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Chapter One

"Caller 12, it's your chance to spend one month on the road...with HANSON!! This is our last qualifier. Caller 12 now." The DJ switched off his mic and heard the beginning of "Where's The Love". The phones, he knew, would soon be ringing off the hook.

Meanwhile, Elisha was dialing like a madman. I have to win, she thought to herself/ If I don't qualify now, I'll never come close.

"Hello? KissFM.." came a voice on the other end of the phone.

"Hi, am I caller 12?"

"Yep-you just won Hanson's latest CD and qualified to spend a month on the road with Hanson." Elisha couldn't belive her luck. She had been trying, along with the majority of the other teenage girls in the area, for weeks to qualify. She screamed shrily into the phone. The DJ then got some information from her and hung up.

It's fate, Elisha thought to her self as she hung up. I'm supposed to meet Taylor.

***The Next Day***

Elisha sat impatiently next to her radio with her cordless phone in hand, waiting for it to ring. The voice on the radio was dialing a phone number. Elisha didn't think it was possible to dial as slow as the DJ now was. She could hear a phone ringing on the radio. Elisha snatched up the phone and answered, even though it hadn't yet rung.

"If you would like to make a call, please hang up and try again."

"I won, I won!" a voice on the radio was now yelling. Elisha was stunned. There had to be some sort of mix up. She was supposed to win this contest. She was supposed to meet Hanson. Taylor was supposed to fall in love with her And he matter what it took.

Chapter Two