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Info on 151 Pokčmon here!

Tons of pics! Some are freebies!

From the TV episodes!

Find card prices here!

All Pokčmon movies!

List of all the episodes!

Manga here!

For Pokčmon Yellow!

For people who don't know what Pokčmon is...

A price guide

Fushigi Yuugi!

Chrono Trigger!

A HTML enabled message board!

Please sign the guest book before you leave!

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Karaoke for Pokčmon!

Webmasters ONLY


Adopt Pokčmon! Or get your unofficial liscence!

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A Pokčmon Website is owned by PKA
      Helooo! Everyone, this is PKA, I'm updating this site again, pleaase visit an affiliate. Oh don't forget to visit a cool site And e-mail me if u want to become affiliates of APW



You Pokčmon's Level is ...keep on training it!




Daily News! Every week or day!

Daily News from A Pokčmon Website...


     Beware Pokčmon counterfeit cards! To see whether it is fake or not, hold it up to the light. If you can see through it, it is fake. Also, fake cards are thinner and come in weird packages. They are generally cheaper. Rumors say that Q-Boy packs are fake...I'm not sure.


     Pokčmon Gold/Silver will be released in Japan soon! Release date for the US isn't determined yet. In this game you can breed Pokčmon. There will be over 150 to catch! There will also be new enemies and new good guys. Check back at this site for screenshots and pictures! 


     Sorry I had to change the format, but I just found out that Netscape browsers and msie 3.0 and under aren't compatible with background html. Oh well...back to my old format again...OR...I could make two sites...which I'm too busy for...sigh...    


     You think you got what it takes to win the APW awards? There are two awards, your site has to be Pokčmon or Pokčmon related to win these awards. Click here for more information.


     Fall is coming...and that means school. This news section will only be updated twice...or once a week from the starting of September. I changed the links section to pictures that animate!!! Click on the right one to enter! Hope Netscape users can see it!!! The message board is new and ready for using. You can put HTML on it...but NO MIDIS!!! Pictures...links...other things are okay. If there are any midis PKA will "turn off" the HTML.


     Since it took TOOOOO... long to load all those animated files...I turned them into normal picture links. The walkthrough is for Pokčmon Yellow...not the original game! It's not done yet, I'm up to Pewter City for the walkthrough. Tons of screen shots though...the screenshots are in really good picture quality! Pokčmon Yellow is coming out in October!


     I actually got the time to do this! WARNING! There may be a virus in the 75% english Pokčmon Yellow Rom!!! WARNING!

     My friend downloaded it and her computer died in a couple of weeks! The webmaster also downloaded it and he had to take it in to replace the memory AND hard-drive This is just a precaution, it depends on where you download it from.

     This site is going to have a Pokčkaraoke!!! Hosted by Jigglypuff! It has lyrics to midi so you can yelp away your favorite songs! Coming soon!


    There are seven NEW sections! Some of the links don't work though! We'll add more sections later on! If you want your button in our Pokčlinks, it has to be 161 X 37 pixels.

     If you have any fan art or drawing that you drew. Submit them to PKA in JPEG or GIF format. We will not accept and BMP format drawings! These drawings will be placed in the art gallery section. You'll get full credit for your drawing too!


     Another update! The webmaster section is open! You can get FREE mail there too! Also, the price guide section is soon becoming a Pokčmart section. Today is...9999..very nice, it was said that computers...well...very old computers would crash today. There is one new Pokčmon movie I know of, its called Revolution Lugia. It is about the rare Pokčmon Articuno, Zapdos, and Moltres. Also, it features a very new type of Pokčmon...which I do not know of.


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