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Warning: Spoilers below! Stop reading if you don't want to find out what the story is about! ^_^









     The story starts out with Mewtwo, in a lab on Cinnibar Island. A bubble rises from the sea, mew is in the bubble, then the screen fades out to Mewtwo inside his tube. You get a look from what it is like inside of the tube. Mewtwo looks out. "Who am I? Where am I?" Mewtwo thinks. Outside the tube, some scientists look at Mewtwo. They tell Mewtwo that he is made from the genetic material of mew, the rare Pokèmon. "You are Mewtwo" one of the scientists say. "Mew..two..." Mewtwo thinks about it. The scientist starts explaining that he is clone from a mew. Mewtwo then uses his psychic powers to break the tube. The scientists are startled. The the lab blows up. Mewtwo stands outside. Giovanni then comes and talks to Mewtwo. Mewtwo aids Team Rocket in capturing Pokèmon...for a while. The screen goes to Mewtwo being hooked up to some devices and having armor on. Giovanni says something, then Mewtwo starts using its Psychic powers to balow up Team Rocket's hideout. Mewtwo escapes to the outside world. He goes back to Cinnibar Island and takes of his armor...

     Then the screen fades out to the title. A traveler comes along and challenges Ash to a Pokèmon battle. Ash agrees and the traveler sends out Dofan. Ash sends out Bulbasaur. Bulbasaur uses solarbeam to defeat Dofan. Angry, the traveler sends out three Pokèmon. Pikachu defeats them all with a thunderbolt. Little does Ash know, he is being watched by a secret camara from above. One being carried by a bird Pokèmon. Team Rocket is also watching Ash from a cliff.

     The sceen switches to Mewtwo's secret island. There, a Dragonite flies out of a building. The Dragonite flew to Ash and gave him an invitation. Then the Dragonite flew away...and bumped into Team Rocket's frying pan. Team Rocket looked at the dropped invitaion.

     The screen fades to Mewtwo. Mewtwo is creating a storm with its psychich powers. By twirling his fingers, the waves rise and the rain gets heavier. Ash and friends run to find shelter. They run into a Pokèmon Center for shelter. There they see many trainers too. A poster on the was Nurse Joy. Nurse Joy apperantly had been missing. A woman in the front of the room tells the trainers about Mewtwo's Island. 

     The trainers go to Mewtwo's island, on goes by Pidgeot, one goes by Dewgong, and one goes by Gyrados. Ash and company have no way of getting to Mewtwo's island. They see a boat with two people in it. The people motion for Ash and his friends that they can ride. The waves are huge, the boat rowers have their hats down low. No one can see their faces. Suddenly a huge wave appears. It splashs over the boat. Thoses two boat rowers were actually Team Rocket! The turned around to face Ash and his friends...without noticing the HUGE wave coming up behind them. They all get wiped off the boat. Misty sends out Staryu and goes to find Brock. They find Ash riding on his Squirtle. Finally after a rough struggle in the waves, they make it to Mewtwo's Island. There they are greeted by the keeper...who looks really like Joy.

     They are lead to the inside of the building. They see the other trainers there. Then, Mewtwo comes. Mewtwo blasts one of the trainers. The trainer tells Gyrados to do hyper beam. Mewtwo simply reflects the attack back at Gyrados. Gyrados faints in the water. The trainer runs over to Gyrados. Outside, Team Rocket also arrives. They find out that the main gate is closed. They look for an opening. They walk through and enter in a strange lab. It has tubes with Pokèmon in them. The Jessie sits down and accidently activates a button. The screen starts showing how Mewtwo was formed. Team Rocket looks closely at the screen, Mew is behind them. Meowth gets grabbed by the machine. A hair is taken from Meowth and Meowth is duplicated. Team Rocket watches with amazment.

     Back inside, Mewtwo challenges the trainers to a battle. They go to a battle areana. Mewtwo has three clones with it, Blastoise, Venusaur and Charizard. The real Pokèmon battle against the clones one by one. They all lose to the clones. Then Mewtwo summons some special Pokèballs. The Pokèballs go for the Pokèmon. Ash tells everyone to run. It is too late though, every Pokèmon is captured. Pikachu keeps on running though. It runs up a flight of stairs. Ash follows Pikachu. Pikachu is taken inside one of the Pokèballs. Ash follows the Pokèball into the lab which Team Rocket is in. Ash dives into the cloning machine, trying to free Pikachu. It is too late though, Pikachu has already been cloned. All of the clones exit from the tubes and go out. Ash leads the real Pokèmon against Mewtwo. 

     Ash runs up to Mewtwo and tries to punch it, but Mewtwo uses its psychic powers to push Ash back. Ash is saved by a bubble. Mew also appears, it hovers around. It forms another red bubble and starts playing on it. Mewtwo blasts the bubble. Mew looks at Mewtwo and floats to Mewtwo. Mewtwo and Mew starts fighting. The real Pokèmon and the clones also start fighting. Ash is still stuck up high on some concrete. He gets down and falls. He looks at all the Pokèmon fighting. Pikachu and his clone are also fighting. Pikachu doesn't want to fight though. The clone slaps Pikachu on the face and then falls into Pikachu's arms.

     Mew and Mewtwo start energizing. They bounce into each other with their energy fields. Ash looks at the Pokèmon fall one by one. He can't take it anymore. Ash runs into the battle field and gets blasted by Mewtwo and Mew's psychic energy. He turns into stone. Mewtwo stops fighting. Pikachu runs over to Ash. Pikachu thundershocks Ash a lot of times. Ash doesn't wake up though. Pikachu's eyes have tears in them. Piakchu starts to cry. The other Pokèmon also cry. You can see Pikachu's tears drop on the ground. The tears go to Ash and Ash turns back to normal. Mewtwo sees all of this and decides not to fight anymore. He summons the clones in beams of light and they leave. Mew and Mewtwo fly beside each other as they go away. 



(to be continued...)








Warning: Spoilers below for Pikachu's Summer Vacation!!! ^_^
























sorrie! no summary yet! I haven't watched the video! I'll post this up in a few months! please ask the owner of FYPikachu for any movie questions!

if you are really desperate...I know a couple of things...

In this movie, the Pokèmon go to a special theme park. Ash's, Misty's ,and Brock's Pokèmon all go. They meet up with some new Pokèmon. The new Pokèmon and our heros' Pokèmon compete. In one competition, Squirtle and Pikablu race. At first Pikablu is winning, but it bumps into a Starmie. The starmie shoots Pikachublu with water gun. Squirtle takes the lead. Squirtle gets carried back by a goldeen. Pikablu wins the race. The Pokèmon have a fun time at Pokèmon Land.

well...that's all I know... ^_^ anyways...I took my time to take some screenshots, please enjoy!


















all screenshots are copyrighted of Japanimesite © if you wish to use them, e-mail me. these took me a long time to take, please don't steal them. Pokèmon belongs to nintendo and gamefreak. this site is only for entertainment purposes. all property is copyrighted of their respective owners.