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  want to add a link, win my award, or be my sponsor? (PKA isn't accepting sponsors at this time...) Well, read the right section and e-mail PKA the right information. 


     If you want to add a link to PKA's link page that will soon be posted. Please e-mail PKA your site name, URL, and button or banner...if you have one. Sites must have at least 10 hits a day...or more. It also can not have links to and rated R sites. Also one more important has to be Pokèmon or Pokèmon related.  You must put my banner or button on your site after you've made it into the links list. Choose from any four of the below. More choices coming soon. If you don't want to be listed and are very kind and feel like just linking to my page, feel free to. These banners/buttons are all in gif format and animate. I will post non-animated ones later. If they don't animate on your browser...choose the non-animated ones. Your site will be listed within two weeks. If not listed yet, submit your site URL, site name, and button/banner information again to PKA.




     When you put the "animated" ones on your page, put the border as "1" and alt="Visit A Pokèmon Site"...Thank You! More buttons and banners to come! Also for the non-animated ones, alt="Click here". 


     Win my award!!! It's called the "A very good Pokèmon site award". Anybody can enter to win this award. All you have to have is an original Pokèmon site that that gets at most 100 hits a day. Why at most??? That's because this is the "very good" Pokèmon site award. Choose from the first one or second one...I don't care. more thing...DON'T STEAL THESE AWARDS!!! I'm warning you...PKA will be very mad and go after you. If I put an "example" thingy on these awards...they would look don't take them!!



     Win another award!!! It's called A "#1-10" Pokèmon site award. Only ten sites can have this award. Its not first some first serve. The webmaster...PKA will rate you site and personally e-mail you. Then he'll give you the URL to your award!  




     When you are adding awards to your Pokèmon site, PKA would appreciate it if you linked to us. It's optional if your just signing up for the "very good" Pokèmon site award, but for the "#1-10" Pokèmon site award, you'll have to link to A Pokèmon Website using one of the banners/buttons above. You can put the banner anywhere on your main page. It has to be anywhere on your "main" page.


     PKA isn't accepting sponsors at the time. Still, if you would like to sponsor us, we'll put your banner on the top and bottom of A Pokèmon Website's main page and feature your link/banner/button again in the PKA links list. We need this URL really badly...if it isn't taken already..."" We will be accepting sponsors in about three years. After this site has gotten a lot of hits and visitors.


     Hey webmasters! Don't forget to add your link in our links section! Be rated as one or five Pokèballs!!! Five being the best and one meaning that more work in need on that site! Also sign up for the awards! All free of any charge! Just link to us! ^_^ If you sign up for awards, you'll be automatically entered in the link list.


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