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Chapter One

Zac watched as the light turned from Don't Walk to Walk. He slowly stepped off the curb and crossed the street. All of the sudden there was a loud screech. The car was no more than ten feet away - and still moving at a rapid speed. He quickly jumped back towards the sidewalk, landing in a dive on his stomach. He felt a breeze as the car continued to streak by, leaving a fresh, black mark on the road. Zac stood up, noticing that a small crowd of confused and curious pedestrians had gathered. He looked away from the crowd in time to see the car hurtle through another stop light before going up a curb and hitting a fire hydride. Zac looked back at the crowd, and for the first time, noticed a beautiful girl. She had long, flowing brown hair and deep brown eyes. She stared at Zac happily. He had never seen her in his life. But some how her gaze made him uncomfortable and he quickly turned away.

* * * * * * * * *

A couple days later, Zac and Tay decided to go horseback riding. Zac didn't have much experience with horses, and either did Taylor, The took a basic, half hour lesson and then met up with Jenn, a friend of their who worked at the stables. Jenn saddled up a couple horses and lead them on a trail ride. As the trio neared a clearing, Zac's horse suddenly bucked. Zac was thrown to the ground. Jenn and Tay quickly dismounted, fearing the worst, but miraculously, Zac was fine. As Tay and Jenn helped Zac up, he noticed another rider on the other side of the clearing. The girl looked vaguely familiar to Zac. He asked Jenn who the girl was, since only workers were allowed to ride alone, but even then, it was rarely permitted. Jenn didn't know the girl and was about to say something to her about riding alone, when the girl quickly turned and rode away. As Zac stared at the figure, fading into the distance, he realized who she was…

It was the girl from the accident

Chapter Two