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     After you get your map and Pokèdex, travel to Viridian City and buy some Pokèballs and Potion. As your walking to Route 2, the old man will stop you to show you how to catch a Ratatta. The old man fails in catching the Rattata and goes back to his house. Then go on to Route 2. To get to Route 2  go North from Viridian City. You'll come to Viridian Forest, there are a lot of trainers there who want to battle. You can also find a lot of items.


Wild Rattata appeared! What? It didn't work! Before you head on to Viridian Forest, grab this Potion over here by the tree.


You can get a ton of stuff in Viridian Forest! There are different species of Pokèmon in Viridian Forest, like this Pidgey...which is in the Pokèball. Wow! Pikachu is actually smiling at its trainer! Before you battle this Bug Catcher...who has a Level 10 Caterpie, grab the Potion that's in front of him.


TRAINER TIPS: Don't catch a stupid Metapod! It can only harden! You should catch a Caterpie who has String Shot and Tackle!


PKMN Rare Few Many
Pidgey   X  
Pidgeotto X    
Caterpie     X
Metapod   X  




PKMN Rare Few Many
Pidgey     X
Nidoran(f)   X  
Nidoran(m)   X  
Ratatta     X