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Win My Award!

Hey Everybody I decided I should award those people who make little webpages like mine. So I made an award that you all can win. I'm not gonna show you what it looks like though, cause you could just still it link and cheat your self out of really linking *L*. so to when you have to follow these rules and e-mail me. That way i can give you the code to the award to put on your page... if you win which you probably will cause i'm not that hard on my scale. Now here are the rules.

1.) You have to have a not so fancy web page like mine NOT a big ole fancy one. sorry hehe ya'll get alot of awards anyways.

2.) You can sign my guestbook, its not required but it will give you major points if you do.

3.)You must have a link back to my page on your page in some way, banner or just plain link, whatever floats your boat.

4.) Did i mention signing my guestbook gives you major points!!

5.) You must be under the age of 30!! *L* ( i had to through in a funny one.

That's all ya gotta do! I'll check out your site and then give you the code if you've won!!! Good Luck to all!!!

