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"Guys, do you hear that?" asked Steph.

"Hear what?" Zac asked.

"Listen." They waited a little while and heard what Steph had just heard. Off in the distance, a branch cracked and someone sneezed. They weren't alone.

Chapter One

Stephanie and Sarah found their seats aand sat down. "I get window!" exclaimed Steph.

"You can't," Sarah pointed to her ticket. "That's not one of our seats." Steph looked at her ticket sadly. Sarah sat down in the isle seat, leaving Steph in the middle.

The girls were extremely happy. A couple months ago they had convinced their parents that they were old enogh (14) to fly from Wisconsin to Peris to visit Steph's Great Aunt Lyn. Both girls were extremely close to the old wonan, and she had been like a grandmother to Sarah after the automoble accident that had killed her last pair of biological grandparents. But just over a year ago, Aunt Lyn had moved to Paris, and neither of the girls had seen her since.

"OK, these are our seats," the girls heard someone say. They looked eowards the isle to see three, teenaged, blond boys. They both recognized them instantly. It was Zac, Taylor, and Isacc Hanson. (Author's Note:Who else would it be in a Hanson fan fic story?) Both Steph and Sarah liked their music, but they weren't obssessed like some other girls in their class. But they had been to one of their concerts, just two nights earlier, which might explain them boarding a plane in Wisconsin. Then, to the girls amazement, they sat down in the seats directly across the isle from Steph and Sarah.

"Hey, you're Hanson, aren't you?" Sarah asked, even though she knew without a dought.

"No," answered Zac. Sarah and Steph looked confused. "We're Zac, Tay, and Ike Hanson!" Zac finished with a laugh. Steph and Sarah then introduced themselves.

"Wait a minute, what are you huys doing on a public plane?" asked Steph.

"What?" Zac asked alarmed. "Now we're not allowed on planes?" he asked.

"You know what I mean," said Steph.

"Well, we had to beg our parents, but they finally let us. see...them?" he asked. Steph and Sarah followed his gaze to three different, tall, muscular people.

"Yeah," said Sarah with a nod.

"Bodyguards," Tay droaned with misery. They all laughed.


Through the next four hours, they all got to know each other better. They talked non-stop (even though the woman next to Steph was annoyed to death). But about half-way through the flight, they felt a shudder, and the lights flickered. Then there was a voice over the intercom. "Ladies and gentlemen, this is your captain. We are experiancing some difficulties..."

"Duh, " Steph muddered under her breath.

"...Please remove your airmasks from their current position above your head. This is just a precaution. Please remain calm." Steph and Sarah looked at each other and then at the guys. They took down their airmasks and clutched them tightly. For a couple of minutes, everything seemed fine. Everyone calmed down when the engine stayed level. Most people put their airmasks away. But Sarah, Steph, Zac, Tay, and Ike kept theirs out, just to be safe. But then, in a minute, it all changed.

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