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Chapter Five

The next day in school, Brook and I agreed not to tell anyone about our trip. Amanda was the only one that knew about Zac because we were never 100% sure it was really him.

When I got home, Zac had e-mailed me the times. Our flight left from the local airport at 8:30 on the 19th. I called Brook and gave her the times. We were really going to meet Zac Hanson.

We called Amanda. She didn't believe us about our trip, or even the possibility. She had been to Tulsa twice before, but had never seen the guys house. But she still didn't believe us. "You will," I told her. "You will. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

On Saturday morning, Brook and I went to the mall. But then we had a problem. What were we going to get? We had no idea.

We decided to try the movie store since we knew he likes action movies. But we couldn't get him anything, because we didn't know what he already had.

We tried the book store, but again struck out.

Brook and I each bought a soda and a candy bar. 'Thinking food!' Then we decided to go to the toy store.. Then, if we still hadn't found anything, we'd go to the electronics (or video game) store.

When we got to the toy store, we looked at video games first. But none of them looked like something either Zac would like, or probably didn't already have. We walked around the toy store, but didn't find anything. "Let's go to electronics," suggested Brook.

"Can't," I said. "Your mom has already been waiting for us for ten minutes."

"Shoot!! I'm going to be late for my volleyball game!" exclaimed Brook.

"Then stop standing there," I said. "Let's go."

After Brook's game, she called to schedule our next trip to the mall. I tol her I couldn't go next weekend, but I could go Dec. 12. We'd have to find the perfect present then, because the next weekend, we left for Tulsa.
