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     Pokèmon Yellow is a special Pikachu edition of the original RPG. In this game, you'll get Pikachu as your start Pokèmon, Gary will get Eevee. In this edition, Pikachu will say its"Pikachuu!". When you face to talk to Pikachu, Pikachu will show you its expressions. It's kind of like a virtual gameboy pet! I don't know about Gary's Eevee and which one it'll evolve into, but when I was playing the game, his Eevee turned into a Vaporeon...which is weak against electric type. I think it is random, the game chooses it. 


This is Ash's Japanese name...looks like his outfit changed too! This is Gary's name in Japanese...he looks more like the TV Gary now! "Hey wait! Don't go there!" Wild Pikachu appeared!


     Introduction is you wake up from bed and walk outside. You walk into the tall grass and a voice says "don't go there!". You turn around and see Professor Oak. Then a wild Pikachu appears. Oak captures it in a Pokèball. Then he leads you to his lab. There, he lets you choose a Pokèmon. Your rival pushes you aside though and takes the Pokèmon for himself. Oak then remembers of the Pikachu he just caught. He gives it to you.


Well Ash, you can have this Pokèmon! "What? Hey! I want it!" "It's mine! Move aside!" Gary sent out Eevee!



Trainers Tip: Train Pikachu in Viridian Forest until it is at level 14 or above. Brock's a real tough gym  leader to beat with only Pikachu.


"Hmm, looks like Pikachu doesn't want to be in the Pokèball..." Wow...Pikachu hates me, look at that skull mark! (Die trainer! Pika!) At the beginning, Pikachu will not be to thrilled of its new trainer.