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    Actually there IS nothing legal except a few things...English Pokèmon names belong to Nintendo and Gamefreak, the original production was made in Japan. The creator of this story is Satoshi. Chrono Trigger was made by Squaresoft and marketed by Nintendo. The drawings were done by Akira, the same person who draws Dragonball Z. Dragonball Z belongs to Bird Studio. I don't own anything except for the pictures on this page...well...I think that's all. This site is made for entertainment purposes only, if you think this site is violating your copyrights, e-mail PKA.


     The awards DO belong to APW though...don't take it!!! The html design also belongs to PKA...also the effort of the scanning. Don't take any scans...please...all scans belong to the webmaster PKA. If PKA find anything on other peoples sites, he'll put a Javascript code on ALL pages to protect the HTML and all the hard efforts put into scanning. Also...don't even try to take and edit my pictures...! Don't take the screen shots or information either without permission! Those who didn't be careful and read this and stole pics...will get tracked down by PKA...