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The Electric Tale of Pikachu Short Summaries
Pikachu, I See You!      While reading a magazine, Ash's House gets a blackout.Ash and his Mom here something inside of the wall. It was a Pikachu chewing on an electric cord. Ash tries to catch it with a net. Pikachu sees this and shocks him. Ash has to run all over trying to catch Pikachu. Finally, when Pikachu got tired, Ash got it. His mom told him to release Pikachu into the woods. After that huge mess. Ash meets Gary. Gary shows off his Pokèmon accomplishments, Ash then decides to get his Pokèmon license and become a Pokèmon master...
Clefairy Tale      Ash follows a pack of fleeing Mankey's. He tells Pikachu to go corner the Mankey's off. Ash then catches a Mankey. One of the Mankey's bump into a Beedrill nest, a hoard of Beedrills follow Ash until He gets to the Pokèmon Center. Ash's then find out that ALL his Pokèmon are...LOW leveled. He overhears some people saying that they caught grade A Pokèmon. He sighs and thinks about something Gary's sister...hehheh! Leaving the Pokèmon Center he comes upon a starnge store. He trades a Mankey for a Clefairy Map. Ash searchs for a Clefairy. He gets lost and starts losing hope. Then he runs into a Clefairy, Ash starts chasing it. He chases it into a cave filled with Onix. Ash then gets trapped under some rocks...
Play Misty for Me     Ash runs away from Misty because of the bike incident. He comes upon Pewter City Gym and defeats Brock. Later he travel's to Cereulean City. He looks for the Gym leader there. The three women said that they were all trainers. Ash was amazed. Then Misty came bursting in saying that she was a trainer too. Ash didn't believe it until Misty's sisters welcomed her back. Misty told Gyrados to get Ash's hat. She said that if he could get the hat, the badge would be his. Ash tried to sent out Pikachu, but it was too scared. So Ash sent out Fearow, but it was having a beauty nap.Then he sent out Pdgeotto, but Pidgeotto was off somewhere else...he only had a Metapod left...
Haunting My Dreams      Ash arrives at Saffron Gym to meet up with Sabrina. After a short talk, Brock came in to meet up with Ash. Ash then challenged Sabrina to a match. Sabrina sent out Abra. Pikachu tried to get ot Abra, but Abra kept on teleporing. Then finally, Pikachu did a thundershock attack...which Abra directed back at Pikachu. Ash lost to Sabrina. Sabrina got a phone call and left. Brock said that he has an old friend of her's. Ash seemed to be intrested in older women Brock proclaimed. While helping her friends battle an evil Haunter called the Black fog, Sabrina falls prey to a dream eater attack. An attack which eats the opponents soul. Ash has to travel to Lavender town to destroy the evil Haunter, will he succeed or fall into the same attack?


Pikachu Shocks Back Short Summaries
The Human Race and the Pokèmon Race      Ash and Brock arrive in Fuchsia City. There is a wild festival there. Suddenly, Pikachu spots something and runs off.Ash and Brock follow Pikachu. They see Pikachu in Misty's arms. Ash then sees Misty's three sisters. He runs towards them. Misty stops Ash in the way. She starts "eating" Ash's hat and complaining about her bike incident. Brock takes Ash and asks him who these three beautiful women were. Brock then goes to introduce usaull... Ash starts flattering Misty by saying how beautiful she is. Then he goes a "little" toofar. Misty then gets mad. Then they go compete to see who can catch a Tauros first. Misty yells out from the bushes that she was going to catch it first. The Tauros saw Misty and Ash then rushed towards them. Misty and Ash start RUNNING!!!Lara spots this and calls for Pontya. Pontya saves Misty and Ash. Ash then says to Lara is she's competing in the race. Misty hit Ash on the head and said that Lara's arm was broken. Outside, on the big screen, they see and interview with Dario. Ash heard runors that Dario had used Meowth's shiney plate to scare Pontya. Then Lara fell off breaking her arm. Ash rushed toward Dario and had  little dispute. Later in the day...Ash volunteers to ride Pontya in the race. After A LOT of practice, he is ready. Will Ash win the race or will Dario?
To Evolve or Not to Evolve, That is the Question!      Misty joins Ash on his journey. They travel to Stone Town to get some evolution stones. When they arrived and look at the prices of the stones, they were startled. Brock said that if someone bought a bad stone...evolution would go bad. Misty really wanted to evolve her poliwhirl though. Ash though about evolving Pikachu, but then decided not to. Then a yooung biy came around and gave Misty something he didn't need anymore. Misty look in the was an evolition stone set! They follow the boy to a special organization thingy. The boy is being told ot evolve his eevee. The boy doesn't want to though. Ash then steps in and tells the boy's brothers that they can't force around a kid. The head cheif of the club says that if the "annoying kid" and the boy can defeat the brothers, the boy will be allowed inot the club. Will Ash and Mikey win?
Pikachu's Exellent Adventure
You Gotta' Have Friends


     Have you ever wondered the difference between American Pokèmon comics and Japanese? There were a few sections cut out. I've rated them. Please don't go in if you're under that age! (The general viewers of Pokèmon are usually children, that is why they cut it out)


Porygon Comic (PG) click here
Ditto Comic (PG) click here
Misty Comic (PG-13) click here
Pokèmon belongs to Nintendo and Gamefreak. This site is only for entertainment. The scans of the comics belong to PKA.If I find any of these scans on your pages, I'll go to get them back. The english traslation is copyrighted of PKA.