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Chapter One-Wind Beneath My Wings

Hanson Highway
Wind Beneath My Wings Chapter Index
Chapter Two

"...And if you're ever lonely, you can call on me..." Zac sang alsong with his brothers as he played out the beat on the drums. But he suddenly felt very light headed. He finished out the song and then spoke to his brothers through his small head set, "Guys, let's go to set change early." Zac knew he could get a break while to stage crew changed the set.

"You feelin' all right, Zac?" He heard Ike's voice say through the headset.

"Ya, just a little light headed."

"O.K.," Tay said. He then gave instructions to the stage crew while Ike talked to the crowd.

Backstage a couple minutes later, Diana felt Zac's forehead. "You're burning up," she said.

"Its just heat," Zac insisted. "I just need some water."

"No, Zac," his mom fought back sticking the automatic thermometer to his ear: 102.1. "Zachary Walker Hanson, there is no way I am letting you finish this concert."

"Mom, please..." Zac pleaded, putting on his best puppy dog face.

"...Fine," said Diana, giving in. "But if you feel any worse, I want you to come right off."

"Yes, ma'am," Zac said, saluting her, and forcing himself to smile. He and his brothers then went back onstage.

About ten minutes later, as the guys were playing Madeline, Tay and Ike took a two measure rest for Zac's drum solo. But the only sound that came from the drum set was a loud crash. A murmur went through the crowd as Isaac and Taylor quickly rushed to the rear of the stage where their brother lay in a slumped pile next to his drum set. Their parents and paramedics quickly ran onstage. Zac was still breathing, but he was out cold. The paramedics quickly loaded him onto a stretcher and carried him off stage.