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Coral and Hematite Double Netted Bottle.

For this I used a small bottle that contact lenses come in, but you can adjust the beginning row to fit most any small bottle. Start by threading on 40 beads (if you need to add or subtract to make your beads fit make the adjustments in increments of 4) 2 coral, 2 hematite all the way around the neck of the bottle tie loosely while you work the next 2 rows. You then work in peyote stitch for the next 2 rows. Tighten the band before starting the netting. Thread the needle through so you are coming out the lowest coral bead add 5 coral beads go through the 4th bead from that point.(see fig 1)

Next row add a new needle and thread, (don't cut the coral one.) Come out the bottom of one of the hematite beads. Add 5 hematite beads go over the #4coral bead and under the #2coral bead see fig 2.

Continue in this manner until your little bottle is about 2/3 covered. Then increase the loops to 7 for 2 complete rows. Then increase to 9 bead loops. This should bring you to just a bit below the bottom of your bottle. (If not just add an additional row) Finish off your thread for the hematite beads.

Thread your coral needle through so it is at the bottom of the last loop of coral beads. Add 5 beads go through the centre bead of the next loop continue until you are completely around to the beginning go through so your needle is coming out the centre bead of your 5 bead loop add 3 beads continue around to end. Adding fringe Bring your needle out at one of the junctions of beads on the last row. Add 10 coral beads, 3 hematite beads,7 coral beads, 1 large hematite bead, 5 coral beads,1 hematite bead 3 coral beads, go back up through the 4th bead from needle back to beginning of fringe. Thread through to next junction, continue in this manner until you reach the beginning again. Now thread back up one row so you are working above the fringe you have just added. Sorry I didn't make an illustration for this step.

You are now working on branch fringe. Go to a centre bead of on of the 9 bead loops, add 20 hematite beads, 5 coral beads, go back through the 2nd bead from needle through the 4 coral beads, *add 5 coral beads go through 2nd bead from needle also go through 5 hematite beads, repeat from * 3 times. Thread through to next junction and repeat branch fringe

I haven't added a strap to this, but it was suggested that a spiral might look very nice with this. I was thinking of doing a strap based on the first six rows of this pattern by making a peyote strip 4beads wide and 24 inches long and then adding the first 2 loop rows. I also was giving some thought of adding a plain single strand and embellishing the strap near the bottle.

Watch this site for the completed bottle.(hopefully in the next few days ) I don't mind anyone using this pattern but please give me a little credit. Please email me if this is a little hard to understand, I will try to help clarify any parts of it.

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