

349 * New September 4, 2012: Republican and Democrat 2012 national and state party platforms regarding the Akaka bill and Hawaiian racial entitlements

348 *** New August 29, 2012: Census 2010 Native Hawaiian data -- some political implications for the Akaka bill, Act 195 state recognized tribe, and the Hawaiian grievance industry racial victimhood allegations

347 * New August 19, 2012: Absentee voting: the negatives greatly outweigh the positives [not directly related to Hawaiian sovereignty]

346 * New August 14, 2012: Why it's important to defeat Lingle and Djou for U.S. Senate and House in November 2012

345 * New July 16, 2012: Akaka bill through the backdoor in Fall 2012 ?

344 ** New June 21, 2012: State of Hawaii enacts legislation in 2012 to transfer to OHA land in Kakaako valued at $200 Million. But is this land transfer legally permissible and morally righteous?

343 * Updated June 10, 2012: Abusive disparate treatment of ethnic Hawaiians by the judiciary and the criminal justice system? Rebuttal to a report by the Hawaiian grievance industry released September 28, 2010; 2-day legislative forum June 2012 with dueling media releases.

342 * New May 15, 2012: Forcing the name of a person or place to be Hawaiianized through transliteration of its sound following Hawaiian grammatical rules or conceptual translation of its meaning into Hawaiian vocabulary

341 * New April 24, 2012: Putting Haiku Valley, Kaneohe, Under Racial Control

340 ** New April 3, 2012: Book Review of William M. Morgan Ph.D., PACIFIC GIBRALTAR: U.S. - JAPANESE RIVALRY OVER THE ANNEXATION OF HAWAII, 1885-1898 (Annapolis: Naval Institute Press, 2011)

339 * New March 2, 2012: The Akaka Bill (what it is and why it is dangerous -- consolidated essay by Malia Hill, senior policy analyst for the Grassroot Institute of Hawaii, published in two parts by the Grassroot Institute of Hawaii in January and February, 2012)

** During January and February, 2012, Ken Conklin scanned and uploaded numerous scholarly articles he published from 1966 to 1985, adding them to a smaller collection previously uploaded. None of them discuss Hawaii or Hawaiian sovereignty, but they illustrate his spiritual and philosophical viewpoint.

338 ** New February 12, 2012: Kenneth R. Conklin -- Scholarly publications and teaching positions from 1962 through 1992, and description of some life experiences which influenced the growth of the spiritual and philosophical viewpoint running through his work. 43 publications are listed, including 32 available for download. Includes some details of his work during graduate school, and as a professor at three universities, and as a high school teacher.

337 ** Greatly improved February 12, 2012: A collection of 32 scholarly articles by Ken Conklin which were published from 1966 to 1985 are now available for download on this webpage.

336 * New December 26, 2011: Bringing Mainland Tribal Troubles to Hawaii: 13 news reports from mainland USA from October through December 2011 illustrating some of the troubles that will come to Hawaii if the Akaka bill passes or if a state-recognized tribe is established.

335 * New December 17, 2011: Hawaii public opinion about racial entitlements and the Akaka bill

334 ** New December 13, 2011: Corboy: Hawaii lawsuit against racial discrimination in property tax rates.

333 * New November 23, 2011: The politics of digitizing Hawaiian language newspapers (from 1834-1948)

332 * New October 30, 2011: New Akaka Bill Stealth Strategy is Actually Old. Inouye stealth maneuver of October 2011 is nearly identical to Inouye stealth maneuver of ten years ago (insert Akaka bill as a one-sentence rider deep inside a huge appropriations bill).

331 * New October 30, 2011: Hawaii News Media Reporting Falsehoods as Though They are Commonly Accepted Facts (Examples: Akaka bill stealth maneuver is normal procedure for tribal recognition; Liliuokalani was deposed by a group of Americans in a coup; others)

330 ** New October 12, 2011: "NATIVE OF OWHYHEE" FEATURE FILM ON 'OLELO TV. It's available now "on demand" to anyone throughout the world, and will be broadcast at least 4 times on TV in Honolulu. The film describes how Hawaiian natives at Yale invited the missionaries who came in 1820, and the cooperative blending of cultures which resulted.

329 * New September 18, 2011: First time on the internet, an academic article from 1980: Kenneth R. Conklin, "The Pedagogical Cultivation of Crisis as an Aid to Personal and Cultural Self-Realization," FOCUS ON LEARNING, VII, 2 (1980), pp. 7-18.

328 * New September 14, 2011: Ken Conklin Ph.D. vs. Keanu Sai Ph.D. -- Dialog regarding a theory that Hawaii Queen Liliuokalani and U.S. President Grover Cleveland had executive agreements, still binding today, which would require the U.S. to disgorge Hawaii and recognize its continuing sovereign independence

327 ** New September 11, 2011: Let's use the fiscal crisis to eliminate federal and state racial entitlement programs. Funding for shovel-ready jobs can come from scalpel-ready cuts.

326 ** New August 29, 2011: So-called executive agreements between Hawaii Queen Liliuokalani and U.S. President Grover Cleveland -- the new Hawaiian history scam by Keanu Sai

325 * New August 25, 2011: Presidential candidate Ron Paul appoints senior advisor with Hawaii expertise. Bruce Fein, expert on Constitutional and international law, strongly opposes Akaka bill.

In honor of the Statehood Day holiday August 19, 2011 the following three webpages are offered:

324 ** New: OHA is a state government agency despite its assertions to the contrary. It must disclose its income, budget, and expenditures. OHA, the new Act 195 state recognized tribe, and any future federally recognized Akaka tribe are government-created agencies and therefore must all comply with the 15th and 14th Amendments to the U.S. Constitution.

323 * Newly assembled dialog: Was there widespread, significant, organized opposition to Hawaii statehood by ethnic Hawaiians during the 1950s?

322 * Improved printable display: Governor Ben Cayetano's Statehood Day message on August 16, 2002 near the end of his final year in office expresses his appreciation for the diversity of our people, his strong support for unity and equality, and his pride that we are part of the United States.


321: * New August 12, 2011: Reducing the requirement for four years of social studies in Hawaii public schools

320: * New July 24, 2011: Racial set-asides of land, money, and political power -- how Act 195 will move Hawaii toward New Zealand and Fiji

319: * Updated July 24, 2011: Neighbors Living Under Different Laws -- Example of State Sex Offender Registry

318: * New July 12, 2011: Gearing up for the divorce -- Klub Kanaka greedily looks ahead to property division and alimony from the State of Hawaii (Hawaii House Committee on Hawaiian Affairs holds informational briefing for government departments to tell how they can help implement Act 195 creating a state-recognized tribe)

317: * New July 9, 2011: Professor William B. Allen, former Chairman of the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights, explains how Federal Indian Law violates the civil rights of tribal members

316: ** New June 10, 2011: History of modern Hawaii as taught in Hawaii schools

315: ** New May 18, 2011: Dr. Sun Yat-sen and his views about Hawaiian sovereignty

314: ** New May 4, 2011: Hawaii begins to create a state-recognized tribe. SB1520 passed the legislature on May 3, 2011. Why did they do it? What happens now?

313: * New April 1, 2011: HR258 and HCR293 in the Hawaii legislature of 2011 -- A resolution to rip the Treaty of Annexation out of the hand of President McKinley in his statue in front of McKinley High School

312: ** New March 22, 2011: HCR107 in the Hawaii legislature of 2011 -- A resolution establishing a joint legislative investigating committee to investigate the status of two executive agreements entered into in 1893 between United States President Grover Cleveland and Queen Liliuokalani of the Hawaiian Kingdom, called the Liliuokalani assignment and the agreement of restoration.

311: ** New March 4, 2011: S.66, the Native Hawaiian Health Care Improvement bill in the 112th Congress -- Reauthorizing an ineffective but socially dangerous pork-barrel waste of taxpayer dollars

310: * New January 24, 2011: Governor Abercrombie's scurrilous and unnecessary lie that an 1896 law made it illegal to teach IN Hawaiian language, or illegal to teach Hawaiian language itself

309: *** New January 19, 2011: Hawaiian Language as a Political Weapon

308: * New January 9, 2011: January 2011 new law in Arizona prohibits using public school ethnic studies courses to incite racial hatred and anti-Americanism. How a weekly Hawaiian-language newspaper column illustrates the need to bring this law to Hawaii.

307: ** New December 31, 2010: Using Hawaiian language as a political weapon by demanding that the names of places and streets must be Hawaiian -- historical background and 4 case studies: Thurston Ave.(Kamakaeha), Barbers Point (Kalaeloa), Dillingham Military Reservation (Kawaihapai), Fort Barrette Road (Kualakai).

306: * New December 24, 2010: How Christmas Came to Hawaii

305: * New December 22, 2010: The role of Alaska Native Corporations in pushing the Akaka bill

304: * New December 1, 2010: Akaka bill now being attached to "must-pass" legislation despite Akaka and Inouye previously deploring such a maneuver.

303: * New December 1, 2010: Principles for judging federal earmarks and local pork

302: * New November 22, 2010: Helping foreign diplomats understand the history of U.S. sovereignty in Hawaii and the legitimacy of the relationship between their nations and Hawaii. [Lawsuit against U.S. by a Hawaiian independence activist seeks to add foreign nations as defendants]

301: * New November 4, 2010: Can dead people vote in Hawaii? You betcha!

300: * New October 23, 2010: Empowering the blank votes

299: * New October 12, 2010: Hawaii Voter Recommendations for November 2010 regarding Governor, U.S. Senator, U.S. Congressional Districts 1 and 2, and Five Positions on the Board of Trustees of the Office of Hawaiian Affairs

298: ** New October 4, 2010: Abusive disparate treatment of ethnic Hawaiians by the judiciary and the criminal justice system? Rebuttal to a report by the Hawaiian grievance industry released September 28, 2010. Detailed analysis of scientific and political issues raised by the report.

297: ** New September 12, 2010: Opposing the Akaka bill -- lecture notes by Ken Conklin. Church of the Crossroads, Sunday September 12, 2010. Unity and Equality vs. Racial Separatism -- Why the Akaka bill is historically, legally, and morally wrong; with bad consequences for all Hawaii's people including those with native ancestry. and Grassroot Institute published a notice providing a link to the lecture notes and also providing 68 minutes of embedded video, at

296: * August 23, 2010: Violence and threats of violence to push demands for Hawaiian sovereignty -- past, present, and future (WEBPAGE UPDATED to include 2009 Southern Poverty Law Center report on anti-haole violence in Hawaii; and Hilo event last week where sovereignty activists disrupted public lecture by professor whose latest research raises the question whether sovereignty activists might become violent through the same process whereby local citizens of America and Spain have been radicalized to violence in the name of Islam).

295: * New August 16, 2010: Akaka bill maneuvers coming up from September through December 2010

294: * Updated for July 4, 2010: July 4 is a triple holiday for Hawaii -- 1776, 1894, 1960

293: * New June 27, 2010: Book review of "Ka Puuwai Hamama -- Volunteer Spirit" Numerous historical falsehoods are quoted and disproved. The author/publisher is urged to recall the book as a defective product poisonous to the souls of innocent readers.

292: ** New June 13, 2010: Treaty of Annexation between the Republic of Hawaii and the United States of America (1898). Full text of the treaty, and of the resolutions whereby the Republic of Hawaii legislature and the U.S. Congress ratified it. The politics surrounding the treaty, then and now.

291: * New June 11, 2010: Kamehameha Day 2010 -- What Kamehameha hath joined together, let not Akaka rip asunder

290: ** New June 1, 2010: How Hawaiian racial entitlements take away rights from private and government landowners in ways unique among the 50 states.

289: ** New May 15, 2010: Ethnic Hawaiian government officials have a severe conflict of interest regarding the Akaka bill. If the Akaka bill passes then no ethnic Hawaiian should represent the state or counties in deciding how to divide land and jurisdiction between the state and the tribe. Therefore no ethnic Hawaiian should be elected or appointed to high office this year or in any future year until the bill is abandoned, for fear the bill will pass.

288: ** New April 20, 2010: Honolulu City Council resolution proposed in April 2010 to support the Akaka bill, and detailed testimony against it, and a proposed substitute resolution opposing the Akaka bill

287: * Improved April 16, 2010: Webpage debunking the claim that Hawaiian language was illegal, has been improved with photos of a Kingdom banknote of 1879 almost entirely in English, Kingdom coin of 1883 entirely in English, and article by Thomas Sowell explaining why German became the dominant language in Eastern Europe and English became the dominant language in Scotland.

286: * New March 17, 2010: St. Patricks Day 2010: Honouring a Hawaiian King who declared it as his official birthday, and modern Irishmen who are leaders in the sport of surfing.

285: * New March 14, 2010: Avatar movie, white messiah syndrome, and Hawaiian sovereignty

284: *** New February 23, 2010: Tenth anniversary of U.S. Supreme Court decision in Rice v. Cayetano. The February 23, 2000 decision in Hawaii's most important civil rights lawsuit spurred a decade of additional civil rights lawsuits against government and private race-based programs, and prompted racial separatists to seek protection for those programs through the Hawaiian Government Reorganization bill (Akaka bill) now pending in Congress.

283: * New February 20, 2010: Pure Hawaiians, Impure Hawaiians, and Weeds -- Dialog between J. Arthur Rath III and Kenneth R. Conklin regarding the approaching extinction of Hawaiians with 100% native blood.

282: ** New February 17, 2010: The role of religion in Hawaiian history and sovereignty. How the ancient native Hawaiian religion is being revived to serve the political goal of establishing race-based sovereignty. How the native religion and Christian religion shaped culture and politics in the Kingdom of Hawaii. Compilation of selected webpages and books.

281: ** New December 19, 2009: Akaka bill passed both its committees in mid-December by means of stealth maneuvers. The Senate committee passed a radical and dangerous new version which is opposed by Hawaii's Governor and Attorney General. Links are provided to the text of House and Senate versions, important letters from Governor Lingle and two Hawaii race-based institutions, and news reports.

280: *** New December 15, 2009: Zogby poll of Hawaii citizens released December 15, 2009 shows majority oppose Akaka bill and want a referendum on the general election ballot before Congress considers it.

279: ** New December 13, 2009: Race on birth certificates in Hawaii in 2009! The State of Hawaii requires birth certificates to list the races of the mother and father (if he is known). The state government backed down, at least a little bit, only after a federal civil rights lawsuit was filed by parents demanding issuance of a race-free certificate. The liberal parents blasted the state policy in an internet essay, but later tried to erase the essay for fear it might damage social justice racial entitlement programs in Hawaii.

278: * New December 11, 2009: Akaka Bill Committee Actions for December 16 and December 17, 2009. Markup will be done. Significant changes possible. Committee votes seem likely

277: ** New November 20, 2009: Attorney Paul M. Sullivan's updated point-by-point analyses of the latest version of the Akaka bill (Hawaiian Government Reorganization bill), S.1011 and H.R.2314. Mr. Sullivan's 65-page monograph analyzing this bill, including cartoons by Daryl Cagle, is entitled "Killing Aloha" -- The 'Akaka Bill' is wrong for Native Hawaiians, wrong for the State of Hawai'i and wrong for the United States. Here's why."

276: * New November 9, 2009: People of Hawaii -- Tear down this wall! Disband the evil empire!

275: * New October 20, 2009: How the Obama Family Will Benefit from the Caucasian Government Reorganization Act of 2040

274: * New October 11, 2009: Saint Damien, the Leprosy Colony on Molokai, Hawaiian Sovereignty, and the Akaka Bill. Sovereign monarchs of the Hawaiian Kingdom badly abused the victims of leprosy. Today Damien, the patron saint of Native Hawaiians, would not be allowed to join the Akaka tribe.

273: New September 22, 2009: Not about Hawaiian sovereignty, but relevant to civil rights: Civil Union and Marriage. Marriage is the domain of religion. Civil union is the domain of government. Each should be managed separately. Most people will want and should have both. Whether people of the same gender should have a right to be married and/or to have a civil union is analyzed in detail.

272: * New September 20, 2009: Feds to Hawaii: We did the crime, now you do the time. Two unfunded federal mandates single out Hawaii: Micronesian healthcare and Akaka bill.

271: * New September 1, 2009: Anti-Caucasian Racial Hate Crimes in Hawaii -- Southern Poverty Law Center brings the issue to national awareness in a flawed but valuable Intelligence Report article.

270: * New August 31, 2009: Dialog: Would the Akaka bill be a win/win solution to reconcile ethnic Hawaiian grievances in a way that restores harmony among all Hawaii citizens, or would it be a zero sum game where ethnic Hawaiians take money, land, and political power at the expense of everyone else?

269: ** New August 28, 2009: U.S. Commission on Civil Rights letter to Congressional leaders blasting the Akaka bill: calling it unconstitutional, racially divisive, setting a bad precedent, and contrary to the multiracial polity of the Hawaiian Kingdom. On official stationery signed by Commissioners.

268: * New August 23, 2009: Hawaii golden jubilee (50th anniversary of statehood) included ripping the 50th star off the U.S. flag and burning it. Congress must not pass the Akaka bill because it would empower anti-American secessionists.

267: *** New August 16, 2009: Hawaii Statehood -- straightening out the history-twisters. A historical narrative defending the legitimacy of the revolution of 1893, the annexation of 1898, and the statehood vote of 1959.

266: * New August 4, 2009: Hawaii's Most Important Civil Rights Issues -- An attorney who is a member of the Hawaii State Advisory Committee to the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights publishes his recommendations to the Chairman and members of the USCCR identifying the most important civil rights issues in Hawaii in 2009 and looking forward.

265: Three of Conklin's old scholarly essays have now been made available: (a) "The Three-Year BA.: Boon or Bust?"; (b) "Using Determinants and Computers to Recognize Dependent and Inconsistent Linear Systems"; (c) "The Aesthetic Dimension of Education in the Abstract Disciplines" translated into Mandarin Chinese. These three are now included in "Kenneth R. Conklin, Ph.D. -- Scholarly Articles Published Before He Came Permanently To Hawaii" at
Also one new essay August 1, 2009 not about Hawaiian sovereignty: (d) "Abortion and Civil Rights" now included in "Recent Essays about topics not primarily focused on Hawaiian sovereignty" at

264. * New July 17, 2009: Dialogs with a racist -- Bringing to public awareness the explicit, enthusiastic, and unapologetic racism of Trisha Kehaulani Watson, a featured blogger on the public website of the largest circulation newspaper in Hawaii

263. * New July 8, 2009: Dialog: Is it possible to oppose the Akaka bill for unique reasons that do not attack the sovereignty of Indian tribes in general? The essay in item #262 is placed as a response to two essays from 2007 and 2009 published in Indian Country Today.

262. * New July 6, 2009: The Akaka bill can be rejected for reasons that do not attack the legitimacy of the genuine Indian tribes.

261. * New June 24, 2009: BOOK REVIEW OF Aran Alton Ardaiz, Hawaii -- The Fake State (A Manifesto and Expose of a Nation in Captivity). Hawaiian Islands, Truth Of God Ministry, 2008. [review includes a well-documented narrative of major events leading to statehood, to rebut the book's claims that the state is illegitimate]

260. * New June 12, 2009: Akaka Bill Hearing: Video and Written Testimony by Invited Witnesses in the U.S. House Committee on Natural Resources on June 11, 2009

259. * New June 11, 2009 (Kamehameha Day): What Kamehameha hath joined together, let not Akaka rip asunder

258. * New June 1, 2009: The Claim of Ethnic Superiority in Comprehension and Reasoning -- Sotomayor's assertion was mild compared with what passes for normal in Hawaii

257. * New May 11, 2009: Akaka Bill Shell Game, May 2009 -- 3 versions are now active in both the House and Senate, but which is the real one?

256. * New April 18, 2009: OHA takes leadership in bringing together Hawaiian secessionists and helping them with Hawaii government money.

255. * New April 14, 2009: The Crown Lands of Hawaii -- Book by Professor Jon Van Dyke, book review by attorney Paul M. Sullivan, and links to some related materials available on the internet.

254. * New April 12, 2009: Taxpayers Unite! Hold Hawaiian Sovereignty Tax Dodgers Accountable. (In honor of Tax Day 2009)

253. * New March 29, 2009: New version of Akaka bill introduced March 25, 2009 -- multiple layers of deception

252. * New March 25, 2009: Prince Jonah Kuhio Kalanianaole -- Just how princely was he? (Kuhio was absent from his nation for many years on an adventure trip during the crucial period in the late 1890s leading to annexation; and he filed a lawsuit in 1915 to have Liliuokalani declared mentally incompetent so he could steal her Waikiki lands she had set aside for her Childrens Trust)

251. * New March 25, 2009: JONAH KUHIO KALANIANAOLE v. LILIUOKALANI, Supreme Court of Hawaii, 23 Haw. 457; 1916.

250. ** New March 15, 2009: Open letter to President Obama regarding the Akaka bill (Hawaiian Government Reorganization bill)

249. * New February 22, 2009: Audios and videos opposing the Akaka bill A series of hard-hitting one-minute audio messages oppose the Akaka bill, accompanied by corresponding YouTube videos and transcripts.

248. ** New February 18, 2009: Akaka bill deja vu (Groundhog Day). The new Akaka bill introduced February 4, 2009 is identical to the one from 2000-2001. It strips away all protections inserted in multiple amendments since then. This webpage describes what many of those protections were and why they are important.

247. * New February 5, 2009: Kahana Valley Giveaway - Just More of the Same. (includes a reminder of recent giveaways of State of Hawaii lands to racially exclusionary institutions of the Evil Empire)

246. * New February 3, 2009: Ceded lands issues in the Hawaii Legislature, 2009

245. * New February 3, 2009: Legislation in Hawaii in 2009 to declare ethnic Hawaiians as an indigenous people

244. ** New January 20, 2009: Asian Settler Colonialism [Hawaii] -- book review. [whether Hawaii citizens of Asian ancestry have a duty to subordinate themselves to ethnic Hawaiians and help throw off the yoke of American colonialism.]

243. * New January 17, 2009: Office of Hawaiian Affairs -- Watching the Moves It Makes in 2009 to Expand the Evil Empire. Subpages include protest of Supreme Court ceded lands case; OHA demand for legislative moratorium on ceded land sales; OHA demand for "back rent" settlement; Akaka bill; other issues as they arise in 2009 including Waimea Valley, Waokele o Puna, etc. Links to coverage of evil Empire expansion in previous years.

242. * New January 14, 2009: Some important issues for the Hawaii Legislature in 2009. Stop the giveaway. Just say no.

241. ** New January 8, 2009: The Economic Impact of the Akaka Bill: Unintended Consequences for Hawaii (report of a major study by the Beacon Hill Institute, Dept. of Economics, Suffolk University, Boston, Mass.)

240. * New January 2, 2009: The Hawaii Annexation Resolution (1898) and the Hawaii Apology Resolution (1993) -- Do they have the force of law?

239. * New December 3, 2008: Hawaiian Sovereignty, Zionism, and Governor Lingle -- Lingle's main motive for supporting the Akaka bill, OHA, race-based entitlements, and Kamehameha Schools' racially exclusionary admissions policy is her strong support for Zionism and her belief that the Hawaiian sovereignty movement is comparable to the struggle to establish and maintain a Jewish nation of Israel.

238. * New November 23, 2008: Diplomatic, military, and economic threats to Hawaii security -- Foreign enemies of the U.S. are increasing their involvement in Pacific island affairs while local Hawaiian sovereignty activists are undermining the U.S. military and seeking international support for secession

237. * New November 19, 2008: Hawaiian Kingdom land scams make a big return in 2008 [FBI investigating mortgage scam involving issuance of Hawaiian Kingdom bonds.

236. * New November 5, 2008: Looking ahead to 2009 -- The Akaka bill and Hawaiian racial separatism in view of election results from November 4, 2008

235. * New October 14, 2008: Dialog: Leon Siu vs. Ken Conklin regarding the U.S. Supreme Court ceded lands lawsuit (and the significance of the apology resolution)

234. * New October 12, 2008: Iolani Palace and the Golden Jubilee of Hawaii Statehood. The Palace was the Capitol of the Republic of Hawaii (1894-1898), Territory of Hawaii (1898-1959), and State of Hawaii (1959-1968), where the transition to Statehood took place in 1959. But the state government is now prohibiting use of the Palace for jubilee celebration due to threats from secessionists and concerns for political correctness.

233. * New October 1, 2008: Selling the Ceded Lands -- The Hawaii Supreme Court ruled that the State cannot sell ceded lands without permission from ethnic Hawaiians; but the State appealed to the U.S. Supreme Court which agreed to decide the case.

232. * New September 11, 2008: Honolulu mayoral debate September 9, 2008 shows the power of OHA and the danger of the Akaka bill

231. * New September 6, 2008: Vicious Tita Threatens Palace Management, DLNR Chair Thielen, and the Public

230. * New August 18, 2008: Hawaii King Akahi Nui -- His coronation at Iolani Palace in 1998 and how he fits in with others claiming power

229. * New August 15, 2008: Proposed new rules for Iolani Palace and grounds -- testimony to DLNR offered by Ken Conklin in honor of Statehood Day, August 15, 2008

228. * New July 31, 2008: Kenneth R. Conklin, Ph.D. Who is Ken Conklin? What does he look like and sound like? What is his background? What does he believe in? Why did he come to Hawaii? Why does he pick on ethnic Hawaiians?

227. * New July 27, 2008: Obama vs. McCain on the Akaka Bill -- Words, Actions, Hypocrisy and Waffling

226. * New for July 4, 2008: July 4 double holiday for Hawaii -- 1776 and 1894 (including some internet links to important documents of the Republic of Hawaii)

225. * New June 23, 2008: Lies told on the U.S. Senate Floor by Senators Inouye and Dorgan Regarding the Akaka Bill

224. ** New May 13, 2008: The Aloha Spirit -- what it is, who possesses it, and why it is important

223. * New May 2, 2008: Insurrection (not mere protest) attempted at Iolani Palace on April 30, 2008, by so-called Hawaiian Kingdom Government

222. * New April 29, 2008: The Goebbels Award For Outstanding Use of Media for Propaganda Disguised As Fact -- Honolulu Star-Bulletin Wednesday April 23 2008, page 2 (The newspaper falsely stated that President Grover Cleveland signed a proclamation in 1894 that set April 30th as a day of prayer and remembrance for Queen Liliuokalani and the overthrown monarchy of Hawaii; and the newspaper refused to publish a correction despite being given proof of falsehood).

221. *** New April 9, 2008: INTERNATIONAL RECOGNITION OF THE REPUBLIC OF HAWAII -- Emperors, Kings, Queens, Princes, and Presidents of at least 19 foreign nations personally signed formal letters of diplomatic recognition de jure, received by the Republic of Hawaii between July 1894 and January 1895. Those letters are available in the state Archives. Photographs of them have been placed on a webpage. See
Historical significance and implications for statehood, Akaka bill, and ceded lands; are explained at
along with a detailed example of the Hawaiian sovereignty lie that such letters do not exist.
A 23-page booklet can be downloaded in pdf format suitable for printing (caution: 18 megabytes!). It includes a one-page montage of photographs of the documents for each of 20 nations plus the Queen's letter of abdication and oath of loyalty to the Republic. Click here:

220. * New April 7, 2008: Broken Rainbow: Hawaii's Racial Separatism Threatens America's Fundamental Principles

219. *** New April 5, 2008: KUROIWA v. LINGLE -- Lawsuit filed April 3, 2008 seeking to dismantle the Office of Hawaiian Affairs of the State of Hawaii. Legal documents, news reports, and commentaries.

218. * New April 1, 2008: April Fools Day 4-page flyer, poking fun at Hawaii Legislature for passing a resolution in 2007 which assumed that an April Fools joke from 1894 was actually true. The joke was sarcasm against President Grover Cleveland in the form of a fake proclamation by Cleveland calling for a national day of fasting, humiliation, and prayer in repentance for the U.S. role in overthrowing Liliuokalani.


216. * New March 17, 2008: Anti-American rhetoric by Obama's pastor is accepted as normal in Hawaii

215. * New February 17, 2008: Abdication document signed by ex-queen Liliuokalani, January 24, 1895 formally giving up the throne and swearing her allegiance to the Republic of Hawaii

214. * New February 17, 2008: Republic of Hawaii Constitution adopted July 4, 1894

213. ** Updated and greatly improved February 13, 2008: Office of Hawaiian Affairs -- Watching the Moves It Makes in 2008 to Expand the Evil Empire (acquiring huge parcels of land; building a headquarters for its tribal nation; considering purchase of a TV station; making a settlement with Governor Lingle on ceded land back rent; taking control of Haiku Valley; demanding racial control and royalties for bioprospecting on public and private lands, etc.). YEAR 2008

212. * New January 24, 2008: Bovine flatulence -- Zero Shibai blog Kau Inoa cartoons (Overthrow victim, Kau Manua, Cow Inoa) cause OHA chair Haunani Apoliona to have a cow.

211. * New January 22, 2008: Should race or religion be used as a basis for granting, prohibiting, or otherwise restricting access to certain public lands of the state of Hawaii? Testimony of Ken Conklin for the Halawa-Luluku Interpretive Development Project, January 22, 2008.

210. * Improved, updated, reorganized January 19, 2008: Office of Hawaiian Affairs -- Watching the Moves It Makes to Expand the Evil Empire (acquiring huge parcels of land, building a headquarters for the "nation", considering purchase of a TV station, etc.)

209. * New January 10, 2008: The Most Important Issue Facing the Hawaii Legislature for 2008 -- Testimony by Ken Conklin for the Kaneohe Town Meeting of January 10, 2008.

208. * New December 11, 2007: B.J. Penn, famous ultimate fighter, beats up a police officer and then OHA makes him the star of a Kau Inoa commercial glorifying violence and racism.

207. * New December 8, 2007: Malia Craver Kau Inoa TV/radio commercials late 2007 -- Hawaiian and English transcripts and commentary. Also a Dennis Kamakahi commercial. Ms. Craver uses her prestige and Hawaiian language to ask ethnic Hawaiians to sign up on a racial separatist registry despite her previous speech to the United Nations urging love, forgiveness, and inter-racial unity. In English she scolds Caucasians for coming to Hawaii in the 1800s and not helping ethnic Hawaiians (false), inferring that Hawaiians were not capable of managing their own affairs; even while she supports a program whose purpose is supposedly to foster self-reliance and self-determination.

206. ** New November 27, 2007: Hawaii Bioprospecting -- Hearings by the Temporary Advisory Committee on Bioprospecting (late 2007), and testimony by Ken Conklin

205. * New November 26, 2007: Hawaii State Senate Education Committee informational briefing on charter schools, November 29, 2007, including testimony by Ken Conklin

204: * Important update November 26, 2007: Day v. Apoliona: Lawsuit against OHA by native Hawaiians with high blood quantum gets resurrected by U.S. 9th Circuit Court of Appeals in August 2007. A motion to intervene was filed in November 2007 by a group of 6 plaintiffs with no Hawaiian native blood seeking to protect the rights of a million Hawaii citizens to share in the ceded lands trust.

203. * New November 15, 2007: OHA published a 67-page document suddenly on November 13, 2007 which tried to smear the Hawaii Advisory Committee to the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights just two days before a scheduled public meeting. The document also tried to twist history to support the Akaka bill and tried to discredit earlier testimony opposing the bill. Civil rights activists rushed to produce a rebuttal to the OHA document one day later.

202. *** New October 27, 2007: Rumble in the U.S. House: History of the Akaka bill H.R.505, October 18-31, 2007. Full text of floor debate from Congressional Record; and yeas and nays from House Clerk on 4 roll-call votes. Followup news reports and commentary.

201. ** New October 24, 2007: Akaka bill -- U.S. House of Representatives Republican Study Committee official statement of October 24, 2007

200. **** New October 22, 2007: Akaka bill -- President George W. Bush issued a formal statement on October 22, 2007 on official stationery strongly opposing the Akaka bill and saying that his senior advisors recommend he should veto it if it reaches his desk.

199. * New September 20, 2007: Gerald Horne: "The White Pacific -- U.S. Imperialism and Black Slavery in the South Seas after the Civil War." Analysis of the Hawaii-focused portions of this book.

198. ** New September 9, 2007: Akaka bill -- major testimony presented to the Hawaii Advisory Committee to the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights during August and September 2007

197. * New August 18, 2007: Hawaii Statehood Day August 17, 2007 -- Holiday hijacked by Hawaiian sovereignty activists for celebration of 125th anniversary of Iolani Palace; Zero celebration of Statehood

196. *** New August 17, 2007: Akaka bill -- Testimony of Ken Conklin submitted August 17, 2007 for a hearing by the Hawaii Advisory Committee to the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights

195. * New August 8, 2007: Lawsuit against OHA by native Hawaiians with high blood quantum. (Day v. Apoliona)

194. * New July 31, 2007: 37-minute interview of Ken Conklin is the first program placed on a new internet radio website. The website is still under construction, but the Conklin interview is fully activated.

193. * New July 25, 2007: OHA Racist Kau Inoa TV Commercials -- transcripts and analysis; plus background information about how the Kau Inoa program fits into strategy for the Akaka bill, and how much OHA has spent on lobbying

192. *** New July 20, 2007: Hawaiian Bones -- Rites For the Dead vs. Rights Of the Living

191. * New July 14, 2007: Hawaii Advisory Committee to U.S. Commission on Civil Rights -- New members appointed July 13, 2007; Its history of supporting racial supremacy 1996-2006

190. * New July 9, 2007: OHA Brand-Recognition Commercials -- Big Bucks for Self-Promotion by a Government Agency With an Evil Agenda

189. * New July 7, 2007: Tribal sovereignty helps vote-count fraud succeed in changing the outcome of federal, state, and local elections

188. * New June 12, 2007: Grassroot Institute of Hawaii -- A June 8, 2007 attempt by Kamehameha Schools and OHA, led by Hawaiian sovereignty secessionists, to intimidate GRIH

187. * New May 3, 2007: Akaka Bill Testimony Pro and Con, 110th Congress, May 2007 (plus access to 2000-2006 testimony and hundreds of major publications in opposition)

186. * New April 29, 2007: Testimony opposing S.310 (Akaka Bill) by Ken Conklin for May 3, 2007 hearing of the U.S. Senate Committee on Indian Affairs. Includes addendum responding to testimony of Hawaii Attorney General Bennett.

185. * Major Update April 8-28, 2007: Twisting History -- 2006 Reverend Kaleo Patterson knowingly uses fake Grover Cleveland proclamation from 1894, cites it as fact, and uses it as basis for a media blitz calling for a national day of prayer for restoration of Native Hawaiians and repentance for overthrow of monarchy. 2007 Patterson pushes resolution through Hawaii legislature citing joke proclamation as real.

184. * New March 14, 2007: "Setting Shapiro Straight on Statehood and Iolani Palace"

183. **** New March 3, 2007: "Hawaiian Apartheid -- Racial Separatism and Ethnic Nationalism in the Aloha State" (a new book by Kenneth R. Conklin, Ph.D. 302 pages. See cover, detailed table of contents, and entire Chapter 1, plus information on how to order the book; at

182. ** New March 3, 2007: "Killing Aloha" -- The 'Akaka Bill' is wrong for Native Hawaiians, wrong for the State of Hawai'i and wrong for the United States. Here's why. A section-by-section analysis of the bill (S.310/H.R.505 in the 110th Congress)" by Honolulu attorney Paul M. Sullivan

181. *** Major update March 2, 2007: "Kamehameha School Racially Exclusionary Admissions Policy, and Tax-Exempt Status" -- The U.S. Supreme Court has been asked to review the 8-7 en banc decision of the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals that upheld kamehameha's racially exclusionary admissions policy. See complete history of this case, plus news reports and commentaries.

180. * New February 24, 2007: Road Rage or Racial Hate Crime? (Thinking carefully about an actual incident of racial violence in February 2007, and how such violence can be used as a political tool to bolster demands for Hawaiian sovereignty)

179. ** New February 21, 2007: Violence and threats of violence to push demands for Hawaiian sovereignty -- past, present, and future

178. * New January 19, 2007: Akaka Warns: The Natives Are Restless (Schoolyard Bully Wants Your Lunch Money)

177. * New January 18, 2007: Akaka Bill and Ethnic Hawaiian Entitlements -- Dialog -- Jere Krischel vs. OHA Chair Haunani Apoliona and others, January 2007

176. * New January 17, 2007: Was Liliuokalani Really Like Martin Luther King and Mahatma Gandhi? What really happened in the 1893 overthrow of the Hawaiian monarchy?

175. * New November 18, 2006: How Thanksgiving Came to Hawaii

174. * New October 22, 2006: Nutgrass Network Conspiracy -- OHA trustees put forward a conspiracy theory to attack civil rights activists who dare to oppose their nutty, racist agenda

173. * New October 4, 2006: Unconquerable Rebel: Robert W. Wilcox and Hawaiian Politics, 1880-1903 by Ernest Andrade, Jr. -- notes taken by Ken Conklin on topics of importance regarding current Hawaiian sovereignty issues

172. * New September 30, 2006: Kenneth R. Conklin, Ph.D. -- Scholarly Articles Published Before He Came Permanently To Hawaii

171. * New September 4, 2006: Statehood Day and Queen's Birthday, 2006 -- Which Is More Appropriate To Celebrate At Iolani Palace (Or At All)?

170. ** New August 19, 2006: Hawaii Statehood Day 2006 -- Celebration at Old Territorial Capitol Building (Iolani Palace) Disrupted by Hawaiian Ethnic Nationalist Wannabe-Terrorists

169. * New August 8, 2006: Ethnic Hawaiian Institutional Establishment Attacks Ed Case as Anti-Hawaiian -- Opportunity for Case to Step Forward to Oppose Akaka Bill

168. * New July 8, 2006: Office of Hawaiian Affairs -- Watching the Moves It Makes to Expand the Evil Empire (acquiring huge parcels of land, building a headquarters for the "nation", considering purchase of a TV station, etc.)

167. * New June 30, 2006: Native Hawaiian Businesses Booming -- U.S. Census Bureau report issued June 2006 shows that Native Hawaiians (and other Pacific islanders) are creating new businesses at triple the rate of other ethnic groups (and they are doing so without federal recognition of an Akaka tribe).

166. ** New June 24, 2006: KKK -- Klub Kanaka -- Office of Hawaiian Affairs confidential memo of June 2006 outlining OHA plans for setting up Hawaiian apartheid regime following failure of the Akaka bill

165. * New June 17, 2006: Akaka/Inouye Plan B -- Upcoming Consolation Prize --The Hawaii Racial Entitlements Protection Act of 2006


164. **** New June 8, 2006:


Akaka bill yeas and nays for the cloture motion vote of June 8, 2006 (56 yea, 41 nay, 3 not voting) are displayed here:

News and commentary on the Akaka bill for all of 2005-2006:


163. ** New June 7, 2006: Bush Administration "Strongly Opposes Passage" of the Akaka Bill -- Department of Justice letter to U.S. Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist on June 7, 2006

162. * New June 6, 2006: Akaka Bill Endorsements by Ethnic Spokespersons

161. * New June 2, 2006: Akaka Bill -- OHA flier "The Time is Now" mass-mailed May-June 2006 -- Comments and Corrections

160. * New May 24, 2006: Akaka Bill Survey by Grassroot Institute of Hawaii released May 23, 2006

159. * New May 24, 2006: What Does the United States Owe to Native Hawaiians? Two reports commissioned by Congress (Morgan 1894 and NHSC 1983) contain the answers, which are directly applicable to the Akaka bill.

158. *** New May 5, 2006: U.S. Commission on Civil Rights -- Report Opposing the Akaka bill

157. * New May 5, 2006: Akaka Bill -- Roundup of Evidence Showing Most Hawaii People and Most Ethnic Hawaiians Oppose It

156. * New April 23, 2006: Twisting History -- Reverend Kaleo Patterson Cites 112 Year Old Joke as Fact And Launches Media Blitz -- National Day of Prayer set for April 30, 2006 to support ethnic Hawaiian economic and political causes, based on fake 1894 proclamation attributed to President Grover Cleveland

155. * New April 21, 2006: Native Hawaiian Well-Being Statistics -- Suggestions for Improving How Data Are Gathered and Analyzed to Make Them More Useful for Scientific Study and Remedial Programs

154. * New March 13, 2006: PROTECTING CIVIL RIGHTS IN HAWAI'I -- Testimony by Ken Conklin to the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights regarding the Hawaiian Government Reorganization bill, S.147 and H.R.309 (Akaka bill)

153. * New February 27, 2006: Iolani Palace Rockpile -- Religious Shrine Or Political Symbol? (Vandalism raises questions)

152. * New February 18, 2006: Akaka Bill Dialogs (collection of several series of published articles where supporters and opponents engage each other)

151. * New February 18, 2006: Akaka Bill Dialog -- Robert K. Fukuda vs. Oswald K. Stender, January to February 2006

150. *** New January 17, 2006: THE MORGAN REPORT -- OFFICIAL U.S. SENATE REPORT OF 1894 REGARDING THE OVERTHROW OF THE HAWAIIAN MONARCHY. 808 pages of historical documents and testimony under oath in open hearings under cross-examination. BLOWS A BIG HOLE IN THE TWISTED HISTORY IN THE APOLOGY RESOLUTION OF 1993 AND THE AKAKA BILL. Morgan Report website released to the public on January 17, 2006 in honor of the 113th anniversary of the Hawaiian revolution. Please visit

149. * New December 22, 2005: Forbes Cave Controversy (12/22/05) -- A Nexus of Religion, Politics, and Law

148. * New November 26, 2005: "Newsweek" 11-28-05 Reports Karl Rove Connection with Patton Boggs $400,000 Contract with OHA to Lobby for Akaka Bill

147. * New November 12, 2005: Current Status of the Akaka Bill, Mid-November 2005 -- Stealth Tactics Ahead?

146. * New October 30, 2005: Hawaii State Legislature Hearings on How to Circumvent Court Decisions Unfavorable to OHA and Kamehameha Schools, October 2005

145. * New October 14, 2005: Federal Recognition Denied to Two Indian Groups in Connecticut on October 12, 2005 -- Implications for the Akaka Bill

144. * New October 5, 2005: Akaka Bill Amendment Formally Introduced in Senate by Conservative Republican Senator Brownback of Kansas on September 28, 2005 (Why did media ignore this for a week? Why did Senator Akaka not yet officially introduce his own alleged revision of Akaka bill published on his Senate website 3 weeks previously accompanied by great publicity?)

143. * New September 27, 2005: Native Hawaiian Population To Double by 2050 -- Lilikala Says Use Population Bomb to Blow Up Current Non-Native Majority

142. * New September 25, 2005: Akaka Bill Controversy Draws Congressional Attention to Illegal "Native Hawaiian" Entitlements -- House Republican Study Committee Proposes Killing $40 Million Per Year

141. ** New September 14, 2005: Hawaiian victimhood claims -- what are they, why are they being asserted, and how can the bad statistics be explained?

140. * Updated and improved September 5, 2005: Stryker Brigade Lawsuit -- Ethnic Hawaiian Activists Use A Religious Legend To Claim Racial Supremacy in Political Power -- Long-Range Attempt to Push the Military (and the United States) Out of Hawai'i

139. * New August 31, 2005: Akaka Bill: Replacing Democracy and Individual Rights With "Indigenous" Communal (Group) Rights

138. * New August 31, 2005: Charles Reed Bishop, philanthropist who donated far more money to found Kamehameha School than the value of the land donated by his wife (Bernice Pauahi Bishop)

137. * New August 22, 2005: Hawaii Statehood Day 2005 -- No Celebration on Any Island, But An Anti-Statehood Attempted Rally on Maui

136. * New August 9, 2005: Anti-American Hawaiian activist protesters -- photos and links to explanatory webpages

135. * New August 7, 2005: Kamehameha 9th Circuit Decision: the "Big Picture" and Some Brush-Strokes (demolishing Hawai'i's wall of apartheid one brick at a time)

134. * New August 5, 2005: Map of Hawaiian islands showing some of the lands likely to be demanded by an Akaka tribe, where different laws would prevail and businesses might operate exempt from taxes and regulation.

133. ** New August 2, 2005: Kamehameha Schools 2005 -- 9th Circuit Court of Appeals Rules Against Racially Exclusionary Admissions Policy; Response from the Schools and the Community Note: Deeper background and analysis, including news coverage since year 2000, can be found at:

132. * New August 1, 2005: Neighbors Living Under Different Laws -- Example of State Sex Offender Registry

131. * New July 15, 2005: Akaka bill hearing before the U.S. House Judiciary Subcommittee on the Constitution, in Washington D.C., on Tuesday July 19, 2005. Audio tapes available for downoad.

130. * New July 15, 2005: Akaka Bill -- Three Important Articles Opposing It, Published July 15, 2005 Just Before Senate Consideration of the Bill -- Authors Bruce Fein, Ed Meese, Todd Gaziano, Brian McNicoll

129. * New July 14, 2005: The Hawaiian Grievance Industry -- Panhandling for Race-Based Handouts and Political Power

128. ** New July 13, 2005: Bush administration objections to Akaka bill -- complete letter on official stationery from Assistant Attorney General of the United States, William Moschella, to Chairman of the Senate Indian Affairs Committee, John McCain, identifying major objections to the Akaka bill
For related news coverage see "History of the Hawaiian Government Reorganization bill in the 109th Congress (January 2005 through December 2006)" (chronological order) at:

127. * New July 5, 2005: "Forced assimilation may hurt Hawaiians" -- major analysis of a typical combination of junk history and junk science fueling the Hawaiian grievance industry

126. * New July 5, 2005: Akaka Bill Scientific Survey Report July 5, 2005 -- 67% OPPOSED out of 1696 who responded when 10,000 were called -- 45% feel strongly enough to hold it against politicians who support this bill. (Survey expanded to all 290,000 Hawai'i households reported similar results July 15.)

125. * New July 4, 2005: 4th of July in Hawai'i 2005 -- Patriotism or What? (secessionist thrust of newspaper letters and editorials)

124. ** On June 22, 2005 the U.S. Senate Republican Policy Committee issued a 13-page report on the Akaka bill entitled: "S.147 Offends Basic American Values -- Why Congress Must Reject Race-Based Government for Native Hawaiians." The report, on official stationery, can be downloaded in pdf format here:

123. ** New June 21, 2005: Constitutional law expert Bruce Fein has published a booklet under the auspices of the Grassroot Hawai'i think-tank: "Hawaii Divided Against Itself Cannot Stand." Mr. Fein's essay is of special interest to scholars because of his analysis of the apology resolution of 1993 as well as the provisions of the Akaka bill. It can be downloaded in pdf format here:
Senator Kyl (R, AZ) obtained unanimous consent to print Mr. Fein's essay in the Congressional Record in three installments on three consecutive days: June 14, 15, and 16 of 2005. Each installment was introduced by brief remarks by Senator Kyl. The relevant portions of the Congressional Record are copied here:

122. * New June 18, 2005: Kamehameha vs. Akaka -- Kamehameha unified Hawai'i 200 years ago; Akaka bill's main purpose is to divide Hawai'i (includes history of Kamehameha Day holiday, newspaper advertisement comparing Kamehameha's unification of a multiracial Hawai'i against divisiveness of Akaka bill)

121. * New June 13, 2005: Akaka bill -- would it be a unifying force for Hawai'i if it passes? The Akaka bill -- building a bridge to the Nineteenth Century.

120. * New June 13, 2005: Ken Conklin -- Personal background and anecdotes showing why the Akaka bill would be harmful to the unity of Hawai'i

119. * New May 30, 2005: Ethnic Hawaiians Refusing to Sign Up on a Racial Registry -- Only 18,000 out of 400,000 ethnic Hawaiians signed up after 17 months of intense advertising and community outreach

118. * New May 30, 2005: Religious Expression by Government Officials -- Is Hawai'i Becoming a Theocracy (May, 2005)?

117. ** New May 24, 2005: Racism in the Hawaiian Sovereignty Movement (with special focus on anti-white racism)

116. * New May 23, 2005: Hawaii Legislature Informational Briefing Regarding the Akaka Bill by U.S. Senators Inouye and Akaka, and U.S. Representatives Abercrombie and Case, on March 31, 2005 (Hawaiian language, Christian prayer, Legislature's failure to perform due dilligence)

115. ** New April 16, 2005: The Akaka Bill And Secession: The Hawaiian Government Reorganization bill (Akaka bill) is seen by its supporters as a step toward total independence for all of Hawai'i

114. * New For April 15, 2005: April 15 Is Income Tax Day -- But Not For Everyone

113. * New March 24, 2005: Bruce Fein -- 3 published articles opposing Akaka bill inserted into Congressional Record by Senator Kyl on March 17, 2005 as Senator Kyl reaffirms his opposition to the bill

112. * New March 22, 2005: Documents submitted by Laakea Suganuma and the Royal Hawaiian Academy of Traditional Arts for the NAGPRA Review Committee hearing in Honolulu in March 2005 regarding the dispute over artifacts from Kawaihae Cave (Forbes Cave)

111. * New March 20, 2005: Akaka Bill Public Opinion Poll of March 2005; and Previous Scientific Surveys

110. * New March 20, 2005: Attorney Hayden Burgess, alias Poka Laenui, Hawaiian sovereignty independence activist, supports the Akaka bill as a way of getting federal money while continuing to seek Independence.

109. * New March 15, 2005: Testimony of Professor Rubellite Kawena Kinney Johnson (highly esteemed native Hawaiian kupuna) opposing S.147, Native Hawaiian Government Reorganization bill, delivered to U.S. Senate Committee on Indian Affairs for hearing on March 1, 2005

108. ** New February 28, 2005: Some Testimony in Opposition to the Native Hawaiian Government Reorganization bill in the 109th Congress (S.147 and H.R.309), including a roundup of testimony from previous years, and published articles opposing the bill

107 *** New February 1, 2005: AKAKA BILL: A series of new or updated webpages were created toward the end of January 2005. The Akaka bill was introduced in both the Senate and the House of the 109th Congress on January 25, 2005. The bill numbers are S.147 and H.R.309. Full text of the bill is available from links below, along with a history of the bill in the 109th Congress that will be continuously updated. Honolulu attorney Paul M. Sullivan has updated his 61-page point-by-point analysis of the Akaka bill, including cartoons by Daryl Cagle. Speeches were given by Senators Akaka and Inouye, and Representatives Abercrombie and Case; and entered into the Congressional Record. Those speeches contain numerous historical, legal, and moral errors, along with misleading rhetoric. Professor Conklin got his red pen out of its trophy case and went to work. Conklin also did some "thinking out of the box" in a separate essay by proposing some serious amendments to make the bill less awful (given its purpose of creating racial separatism). Here are the new or updated webpages.

Professor Conklin's Red-Pen Corrections and Comments on Speeches by Dan Akaka, Dan Inouye, Ed Case, and Neil Abercrombie When Introducing the Hawaiian Recognition Bill on January 25, 2005

The complete text of the most recent version of the Akaka bill can always be seen here

The history of the Akaka bill related to the current 109th Congress will be continuously updated in chronological order; scroll to the bottom of the webpage linked here, for the latest news

Why all America should oppose the Akaka bill: A 5-paragraph summary followed by extensive documentation of all the main points

Honolulu attorney Paul M. Sullivan has updated his 61-page point-by-point analysis of the Akaka bill, including cartoons by Daryl Cagle

Improving the Akaka Bill To Leave No Hawaiian Behind (proposing some serious amendments to make the bill less awful, consistent with its purpose of creating racial separatism)


106. * New January 14, 2005: Dr. Martin Luther King and Queen Lili'uokalani

105. * New January 3, 2005: Book Review: Noenoe Silva, "Aloha Betrayed: Native Hawaiian Resistance to American Colonialism"

104. * New December 21, 2004: Akaka bill "debate": Hawai'i Attorney General Mark Bennett vs. Burgess, Conklin, and Fein Re Constitutionality of Hawaiian Recognition Bill

103. * New December 1, 2004: Akaka bill "debate": The Washington Times newspaper, series of 3 articles focusing on issues of concern nationwide, written by constitutional law attorneys and activists pro and con

102. * New November 25, 2004: The word "'ohana" is only about 50 years old. The cultural concept it names has been cobbled together from ancient customs that varied widely from place to place. Today's concept was invented for political purposes. "'Ohana" is a buzzword, neither historically authentic nor descriptive of current practices.

101. * New October 11, 2004: John Philip "Pilipo" Souza -- state income tax evasion by a man with no Hawaiian native ancestry claiming to be a native-born subject of the still-living Kingdom of Hawai'i

100. * New October 7, 2004: The myth of the shredded Hawaiian flag -- a false claim that the Hawaiian flag removed from ‘Iolani Palace on annexation day August 12, 1898 was cut up into pieces distributed to the annexationists as souvenirs of their victory over the Hawaiian people

99. ** New October 4, 2004: Hawaiian Epistemology and Education -- A claim that anyone with a drop of Hawaiian native blood has genetically and culturally encoded unique ways of knowing and learning; and therefore ethnic Hawaiian children (and other ethnic minorities to a lesser degree) have special needs for uniquely tailored curriculum and instructional methods

98. * New October 3, 2004: Analysis of the terms "culture", "Native Hawaiian" and "oral history" -- Comments on NASA's Draft Environmental Impact Statement for the Outrigger Telescopes Project by Honolulu attorney Paul M. Sullivan

97. * New September 17, 2004: Mauna Ala (Royal Mausoleum) -- History, Mystery, Ghost Stories, and A Claim of Continuing Hawaiian Sovereign Territory

96. * New September 7, 2004: Red-Shirt Pro-Apartheid March of September 6, 2004 -- "Die Jugend Marschiert"

95. ** New September 4, 2004: "Polynesian" Voyaging -- Political Agenda, Ethnic Dominance, Cultural Authenticity, and Blood Nationalism. An extended book review of Ben Finney, "Sailing in the Wake of the Ancestors: Reviving Polynesian Voyaging." Is "Polynesian" voyaging really Polynesian? How does ancestral knowledge get transmitted to today's Hawaiians after centuries of being forgotten? Theories of racial memory, or deep culture. The importance of having ethnic Hawaiians as leaders and as a majority of crew members for perceptions of cultural authenticity. The role of Hokule'a as a logo or icon for an ethnic Hawaiian tribe or nation.

94. *** New August 21, 2004: Substantial upgrade of the Arakaki2 lawsuit webpage to include major briefs filed by plaintiffs and by defendants OHA, SCHHA, The United States, The State of Hawai'i and DHHL, and Hui Kako'o ‘Aina Ho'opulapula.

93. * New August 19, 2004: Stryker Brigade Lawsuit -- Ethnic Hawaiian Activists Use A Religious Legend To Claim Racial Supremacy in Political Power -- Long-Range Attempt to Push the Military (and the United States) Out of Hawai'i

92. ** New August 8, 2004: Hawai'i's Fifth Column: Anti-Americanism in the Hawaiian Sovereignty Movement

91. * New August 8, 2004: The Treason Question -- Would you help a foreign enemy of the United States by committing espionage or sabotage against the United States in return for that country recognizing Hawai'i as an independent nation and/or pressing the case for Hawaiian independence at the United Nations?

90. * New July 30, 2004: One America, One Hawai'i -- Democrat Vice Presidential Candidate John Edwards' Speech at the National Convention Complaining about Two Americas and Calling for Unity and Equality in One America -- Implications for Hawai'i

89. * New July 12, 2004: OHA and DHHL Cost to State of Hawai'i Treasury: $1 Billion to Date. Estimate for Next Ten Years: $2 Billion More at the Current Expenditure Rate. See Spreadsheets On This Webpage for Details.

88. ** New July 5, 2004: Indigenous Intellectual Property Rights -- The General Theory, and Why It Does Not Apply in Hawai'i

87. * New June 18, 2004: How President Dobelle Politicized the University of Hawai'i Regarding Hawaiian Sovereignty

86. * New June 7, 2004: Analogy of the Stolen House and its mutation, Analogy of the Stolen Car

85. * New June 6, 2004: Local Pride -- How It Is Different in Hawai'i From Elsewhere; How "Local People" Get to be "American Idols"; The Role of the Aloha Spirit in Local Pride

84. ** New May 8, 2004: Racial Supremacy Government Policies Worldwide, Compared To Hawaiian Sovereignty Proposals

83. ** New May 8, 2004: Fiji and Hawai'i Compared -- Racial Supremacy By Law in Fiji Resembles What Hawaiian Sovereignty Activists Are Seeking (both Akaka bill and independence proposals)

82. ** ARAKAKI #2 (ARAKAKI V. LINGLE) -- Phase 2: 9th Circuit Court of Appeals -- Legal Documents and News Events From February 2004 to Now

81. ** New April 27, 2004: Three Choices For Hawai'i's Future: Akaka Bill vs. Independence vs. Unity and Equality

80. * New April 4, 2004: Department of Education Breakup And OHA's Evil Agenda In Supporting It. Includes a subpage about the "weighted student formula."

79. * New March 30, 2004: Hawai'i Bioprospecting Bill -- The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly (a bill to regulate biological research on public lands is a trojan horse for Hawaiian racial supremacy in land use policy)

78. * New March 17, 2004: St. Patrick's Day was chosen by King Kauikeaouli Kamehameha III to be his "official birthday." But why was it that neither he nor anybody else knew his actual biological birthdate?

77. * New March 1, 2004: Haole Collective Guilt for Hawaiian Grievances and Pain -- Major essay book review of "Then There Were None" by Martha H. Noyes (based on Elizabeth Lindsey Buyers TV docudrama)

76. ** New February 14, 2004: Hawai'i's Great Statehood Petition of 1954 -- 120,000 Signatures Gathered in 2 Weeks On a Petition for Statehood for Hawai'i

75. * New February 1, 2004: Native Hawaiian Bank -- How Bumpy Kanahele and Activists Seeking Reparations for Slavery are Blackmailing Bank of America as it Seeks to Merge With FleetBoston

74. * New January 28, 2004: Akaka bill, Alaska Oil money, Native Alaskan Corporations, Council for Native Hawaiian Advancement, Drilling in the Alaska National Wildlife Refuge, Gambling Casinos, and Alaska Senator Ted Stevens -- How They're All Related

73. * New January 26, 2004: U.S. Office of Native Hawaiian Relations Established. The method whereby it was created shows a new strategy of breaking up the Akaka bill and passing individual pieces of it by hiding the pieces deep inside huge must-pass bills on unrelated topics.

72. ** Updated January 15, 2004: Arakaki #2 lawsuit to abolish OHA and DHHL as unconstitutional: webpage updated with summary and newspaper articles following the dismissal of the case. The dismissal will be appealed to the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals in San Francisco.

71. ** New January 12, 2004: WHY ALL AMERICA SHOULD OPPOSE S.344 AND H.R.665, THE HAWAIIAN RECOGNITION BILL. A short summary of the most important arguments against the bill for year 2004, and a lengthy set of "footnotes" leading to webpages explaining those points.

70. ** Substantially improved January 12, 2004: MAUNA KEA -- How the telescope campus serves the spiritual essence of this sacred place. A Hawaiian creation story, and the legends of the gods, help us understand why the best telescopes in the world should be welcome here. OHA lawsuit against NASA forces hearings in January 2004 for an environmental impact statement. News reports and testimony.

69. * New January 7, 2004: Should Judge Sandra Simms Be Retained in Office for Another 10 Years? Speak Out Now Or For 10 Years Hold Your Nose

68. * New December 28, 2003: "Kahana: How the Land Was Lost" by Robert H. Stauffer. Essay length book review. Stauffer says the usual myths are not true that haoles stole Hawaiian lands immediately after the Mahele through Hawaiian ignorance. However, he develops a new conspiracy theory to explain how Hawaiians lost their land to haoles, and he pushes the profound idea (true by definition) that if there were a law making native land unalienable then Hawaiians would not have lost their land. Well, duh!

67. ** New November 26, 2003: Sanford Ballard Dole -- Elected Legislator and Appointed Supreme Court Justice of the Kingdom of Hawai'i; President of the Provisional Government and of the Republic of Hawai'i; Governor of the Territory of Hawai'i, and Presiding Judge of the U.S. District Court for the Territory of Hawai'i

66. * New November 18, 2003: Red-Shirt Pro-Apartheid March of November 2003 -- A Clear Attempt to Intimidate Federal Judges and the General Public

65. * New November 3, 2003: Whose Land Is It? Hawaiian Spirituality, Kingdom Law, and Modern Law All Support Racial Equality

64. * New October 30, 2003: Red-Shirt Pro-Apartheid March of September 2003 and Follow-Up Newspaper Articles

63. * New October 23, 2003: Full-Page Advertisement in Honolulu Advertiser October 23, 2003 Asking President Bush to Oppose the Akaka Bill (And Published Articles Regarding Governor Linda Lingle's Lobbying of President Bush During His Visit)


61. * New October 15, 2003: Noenoe Silva Tenure Decision by the Political Science Department at the University of Hawai'i, Manoa, Fall 2003

60. * New October 6, 2003: Senator Kyl -- complete text of his letter to voters explaining his reasons for opposing the Akaka bill (also includes links to the Sensenbrenner and Craig letters from 2001)

59. * New October 1, 2003: Playing Favorites -- Da Punahele Race

58. ** New September 23, 2003: Native Hawaiian Opposition to the Native Hawaiian Recognition Bill

57. *** New September 3, 2003: Hawaiian Nationalism, Chicano Nationalism, Black Nationalism, Indian Tribes, and Reparations - Akaka Bill Sets a Precedent for Balkanizing and Dismembering America

56. * New August 30, 2003: The Forbes Cave Artifacts Controversy: The official findings and recommendations of the NAGPRA National Review Committee from the May 9-11 meeting in St. Paul, MN.; released August 20, 2003:

55. ** New August 15, 2003: The Business Community in Relation to Hawaiian Sovereignty -- What Effects Has the Sovereignty Movement Already Had on Hawai'i Businesses? What Effect Would The Akaka Bill Have On Business? How Hawaiians-Only Programs Are Big Business and How They Lobby for the Akaka Bill. What Marketing Strategies is OHA Using to Sell the Bill?

54. * New August 11, 2003: The Sovereignty Biz -- OHA's Marketing of the Akaka Bill through Lobbying and Advertising

53. ** New August 10, 2003: If the Akaka bill passes, it would have disastrous effects on local businesses and local communities. Some of those effects are described here.

52. ** New August 10, 2003: If the Akaka bill passes, it will severely damage the democratic and constitutional rights of ethnic Hawaiians, both those who join the tribe and those who do not.

51. ** New July 29, 2003: Henry Opukaha'ia (Obookiah) -- Native Hawaiian Travels to New England in 1809, Converts to Christianity, and Persuades Yale Divinity Students to Come to Hawai'i as Missionaries in 1820 to Rescue His People From Their Heathen Beliefs and Lifestyle

50. * New July 2, 2003: The student body at the University of Hawai'i has a significantly higher percentage of ethnic Hawaiians than would be expected by their proportion of the state's population, while Caucasians and ethnic Chinese are significantly under-represented minorities. Therefore, race-based tuition-waivers and affirmative action recruitment to promote diversity at UH would be far more appropriate for Caucasians and ethnic Chinese than for ethnic Hawaiians.

49. * New June 25, 2003: PATRICK W. HANIFIN 1955 - 2003 -- His Work On Behalf of Unity and Equality in Hawai'i

48. *** New June 2, 2003: The Native Hawaiian Recognition bill (aka Akaka bill) is pork barrel ethnic politics at its worst. The primary purpose of the bill is to protect racial entitlement programs which otherwise will be ruled unconstitutional by the courts. Hawai'i's political power structure, and wealthy ethnic Hawaiian institutions, are willing to splinter Hawai'i's rainbow because of greed for money, land, and power.

47. ** New June 2, 2003: The "Perfect Title" scam. How Keanu Sai disrupted the land title and mortgage banking system for more than a year; how he established himself as Regent pro-tem of the Hawaiian Kingdom and made big bucks doing title searches and filing warranty deeds at the Bureau of Conveyances

46. *** New April 28, 2003: NAGPRA (Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act) as applied to Hawai'i -- Mokapu, Honokahua, Bishop Museum Ka'ai; Providence Museum Spear Rest; Forbes Cave Artifacts; the Hui Malama organization. FEDERAL INVESTIGATION OF THE FORBES CAVE ARTIFACTS CONTROVERSY AT MEETING OF NAGPRA REVIEW COMMITTEE IN ST. PAUL MINNESOTA MAY 9-11.

45. * New April 6, 2003: Connecticut Senators Dodd and Lieberman, and Attorney General Blumenthal, oppose having more (phony) tribes recognized. Blumenthal's letter to Senator Inouye describes the bad consequences of tribal recognitions for states and local communities. Hawai'i Legislators should listen to the voices of experience. Connecticut newspaper article exposes nepotism between important Inouye advisor (Zell) and attorney representing a tribe seeking recognition.

44. ** Updated March 15, 2003: Hawai'I Statehood -- History and Current Problems. The Statehood Day Celebration resolution for 2003 has now been introduced in the Legislature. This webpage puts the resolution into the context of the current struggle to defend Hawai'i's status as the 50th State of the United States.

43. *** New February 12, 2003: A general analysis of how affirmative action leads to racial entitlements followed by balkanization and demands for independent sovereignty. Hawai'i is a case study where racial entitlement programs have created an extreme form of identity politics leading to balkanization and demands for a race-based separate government (Native Hawaiian Recognition bill)

42. ** New February 12, 2003: Hawaiian Racial Entitlement and Sovereignty Legislation, State of Hawai'i Legislature, Regular Session of 2003. An assemblage of bills and resolutions to give big bucks to OHA, to re-define the ceded lands and their revenues, to establish an apartheid school system, to support the Akaka bill, etc.; and testimony in opposition by H. William Burgess, Kenneth R. Conklin, and Paul M. Sullivan

41. ** New February 12, 2003: There are more than 160 racially exclusionary government entitlement programs benefitting only ethnic Hawaiians, in addition to private programs. These programs are valued in the Billions of dollars. The purpose of the Native Hawaiian Recognition bill is to protect these programs against court challenges that they are unconstitutional. HERE IS A LIST OF A GREAT MANY OF THESE RACIAL ENTITLEMENT PROGRAMS, WITH DOLLAR VALUES FOR SOME OF THEM.

40. * New February 12, 2003: Ethnic Hawaiians and Non-Hawaiians Rank Priorities Similarly -- Education, Health, Housing, Environment Are Far More Important Than Native Hawaiian Rights, Racial Entitlements, and Ethnic Hawaiian Nationhood.

39. *** New January 27, 2003: The main reasons offered in support of the Native Hawaiian Recognition bill are either false or irrelevant. The bill's primary focus is racial separatism. The purpose is to protect racial entitlement programs from legal challenges, and to establish a separate apartheid government inside the State of Hawai'i restricted to ethnic Hawaiians. Supporters of the bill say it is not about race -- they say its purpose is to protect indigenous rights, self-determination, and cultural preservation; but careful study shows that is false. Claims about illegal overthrow of the monarchy, illegal annexation, and the apology bill raise the specter of secession but are not relevant to support a bill for establishment of tribal status for ethnic Hawaiians as a political entity inside the United States.

38. *** New January 21, 2003: An on-line petition opposing the Native Hawaiian Recognition bill was created. Ethnic Hawaiians and non-Hawaiians are signing this petition. We want to protect unity and equality. We love each other and we love America. We do not want a race-based separate government inside Hawai'i nor secession from America. Please help protect Hawai'i from being carved up along racial lines. Please sign the petition, and ask others to do so. Go to:

37. ** Updated January 1, 2003: The Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals in San Francisco on December 31, 2002 unanimously upheld the September 2000 decision by Judge Gillmor of the Honolulu District Court in Arakaki vs. State of Hawai'i (Arakaki#1) that it is unconstitutional for the State of Hawai'i to require that candidates for trustee of the Office of Hawaiian Affairs must be racially Hawaiian.


***** New December 21, 2002: A group of four new pages has been added, all related to the ceded lands issue which will be extremely important in the 2003 Legislature.

36. ***** Ceded Lands Belong to All the People of Hawai'i; There Should Be No Racial Allocation of Ceded Lands or Their Revenues. Extensive analysis of the origins of the ceded lands in the government and crown lands of the Mahele (1848), Annexation (1898), and Statehood Act (1959). Detailed explanation why there is no historical, legal, or moral basis for racial claims to ceded lands or their revenues. A shorter, simplified version is provided in an open letter to the Legislature (see below).

35. **** Thurston Twigg-Smith, "Hawaiian Sovereignty: Do the Facts Matter?" (Honolulu, HI: Goodale Publishing, 1998). Chapter 9: Land is Key. Mr. Twigg-Smith graciously allowed this chapter of his book to be reproduced here, because it is helpful to an understanding of the ceded lands issue. Interesting reading for historians and the general public.

34. *** Bellows Air Force Station -- 1995 Environmental Impact Statement considers and rejects typical sovereignty activists' claims that ethnic Hawaiians have a racial right to own the ceded lands or to determine public policy for the use of ceded lands.

** Ceded Lands -- Open Letter to Hawai'i Legislature for January 2003 urging that no ceded land revenues should be sent to OHA. This letter is a shortened, simplified version of the extensive analysis provided in the ceded lands webpage.


33. **** New November 25, 2002: Core Attitudes of Hawaiian Sovereignty Movement -- Racial Separatism, Ethnic Nationalism, Anti-Americanism, Racial Supremacy

32. * New November 25, 2002: Professor Haunani-Kay Trask: Some Speeches and Writings Illustrating the Anti-American and Anti-White Attitudes of the Hawaiian Sovereignty Movement

* New October 27, 2002: Text and analysis of speech by Professor Haunani-Kay Trask at 'Iolani Palace, showing racial demagoguery on the issue of mandatory lease-to-fee conversion (Honolulu City Council bill #53)

31. ** New October 21, 2002: Text and Analysis of Bush Administration Actions and Statements on Native Hawaiian Recognition Bill: December 6, 2001 Dept. of Interior Markup of S.746; September 6, 2002 statement by Secretary of Interior Gail Norton

30. *** New October 11, 2002: University of Hawai'i and Hawaiian Sovereignty -- A Case Study in Political Correctness Run Amok. This is a story of academic freedom trampled: intimidation against offering a "politically incorrect" course; past and present threats of violence against "politically incorrect" professors, staffers, and students; a public university harnessed by its recently hired President Dobelle to serve political goals of racial separatism and ethnic nationalism.

29. Substantially improved August 17, 2002: HAWAI'I STATEHOOD. On August 16, 2002 Governor Cayetano issued a formal statement affirming Hawai'i's pride in being the 50th state, and the enduring commitment of our people to unity, equality, and aloha for all. The Governor's statement can be seen here, together with a lengthy list of the positive steps toward Hawai'i Statehood spanning 110 years, from 1849-1959. See also two competing resolutions in the Legislature of 2002, one pro-Statehood and one anti-Statehood.

28. New August 15, 2002: Was Hawaiian language ever illegal in Hawai'i? Was Hawaiian language illegal in the schools? The truth about this malicious claim.


26. * New August 6, 2002: Andy Anderson, candidate for Democrat nomination for Governor, has a lengthy and very controversial position paper on Hawaiian sovereignty which he has circulated among the activists but has not posted on his website. His position paper is posted here for public scrutiny, and criticized.

25. * Substantially improved July 12, 2002: Kamehameha School Racially Exclusionary Admissions Policy, and Tax-Exempt Status, in View of Rice v. Cayetano. Now includes a new page about the school's decision on July 11 to admit one teenager who has no ethnic Hawaiian blood. Is the school actually going to desegregate? What is the reaction among Hawaiian racial separatists?

24. * New July 7, 2002: THE HONOR ROLL: Senators Still In the U.S. Senate Who Voted "No" On the Apology Bill in 1993. They should easily understand why S.746 Native Hawaiian Recognition bill must be defeated.

23. * New July 4, 2002: Anti-American 4th of July Hawaiian Sovereignty Rally at 'Iolani Palace, July 4, 2002

22. ** New July 2, 2002: The Progeny of Rice v. Cayetano: A Panel Discussion at University of Hawai'i Law School, And The Journal Articles It Spawned (Discussing The Lawsuits Following After and Based Upon Rice v. Cayetano)

21. * New July 1, 2002: Pride and Prejudice -- What It Means To Be Proud of a Person, Group, Nation, or Race; Racial Profiling, Racial Prejudice, and Racial Supremacy

20. ** Upgraded and Expanded May 27, 2002 ** SOVEREIGNTY FRAUD -- "Legal" Proceedings and "Community Service" Projects that Have the Appearance of Legitimacy but are Merely Propaganda Ploys or Sovereignty-Front Organizations: The Hague Arbitration; The Ahupua'a Restoration Council of He'eia; Income Tax Evasion; Hawaiian Kingdom Treasury Bonds; OHA, DHHL, and the Akaka Bill. People aware of other frauds invited to contribute information (especially the "Perfect Title" fraud)

19. ** Greatly improved and expanded April 8, 2002: Makua military training vs. Hawaiian Sovereignty: Using environmental concerns and cultural preservation as ploys to force the U.S. military out of Makua and eventually to force the U.S. out of Hawai'i (testimony submitted to scoping hearings for Makua live fire training environmental impact statement)

18. ** New March 11, 2002: MAUNA KEA -- How the telescope campus serves the spiritual essence of this sacred place. A Hawaiian creation story, and the legends of the gods, help us understand why the best telescopes in the world should be welcome here.

17. * New March 11, 2002: Aloha For All -- Political Activity in the Legislature and in State Regulatory Agencies, Year 2002. A resolution introduced, testimony opposing 3 OHA bills and 1 education bill, DLNR testimony regarding a NASA telescope project on Mauna Kea.

16. **** New March 5, 2002: ARAKAKI V. CAYETANO -- also known informally as ARAKAKI #2 -- A multiethnic group of 16 Hawai'i citizens file suit March 4, 2002 challenging the Constitutionality of both the Office of Hawaiian Affairs and the Hawaiian Homes Commission Act. This large webpage includes a press release, timeline of the ceded lands dispute, and major legal documents filed in the Arakaki #2 lawsuit.

15. *** NEW FEBRUARY 2, 2002: PUBLIC EDUCATION FOR ETHNIC NATION-BUILDING IN HAWAI'I: Hawaiian language immersion schools; Hawaiian culture charter schools; a proposed law to create a separate public school system explicitly controlled by racially-defined Native Hawaiians; all these things placed in context of the purpose of education, public schools vs. private schools, voucher systems, the charter school movement, and the history of education in Hawai'i.

14. ** NEW JANUARY 27, 2002: HAWAI'I STATEHOOD: The History of the Struggle to Achieve Statehood, and Current Challenges

13. ** NEW JANUARY 13, 2002: Happy holidays -- not so happy anymore! Ethnic cleansing of historical holidays from the multiracial Hawaiian Kingdom, and hijacking of American holidays for ethnic Hawaiian purposes

12. *** NEW JANUARY 1, 2002: Nepotism, Sole-Source Contracting, and Corruption -- How OHA, Hawaiian Homelands, and Kamehameha School/Bishop Estate Make Rich Hawaiians Even Richer at Everyone Else's Expense, and how this is related to the new Native Hawaiian Recognition bill S.1783

11. *** NEW DECEMBER 16, 2001: ***** S.1783: NEW VERSION OF NATIVE HAWAIIAN RECOGNITION BILL INTRODUCED DECEMBER 7, 2001: Complete text of new bill S.1783; analysis of differences between former S.746 and new S.1783; Dishonorable stealth strategy that tried and failed to hide former version S.746 deep inside a huge appropriations bill, including rebukes from Senators and their staffers.

10. *** NEW OCTOBER 10, 2001 *** HAWAIIANS AS MASCOTS: Why Hawai'i's People Tolerate and Seemingly Support Racial Separatism and Ethnic Nationalism

9. ** NEW SEPTEMBER 24, 2001 OHA v. State of Hawai'i -- Hawai'i Supreme Court Decides the Ceded Lands Case

8. ** NEW AUGUST 29, 2001 For Media and the Public: Up-to-Date, Basic, Quick Information About The Native Hawaiian Recognition Bill, H.R.617 and S.746 including a spreadsheet showing how many of America's 400,000 "Native Hawaiians" live in each state.

7. ** NEW August 11, 2001 ** The Ceded Lands Case: Money Intended for Education Goes to OHA. Article by H. William Burgess and Sandra Puanani Burgess, HAWAII BAR JOURNAL (July, 2001), pp. 9-15

6. ** NEW July 31, 2001: ** Ka La Ho'iho'i Ea: Sovereignty Restoration Day. The Rev. Dr. Gerrit Judd was a patriot of the Hawaiian Kingdom and a hero in restoring sovereignty to the Kingdom on July 31, 1843. But today's sovereignty activists ignore him when they commemorate this holiday, because he was not kanaka maoli.

5. ** NEW July 31, 2001: ** Makua military training vs. Hawaiian Sovereignty: Using environmental concerns and cultural preservation as ploys to force the U.S. military out of Makua and eventually to force the U.S. out of Hawai'i

4. *** NEW June 4, 2001 **: Attorney Paul M. Sullivan's new point-by-point analysis of the latest version of the Native Hawaiian Recognition bill (Akaka bill) H.R.617 and S.746, along with his earlier analysis of the previous version S.81.

3. ** NEW May 2, 2001 ** SOVEREIGNTY FRAUD -- "Legal" Proceedings and "Community Service" Projects that Have the Appearance of Legitimacy but are Merely Propaganda Ploys or Sovereignty-Front Organizations: (1) The Hague Arbitration; (2) The Ahupua'a Restoration Council of He'eia; (3) People aware of other frauds invited to contribute information (especially the "Perfect Title" fraud)

2. *** Important addition from April 2001 -- Legal briefs in the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals regarding the Arakaki case (all citizens of Hawai'i regardless of race can now be candidates for Trustee of the Office of Hawaiian Affairs)

1. ** Important addition from March 2001 -- Open letter to Congress and to the People of Hawai'i: From the Na'au: A Defense of Equality, Unity, Brotherhood, and Aloha for All. Responses to a series of newspaper articles by sovereignty activist Alani Apio

(c) Copyright 2001-2025 Kenneth R. Conklin, Ph.D. All rights reserved

