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About Me - Lorri

Oh My God, if you're actually reading this now, you've totally suprised me because I honestly thought no one would read this page!! **Laughs** Well, my name is Lorri Weniton (obviously from the big title up there) and this is my Human Nature site. I fell in love with HN when 'Wishes' came out and I haven't looked back since. I've been lucky to have met the guys quite a few times, and even to have had lunch with them. The photo at the top is of my boyfriend Troy and I. This was taken in the Limo before we had lunch with HN. He is the best friend and boyfriend anyone could ever wish for and I love him with all my heart. I'm also going to take this opportunity to thank my best friend Jess, who has patiently been uploading all these pics for me so I could put them up, so thanx hun!! I hope you enjoy reading my site and feel free to give me any feedback or comments you think necessary!! Human Nature Forever.... Love Lorri