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Chapter One

It was a cold Saturday in the middle of November. My friend, Brook, and I were on-line checking out Hanson sites. I decided to check my mail to see if my friend Amanda had e-mailed me. But instead of seeing a message from Amanda, the address appeared on my screen. I had supposedly gotten an e-mail from Zac Hanson. Brook quickly shoved me out of the way and replied to the message. I erased the message, though, because it was simply pathetic. It went something like this:

Oh my gosh, I can't believe you guys e-mailed us. How did you get this address? I LOVE you guys. I mean I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE you guys. Please, please, e-mail us again. You guys are the most awesome, and amazing, and perfect people ever. PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE e-mail us back.

I erased it and instead typed:

Thank you for taking the time to e-mail me. I think you guys are cool and talented. I want to thank you for following your dream. You have great voices and a lot of talent. It would be very cool if you would e-mail us again.

Before Brook could say anything, I sent the message. Not five minutes later did I get another message from 'Zac.' He wanted to chat with me. I told him I couldn't at my house, but would go to Brook's. I gave him some info so that he'd know who I was, and went to Brooks.

When I was chating with 'Zac' I asked him if there was anything he could tell me that would prove he was Hanson. He told me some stuff that I knew they would NEVER let out. O.K. I believed him. We chated for another hour or so. I told him about myself, and he told me what he was really like and about the rest of the family. Then Brook made me ask about Zoe. Zac laughed and said she was fine. I told Zac that Brook was more obssessed with Zoe then the band. ( I was kidding) Zac said he had to go and that he'd e-mail me later. Brook and I signed off and called Amanda.

Amanda was positive that we had made the whole thing up. Hey, I probably would have too. But we told her that if she didn't believe us, it was her own fault. Amanda sarcastically told us that she believed us and then said she had to go. I told Brook that I should probably go too, incase Zac e-mailed me.

Chapter Two
One Week Chapter Index