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     You'll find yourself in your upstairs room. Go to the computer in the corner and withdraw a potion. Then go downstairs. Walk outside into the tall grass. You'll be stopped by Profesor Oak. Then you'll run into a Pikachu. Oak captures the Pikachu before any trouble is caused. Then he takes you to his lab. He will let you take his Pokèmon Eevee. Your rival pushes you aside though and takes Eevee for himself. Oak then gives you the Pikachu which he had caught earlier.


     Go to Route 1 and talk to the first person you see. He is a worker from the Pokèmart, he will give you a free Potion. Visit the Pokèmon Center in Viridian to heal your Pokèmon. Wow! Is that Nurse Joy and Chansey? The go to the Pokèmart, the manager will give you Oak's Parcel. Go deliver the parcel and then receive the Pokèdex.


Still a little unhappy with its trainer. Get a map from Gary's sister.



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