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We seem to be lost..."Hey Brock! Where are we?" Ash asked. Brock looked to his left and right then answered Ash. "We are in a cave that is very dark" Brock answered. Misty and Ash did their little "anime" faces. Pikachu also looked at Brock with its "anime" face. "YOU MEAN WE'RE LOST" Misty yelled. Misty hit Brock on the head. Ash held the angered Misty back who was ready to kick Brock again. "Chuuu..." Pikachu sighed. 

     " seems to be this way" Brock said. "It better be!" Misty muttered. Our heros keep walking into the next cavern. It starts to get cold. "What was that sound?" Misty said. "Pika?" said Pikachu. Ash looked up and saw something flying. "Careful Brock!" Ash said. It was too late though, the shiny creature had taken Brock in its talons. Ash, Pikachu, and Misty were swept away by the huge gusts of winds that the creature made with its wings. "What in the world was that?" Ash asked. "It might be the legendary ice Pokèmon Articuno" Misty said. Ash just looked in confusion while Pikachu shook its head.

     Spying from a high ledge was Team Rocket. "To protect the world from unite all peoples within our nation, to denounce the evils of truth and extend our reach to the stars above, Jessie...James...Team Rocket blast off at the speed of light! Surrender now or prepare to fight!" "Would you two stop yapping!! We've got work to do!" Meowth said as it slashed the two humans. "Right! As long as that so called "adult" is gone, Pikachu will be easily ours! Hahaha" Jessie remarked. James looked down from the ledge and saw Misty and Ash walk into another cavern. "Hey! They're going there!" James said. Then another gust of wind came, it blew Team Rocket off of the ledge. They fell on their heads at the bottom. (Then...they had two "anime" bumps on their heads)  


What has happened to Brock? Will Team Rocket get Pikachu? Find out in next weeks fanfic!



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Articuno, one of the three rare birds...

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