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1998-1999 Student Handbook
Table of Contents
Student Services School Bus Rules
Bell Schedule Clubs
School Bus
School Map Athletics Media Center
Ethics in Sports Student Signature
Athletic ContractSpecial Dates
Four Year
Description of
Disciplinary Actions
Smoking Scholastic/School
Areas Off
Attendance Student Parking

Mission Statement

Valley Center High School is committed to providing outstanding educational programs and developing a positive attitude toward lifelong learning for all individuals. Valley Center High School will reflect a collaborative effort by students, staff, parents, community and business as we prepare our diverse population for the future.

Expected Schoolwide Learning Results
Interpersonal Skills Students will:
Personal Skills

General Health

Students will:


Students will:

Personal Confidence

Students will:

Critical Analytical & Creative Reasoning Skills

Students will:

demonstrate problem-solving abilities, apply learning skills to new situations through discovery, and develop an awareness of the world through historical, scientific, and literary influences.  
Career Awareness

Students will:

such as: -teamwork -listening skills -leadership qualities -creative thinking
-problem solving skills -goal setting ability -self motivation -oral communication

-ability to read,write, and compute -organizational skills

Fine Arts

Students will:


Bell Schedule
Reg. Block
Minimum Day

Staff Mtg. 7:15-7:35




Block A 7:45-9:30


Block A 7:30-9:15


Block A 7:30-9:15


Block A 7:30-8:50


Block A 7:30-9:10


Tutorial 9:36-10:06


Tutorial (M-Th) 9:21-9:53
Advisement (F) 9:21-9:53


Break 9:15-9:25


Block B 8:56-10:16


Tutorial 9:16-9:46


Break 10:06-10:16


Break 9:53-10:03


Block B 9:31-11:16


Block C 10:22-11:42


Break 9:46-9:56


Block B 10:22-12:07


Block B 10:09-11:54


Rally 11:22-11:54


Lunch 11:42-12:24


Block B 10:02-11:42


Lunch 12:07-12:37


Lunch 11:54-12:24


Lunch 11:54-12:24



Lunch 11:42-12:12


Block C 12:43-2:30


Block C 12:30-2:15


Block C 12:30-2:15










Each student is assigned to an advisor who, in conjunction with the counseling staff, will assist students in selecting appropriate classes to meet graduation requirements and prepare them for post high school endeavors. Advisors also have access to information regarding careers, colleges, testing, scholarships, and financial aid. A career center is also available to students and parents.




Ms. Noemi Robles, Mr. Jim Allured Mrs. Vicki Montgomery Mrs. Susana Cook

Counseling Receptionist Instructional Dean/ Head Counselor Counselor Bil. Guidance Tech

(760) 751-5520 (760) 751-5521 (760) 751-5522 (760) 751-5523 


Mrs. Trudy Colford Ms. Linda Aschbrenner

Guidance Tech Registrar

(760) 751-5524 (760) 751-5527 



Counselors are available to meet with students on an appointment basis. Appointments must be scheduled before school, after school, during breaks or lunch. Counseling staff is also available during lunch and after school until 3 p.m. on a walk-in basis.


Most classes cannot be taken for credit more than once. Make an appointment to see a counselor if you plan to repeat a class.


GRADES: Progress report cards are issued at the 6 and 12 week point of the semester. Final 18-week semester grades have credits listed, and these grades and credits are listed on the permanent records. Final report cards and diplomas for graduating seniors are mailed home approximately 10 days after the commencement ceremony.

CREDITS: Check all report cards. Students should have a grade in each class, plus five credits for each course in which they earned a grade of A, B, C, or D.

ERRORS: If a student feels there is an error in a grade, he/she should discuss this with the instructor. Mistakes do happen!


Several courses of action are open to the parent or guardian of a student who is having difficulty with a class.

  1. Discuss the problem with the teacher. Call the main office at 751-5500 follow voice mail prompt to contact specific teachers or staff. If you are unable to reach the teacher after leaving several messages, call the Principal.
  2. Talk to your student's advisor. The advisor will suggest various strategies for you and your student and will be able to help you assess your student's strengths, weaknesses and the value of the problem courses to the student's program.
  3. Weekly Progress Reports are available to let you know how your student is doing in between report cards. For a student to receive a progress report a parent must sign a request letter. The letter is available in the counseling center. Upon receipt of the signed letter, students may pick up their progress report on Thursday mornings before school.
  1. Parents must give at least on day's notice, verbal or written, to the school registrar.
  2. Students must take a drop slip, obtained from the Registrar's office, to each teacher in order to obtain final grades.
  3. The school will give the Parent/Guardian a copy of the student's transcript and immunization records.
  4. All books must be turned in and all fines paid before grades and other information will be released to the new school.
  5. California schools and many other states require immunization records before admitting new students.

If you are moving within the Escondido Union High School District, please inform the registrar 751-5527 as soon as possible.



To earn a high school diploma from Valley Center High School, a student must:




Physical Science 10 semester credits   Life Science 10 semester credits d. SOCIAL SCIENCE 3 years 30 SEMESTER CREDITS
  World Cultures 10 semester credits   U.S. History 10 semester credits

American Government 5 semester credits

Economics 5 semester credits







    • Basic Reading Comprehension Test
    • Basic Written Expression Test
    • Basic Mathematics Test
Students who do not pass these tests will not be issued a diploma


Four Year Plan to Graduate

Name:______________ I.D.#____________ Class of:_________ Date:__________

9 English 9 Health/Careers Math Science P.E. 9 Foreign Language
or Fine Art
10 English 10 World Cultures Math Science P.E. 10 Foreign Language.
or Practical Art
11 English 11 U.S. History Elective Elective P.E. 11
1 Semester
12 English 12
1 Semester
American Gov.
Elective Elective Elective Elective


Minimum Eligibility Requirements for Freshmen Admissions
California State
University of
3.5 years 35 credits
4 years
4 years
2 years 20 credits
3 years
Algebra, Geometry, Algebra II
3 years required
4 years recommended
(1 yr. life & 1 yr. physical)
2 years  20 credits
1 year
Lab Science
2 years required
3 years recommended
Biology, Chemistry, Physics
1 year 10 credits
1 year 10 credits
1 year
U.S. History/Government
2 years
U.S. History/Government
1 year 10 credits
years 25 credits
1 year   10 CREDITS
1 year Visual Perform. Art
2 years Foreign Lang.
2 years required of Foreign Language
years recommended of
Foreign Language
1 semester  5 credits
1 semester 5 credits

80 credits

years Academic
Electives: Adv. Math, Foreign Language, Lab Science, Etc.
2 years required from History, English, Foreign Language, Adv. Math, Etc.
Total = 230 Credits


Scholastic/School Information

Registration at VCHS is based on a yearlong schedule. Students are to follow their original schedule until a class change request form is signed by student and parent, and then approved by the student's counselor. Choose your classes carefully – there will be no class changes once initial registration is completed. Counselors will help students change classes if they are placed at the wrong level or are repeating a class they have already passed.


Each semester ends with a final exam or culminating activity in each subject area. These are usually scheduled for the last 2-3 days of the semester. Final exam grades do not become semester grades, but are usually an important component of that semester grade. Make up exams are permitted for excused absences only.


Please make travel and other arrangements before your student arrives at school. We will call students for emergency messages only. We will not deliver messages from other students.


Bouquets of flowers and balloons or other student gifts should be delivered to the home. They will not be accepted for delivery at the front office. While we join with you in the celebration of special occasions, these items are disruptive to the learning environment and will not be delivered during school time. We appreciate your understanding.
Students need to be responsible for remembering their books, lunches, sports equipment, and other necessities. Please encourage them to accept the consequences if they neglect these responsibilities.



Pay phones are available on campus for student use outside of class time. Cellular phones and pagers are not allowed on campus.


Students may not leave campus during the regular school day unless a parent/guardian provides a written request. All students must sign out at the attendance windows before leaving campus.



Attendance at school is important and mandatory. State law defines truancy as any unexcused absence. At three (3) truancies, S.A.R.B. 1 (Student Attendance Review Board) letter is sent home and a contact is made with the student and parent by a school official. At 6 truancies, S.A.R.B. 2 letter is sent as a second warning. After the 7th truancy, legal action is taken by the school to refer the students and parent/guardians to the Student Attendance Review Board.

Compulsory attendance laws require that parents send their children to school. The law further states that students must attend every scheduled session of every class, even if failure is imminent. The law applies to all students until 18 years of age. Once students attain the age of 18 years they become guests and can be removed from our rolls if their academic progress and behavior are not acceptable.


Parents or guardians may call the attendance office on the day the student is absent. If the call is received prior to 1:00 p.m., the schooL will not call home and the student's name will be placed on the excused list. If the student is on the excused list they will not be required to check in at the attendance office.

If a telephone call is not made, students are to report to the Attendance Office with a note from a parent or guardian indicating the date or dates the student was absent and the reason for the absence. The student's first and last name should be included in the note. All excuses must be received within 72 hours of the student returning to school.

If a student returns to school without a phone call or signed note, he or she will be assigned a Saturday School.

A detention may be assigned if a student does not present his/her ID card.

If parents or guardians will be out of town or otherwise unavailable, PLEASE send written instructions to the attendance office, prior to leaving town, containing the names, addresses and phone numbers of those persons authorized to excuse the student from school or provide medical care in the event of an emergency.

Parents should notify the school if their student is diagnosed as having a communicable disease (e.g., strep throat, chicken pox, measles, head lice, hepatitis, etc.).

Parents and students need to understand that excessive absences, INCLUDING EXCUSED ABSENCES, will adversely affect a student's grades. An unexcused absence is one that occurs with the permission of the student's parent/guardian for reasons other than illness, quarantine, funeral, or medical. Examples of unexcused absences are: trips, inclement weather, transportation problems, baby-sitting, work, truancy, and suspension.


Each student will have access to many opportunities to become involved in extra curricular activities at Valley Center High School. These range from school clubs, activities, performance groups, athletes and various class sponsored events. The following sections describe in detail many of the opportunities to become involved. Student programs and services are funded through the sale of A.S.B. cards. Students may purchase their A.S.B. cards for $20.00 from the cashier.


Student ID cards are a means of identifying a student as a member of Valley Center High School. ID cards are required for purchases, re-admits, entrance to school functions, and library use. Students may receive a detention if ID cards are not presented for re-admits. One ID card is issued at no charge each school year. If your card is lost, stolen, or damaged you will be required to replace it. There is a $5.00 ID replacement charge. Every student should carry his/her ID card at all times


All Valley Center students are encouraged to become a part of the Associated Student Body. By purchasing an A.S.B. card for $20.00 (an ID card with the A.S.B. stamp). Students help to support activities on campus such as Homecoming Assembling, Pep Rallies, Air Band competition, lunch time activities, and the Spring Fair. The A.S.B. organization also supports clubs and organizations on campus and assists them in achieving their goals. Students with a valid A.S.B. card receive discounts to dances, free admission to home basketball games and wrestling matches, and admission to home football games for $1.00.


Several dances are scheduled throughout the year. Only V.C.H.S. students may attend V.C.H.S dances, except the more formal dances where guest tickets will be made available. A current ID card must be presented for admission to the dances. Dress that is acceptable for school is appropriate for most dances. Special dress requirements for certain dances will be announced in advance. All school rules apply at the dances. Once students leave the dance, they will not be allowed to return, and will be expected to leave campus.

Court Elections

Homecoming and prom court nominations are conducted through classes.   Associated Student Body Executive Officers and Their Duties


To oversee everything that occurs within the jurisdiction of the ASB.

To act as a liaison between the student body and the administration.

Vice President

To assume all duties of the ASB President if he/she is unable to perform his/her duties.


To record the minutes of all meetings and to keep a permanent record of them.

To type, copy and distribute all letters.


To approve all disbursing orders and make sure that all ASB accounts are justified and balanced.

To work with the cashier to determine how much revenue is made on ASB events.

Commissioner of Activities

To coordinate and direct a continual flow of activities including assemblies, lunch activities, and other ASB events.

Commissioner of Publicity

To inform the student body of upcoming events by means of posters, school newspaper articles, student bulletin and announcements, and by updating the marquee.

Commissioner of Dance

To coordinate and plan dances

Commissioner of Spirit

To plan pep rallies, class competitions, and to coordinate the mascot activities.

 Associated Student body Class Officers and Their Duties

To act as representatives of their class in all ASB activities.

To follow the guidelines and responsibilities given by the ASB officers.

To attend scheduled meetings.

To coordinate class floats and other activities associated with their class.

To recruit members of their class to participate in the class activities.

Junior class officers are responsible for coordinating the Junior/Senior Prom.

  The School Board Representative

The duties of the School Board Representative are to represent the interests of all Valley Center High School students at all board meetings and to report all school board matters to the ASB Officers and Congress. A student chosen as the School Board Representative should review all issues confronting the School Board and determine their affects on Valley Center High School students. This student is picked to serve as the representative of the Principal and to report to him/her on all matters.


Clubs and Organizations

Here is a list of possible clubs at V.C.H.S. Club registration will be on September 9th & 10th . If you would like to start or be a part of a club, this will provide you with a great opportunity.  

Associated Student Body (A.S.B.) Cabinet: the A.S.B. cabinet is comprised of elected and appointed school and class officers. The goal of this group is to effectively organize school activities such as assemblies, homecoming, and lunchtime entertainment. Students must meet academic eligibility requirements.

Academic Decathlon: Academic Decathlon is a one-day, county-wide event for juniors and seniors. Students compete for individual and team honors in ten academic events—economics, fine arts, language, literature, mathematics, science, social science, essay, speech, and interview. The County winner continues on to a State competition. Academic Decathlon is not a competition reserved for "straight A" students. The team consists of nine competitors—three "A" students, three "B" students and three "C" students. The advisor selects participants in early June for the coming year.

Auto Club: the Auto Club is designed to promote knowledge of the automobile and allow time for extra automobile-related projects.

AVID: the AVID club is organized to expand the activities of the AVID program to more students.

California Scholarship Federation (C.S.F.): a state-wide organization to honor outstanding high school students with a 3.5 or higher grade point average. C.S.F. also promotes service to the community.

Cheerleading: the V.C.H.S. cheerleaders' goal is to promote school spirit. Academic performance, citizenship, and athletic ability are determining factors at tryouts. Tryouts for cheerleaders are held in the spring. Students must meet academic eligibility requirements.

Culture Club: the goal of the Culture Club is to expand student awareness of cultural activity by attending plays, ballets, etc.

D.E.C.A.: D.E.C.A. is designed to develop business leaders and to compete in business related competitions.

Drama: the purpose of this group is to promote support and interest in the performing arts at Valley Center High School. The club members work onstage and backstage for productions and participate in the American High School Theater Festival.

French Club: the French Club is designed to learn about French culture through speaking the language, attending plays and dining at various restaurants.

Freshman Class: all members of the Freshman Class are members! Activities include float building for homecoming and participating in school activities. Class officials plan socials and activities for the entire class.

Friday Night Live: dedicated to promoting student awareness about the consequences of drinking and driving. You can lead a happy and full life without alcohol and drugs.

Future Farmers of America (F.F.A.): the goal of FFA is to develop leadership through agricultural projects and to prepare students for college.

Interact Club: the Interact Club is a service club affiliated with Rotary International. Club members assist those in the community and in other countries.

Inter-Club Council: the A.S.B. Commissioner of Clubs meets with representatives from each club at a monthly meeting. This group coordinates the Fall Club Rush and Spring Fair.

Junior Class: any member of the Junior Class is welcome to participate in planning and attending activities such as Prom, building of the Homecoming float, and class socials.

JSA (Junior Statesman of America): this is an opportunity for any student to meet under a national forum for debate and discussion.

Key Club: Key Club is a service organization designed for those willing to go out into the community and make a difference. Key Club members raise money for different causes, participate in fundraisers, and lend a helping hand wherever they go.

M.E.C.H.A.: the main purpose of the club is to provide services to Latino students on campus and the surrounding community. The club promotes multi-cultural understanding to the campus population.


Jaguar Musical Groups: no audition is required to join the band if a student was in band or flags during the 8th grade. The class meets every day and has after school practices 3 or 4 times a week. There is also one evening practice each week. Students must also meet academic eligibility requirements.

Jaguar Marching Band: advanced performance ensembles open to any interested student. This year the band will participate in a number of parades and field show tournaments throughout the region. The band also plays at all home football games, pep assemblies and other school functions.

Jaguar Color Guard: members are selected by audition. Candidates must demonstrate dance ability and marching technique. Numerous performance opportunities include participation with the Jaguar Marching Band and individual competitions during the winter season.

Concert Band: intermediate level performance ensembles open primarily to underclassmen and students who wish to learn to play a second instrument.

Jazz Ensemble: a program designed to allow students the opportunity to discover and explore music from 'Jazz' to 'Rock'. Students perform in concerts and at festivals.

Pageantry Corps: includes flags, banners, and Dance Team.

Vocal Groups: include the Concert Chorus (which does not require auditions), and Competitive Choral Group, which is an advanced choral group selected by audition only.

V.C.H.S. School Newspaper: the student newspaper is written and produced by V.C.H.S. students and distributed at no charge to students and faculty members.

North County Academic League (NCAL): NCAL promotes academics through countywide college bowl-style competition. North County Academic League was formed to encourage, acknowledge, and reward academic excellence. All grade levels are welcome. NCAL teams are chosen in the late fall and competitions begin in the spring.

Sophomore Class: the Sophomore Class plans social activities for the class and participates in class activities.

Spanish Club: the members of the Spanish Club meet in a variety of places, including restaurants, in which they can practice the Spanish language.

T.A.P. (Teens Against Prejudice): all students are invited to join this club to promote unity and harmony among all students at V.C.H.S.

Yearbook: the yearbook staff/class produces the Valley Center High School yearbook.

Special Dates to Remember    
Club Rush  September 9 & 10, 1998
First V.C.H.S. Football Game  September 11, 1998
Freshman Class Elections September 29, 1998
Homecoming Game November 6, 1998
Homecoming Dance November 7, 1998
Canned Food Drive November 20, 23, & 24, 1998
Snowman Dance December 11, 1998
A.S.B. Elections/Class Officer Elections To be determined at a later date.
Spring Fair To be determined at a later date.
Junior-Senior Prom To be determined at a later date.
Academic Achievement Awards Night To be determined at a later date.
Valley Center High School Athletics

Athletic Director – Jerry Fenton (751-5535)

The Valley Center High School's athletic department is committed to providing an opportunity for every student athlete to participate and develop his/her individual skills to his/her fullest potential. With the help of the staff, family and community, the student athlete will learn the value of leadership, teamwork, good sportsmanship, and acceptable lifetime skills in a competitive atmosphere.

All students are invited to try out for Valley Center High School's athletic teams. They must maintain good conduct, as they are representatives on the field, on campus, in the classroom, on trips, and in the community.

Pre-Sport Preparation

Each student must obtain the following to be cleared for participation on any athletic team.

An emergency procedure card that includes proof of insurance coverage, a physical performed by a medical doctor, and parental consent to participate.

A signed CIP Ethics Code for sports

A signed Valley Center High School Athletic Contract

An ASB card must be purchased for $20.00

A minimum 2.00 GPA – passing four classes
Fall Sports
Spring Sports
Cross Country (Boys Varsity, JV, Frosh) 

(Girls Varsity, JV)

  Baseball (Boy's Varsity, JV, Frosh)
Football (Varsity, JV, Frosh) 


  Softball (Girl's Varsity, JV, Frosh)
Tennis (Girls Varsity, JV) 


  Golf (Varsity, JV, Frosh)
Volleyball (Girls Varsity, JV, Frosh)   Swimming (Boy's Varsity, JV) 

(Girl's Varsity, JV)

Water Polo (Boys Varsity, JV) 


  Tennis (Boy's Varsity, JV)
    Track & Field (Boys Varsity, JV, Frosh) 

(Girls Varsity, JV)

Winter Sports
  Volleyball (Boy's Varsity, JV) 


Basketball (Boys Varsity, JV, Frosh) 
(Girls Varsity, JV)
Soccer (Boys Varsity, JV, Frosh) 

(Girls Varsity, JV)

  For more information about athletics at  

Valley Center High School, call please call the

Water Polo (Girls Varsity, JV) 


  Athletic Director, Jerry Fenton at 751-5535.
Wrestling (Varsity, JV, Frosh) 






The California Interscholastic Federation-San Diego Section (CIF –SDS) is committed to the demonstration of sportsmanlike and ethical behavior in and around all athletic contests played under it's sanction. All contests must be safe, courteous, fair, controlled, and orderly for all athletes and fans alike.

It is the intent of the CIS-SDS Board of Managers that violence in any form will not be tolerated in athletic contests (or practices) under the jurisdiction of this Board. In order to enforce this policy, the Commissioner will establish rules and regulations in cooperation with appropriate coaches and administrative groups that set forth the manner of enforcement of this policy and the penalties incurred when violation of the policy occurs. The rules and regulations shall focus upon the responsibility of the coach to teach and demand high standards of conduct and to enforce personally the rules and regulations set fort by the Commissioner.

The CIF-SDS Board of Managers requires that the following Code of Ethics be issued to, and signed by, each student athlete, coach, and officials association as a guide to govern their behavior. Penalties for failure to sign a copy of this policy are as follows:

Athlete Ineligibility for CIF-San Diego Section Athletics

Coach Restricted from coaching in CIF-San Diego Section Contests

Officials Associations Not approved to officiate in the CIF-San Diego Section


Be courteous at all times (with school officials, opponents, game officials, and fans).

Exercise self-control.

Be familiar with all rules of the contest.

Show respect to players, officials, and other coaches.

Refrain from the use of foul and abusive language.

Respect the integrity and judgment of game officials.

Refrain from use of illegal and prescription drugs, anabolic steroids, or any other substance to enhance performance.

Win with character, lose with dignity.



Students involved in co-curricular programs in the Escondido Union High School District are considered leaders and represent others in activities that normally occur outside of the regular day. The coaches and staff at Valley Center High School have initiated a procedure which will be used with all student/participants involved in substances abuse and/or other inappropriate behavior such as stealing, habitual fighting, destruction of property (vandalism), forgery, or cheating on tests. Student athletes will adhere to the Student Handbook and be governed by it at school and all school sponsored activities.

Student/participants will be required to honor school colors as they pertain to Valley Center High School's traditional letterman's jacket. Students will not be allowed to put Valley Center High School trademarks (letters, name, mascots) on other jackets.

These student/participants will include, but are not limited to, those involved in co-curricular activities such as sports, cheerleading, band, color guard, FFA, ASB, selected or appointed officers, etc.

The VCHS staff feels that the procedure stated below will best serve the student/participants and their families by working as a deterrent and as an early intervention process. Any student who is having a substance problem and voluntarily asks assistance from any staff advisor will be exempt from the procedure as long as he/she pursues rehabilitative measures as requested by school personnel. The basic guidelines are:

Participants are not to use or be in possession of alcohol, drugs, or tobacco, nor will stealing, habitual fighting or destruction of property be tolerated at any time during the school year. This includes pre-season, post season and weekends. If a student is interested in being a part of our voluntary activities, he/she must commit him/herself to these guidelines twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week.

Any offense will be dealt with initially between the coach and his/her athlete, and subsequently, if deemed necessary, in a meeting with parents, coaches, athletes, counselor and Athletic Director. If the offense occurred at school or at a school function, school district consequences will pertain to the athlete in addition to those noted below. In this case the school meeting may include the school assistant principal or dean.

If an athlete has a substance abuse problem and voluntarily asks for assistance, he/she will be exempt from penalty as long as he/she pursues rehabilitative measures as requested by school personnel. This applies to the first policy infraction only.

Alcohol/Drugs – Tobacco/Snuff

First Offense-

Parent/coach/athlete/counselor/A.D. meeting

Suspended from school, practice, and athletic contests for five days.

Accepts and completes rehabilitative program recommended by counselor.

Second Offense-

Parent/coach/athlete/counselor/A.D. meeting

Suspended from school, practice, and athletic contests for five days.

Recommendation for expulsion                                                                                                                                                             Back

Description of Disciplinary Actions

After School Detention

After School Detention (A.S.D.) is held Monday through Friday, from 2:30p.m. to 3:00p.m. Students assigned to A.S.D. shall be prompt, bring study materials and follow directions of the A.S.D. Supervisor at all times. No food, drinks, toys, games, walkmans, etc. will be permitted in the room. Students who need to change the date of their assignment must present a valid written reason to the Assistant Principals' Secretary or the A.S.D. Supervisor. THIS IS ENTIRELY THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE STUDENT. Failure to attend A.S.D. shall result in further disciplinary action, such as: additional A.S.D., In-School Intervention, referrals, or suspension from school.

Informal Conference

A school official (administrator, teacher, or counselor) will talk to the student and try to reach an agreement regarding how the student should behave.

Formal Conference

A conference is held between the student and one or more school officials. During this conference the student must agree to correct his/her behavior. Parent(s) or guardian(s) may be notified by telephone, personal contact, letter, or certified letter. A conference may also be conducted between the student, his/her parent(s) or guardian(s), appropriate school personnel, and any other individuals concerned.

Classroom Strike System

First Referral- Student is referred by a teacher or staff member to the Dean due to a violation of school or classroom rules. The inappropriate behavior is discussed with the student and the parents are notified by phone and in writing of the incident. Strike I is issued.

Second Referral- Student is referred by a teacher or staff member to the assistant principal or dean. A parent conference is held with the teacher, administrator, student, and parent in an attempt to resolve the issue. A behavior contract may be issued. Strike II is issued.

Third Referral- Student is referred by a teacher or staff member. Student is drop/failed from the class with a grade of F. Strike III is issued.

Community Service

Community Service, outside normal school hours, may be assigned in lieu of detention or I.S.I..

Saturday School

Saturday School is held twice a month from 8a.m. to 12p.m. in the school library. All day truancies or truancies of more than three hours are assigned Saturday School. Failure to serve will result in I.S.I. and reassignment of Saturday School.

1998/1999 Saturday School List

September 12 & 26 October 10 & 24 November 14 & 21

December 5 & 12 January 9 & 30 February 6 & 27

March 6 & 20 April 17 & 24 May 8 & 22

Relationship Between Problem Area and Disciplinary Action

The chart below indicates in general the types of disciplinary action that apply to each problem area. In each instance a minimum and maximum action is suggested. The range covers suggested action for first occurrences and for repeated occurrences. The consequences listed below are general guidelines. Each case is handled on its own merits and more severe consequences may be appropriate.

Problem Area   Action To Be Taken
  Range First Occurrence Repeated Occurrences
Tardiness Minimum Detention Tardy Policy
Maximum Detention Tardy Policy 

Dropped from Class

Truancy Minimum Detention Tardy Policy
Maximum Saturday School Tardy Policy
Defiance of Authority Minimum Formal Conference Suspension
Maximum Suspension Expulsion
Disorderly Conduct Minimum Informal Conference Removal from Class
Maximum In-School Intervention Expulsion
Bus Conduct Minimum Formal Conference Loss of Bus Privileges
Maximum Loss of Bus Privileges Permanent Loss of Bus Privileges
Profanity/Obscene Acts/ Inappropriate Displays of Affection  Minimum Formal Conference In-School Intervention
Maximum Suspension Expulsion
Forgery Minimum Formal Conference In-School Intervention
Maximum Suspension Suspension
Gambling Minimum Formal Conference Formal Conference
Maximum Suspension Suspension
Theft/Possession of 

Stolen Property

Minimum Suspension Suspension/Police  

contact when necessary

Maximum Expulsion Expulsion
Smoking (The Possession or Use of Tobacco) Minimum Detention Suspension
Maximum In-School Intervention Expulsion
Destruction of Property Minimum Suspension /Restitution Expulsion
Maximum Expulsion/Restitution Expulsion
Fighting/Assault Minimum In-School Suspension Suspension
Maximum Suspension/Expulsion Expulsion/Police contact
Failure to Remain in Designated Areas During School Day Minimum Detention Suspension
Maximum Saturday School Suspension
Throwing Food or Other Objects/ Littering Minimum Detention/Trash Pick-up Suspension
Maximum Suspension Suspension
Skateboards and In-line Skates Will not be Ridden/Brought on Campus Minimum Confiscation of skateboard Suspension
Maximum Suspension Suspension
Cheating Minimum Detention Suspension
Maximum Suspension Suspension

Prohibited Acts
Problem Area  
Action to be Taken
  Range First Occurrence Repeated Occurrences
Drugs/Alcohol Paraphernalia, Possession, Use, Under the Influence Mandatory suspension Suspension/Transfer/ 


Police contact


Police contact

Drugs/Alcohol Sale/Providing Mandatory suspension
Expulsion/Police contact
Sexual harassment Mandatory 


Suspend/transfer. Appropriate disciplinary action per board policy
Explosive Devices Mandatory suspension Suspension and/or Expulsion and Police/Fire Department contact
Weapons/Injuries Objects Mandatory suspension Suspension and/or Expulsion and Police contact
Extortion/Robbery Mandatory suspension Suspension and/or Expulsion and Police contact
Harassing or Intimidating Other Students Mandatory suspension Suspension and/or Expulsion and Police contact 

Behavior Contract

Unexcused Class Tardies

The seriousness of tardiness is recognized in the State Education Code. It provides for removal from class with loss of credit or suspension from school.

It is the student's responsibility to be in class at the tardy bell. Failure to be prompt will affect grades and result in disciplinary action. Students will be assigned to attend after school detention for each unexcused tardy incurred. Failure to attend within the next 48-hour period will result in additional disciplinary action.

Teachers will notify parents on the 5th tardy. A student may be dropped from class on the 8th tardy for defiance of school rules.

Areas Off Limits

During break and lunch, students have access to almost any area on campus.

The areas considered "off limits" are:

1. All parking lots (staff, student, and Auto/Ag.).

2. Bus drop off lane.

3. North of Center Mall (grass area) to Oak Glen Road

4. Athletic Fields (unless involved in intramural program).

5. West of food service.

6. South of amphitheater seating.

7. Public Phone area's during classtime (in case of an emergency, check with the receptionist in the main office).                                                                                                                                                                          Back

No Electronic Devices

All electronic devices including large portable stereos, walkmans, telephones, pagers, gameboys and other similar devices are not permitted on campus and in all cases will be confiscated and disciplinary action will be taken.

Smoking/Use of Tobacco<

State law prohibits the smoking, possession or use of tobacco, or any product containing tobacco, by students while on campus or while attending school sponsored activities.

NO SMOKING: This includes before and after school; prohibited in the parking lot, in or out of cars outside school entrances and areas adjacent to and around school property.

Chewing tobacco is not permitted on campus.                                                                                                                                                                           Back

Student Parking

If you wish to park on campus please note:

-Applications are available in the Assistant Principal's Office.

-The Assistant Principal's Secretary must approve the request for a permit.

-You can register more than one vehicle.

Student Parking is provided on a limited basis and is provided as a convenience to students. The School is not responsible for theft or damage to vehicle parked on school grounds.

All motor vehicles must be registered with the Assistant Principals' office. Each driver will be required to present a valid California driver's license, Department of Motor Vehicle registration, and proof of Insurance.

Vehicles parked on campus must display a valid parking permit. The cost of a parking permit is $30.00 per year. This fee is payable to the cashier. The parking permit fee must be paid by the end of the second week of school.

For the student's protection, it is advised that all students keep their vehicles locked. All vehicles parked in the lot may be subject to search.

Speed limit in the parking lot is 5 m.p.h.

Vehicles parked in unauthorized areas or vehicles not displaying the approved permit will be subject to a parking violation citation.

The parking lot is off limits to all students during regular school hours. Students may not loiter in their cars at any time.

Students parked on the public streets adjacent to the campus are not permitted to go to their cars during school hours. Autos are not to serve as school lockers.

The fine for unauthorized parking in any lot is $14.00, payable to Valley Center High School. If the fine is not paid within 10 days, the account is referred to the Dept. of Motor Vehicles. The fine then increases to $24.00. If this fine remains unpaid, the D.M.V. will deny future registration of the vehicle.

Visitor and Parent parking: Check in with the Assistant Principals' Office to get a temporary-parking permit. There is limited visitor parking in front of the Administration building.

Students are not allowed to park in the faculty parking lot.



The following rules and regulations have been established by state law and the local Board of Trustees. The Board of Education has elected to charge for transportation. Transportation tickets will be sold by the School Cashier in books containing forty (40) tickets at a cost of $20.00 per book. One ticket is used per ride. Those students who ride occasionally will be able to purchase a single ticket for $1.00. Students from households with incomes at or below the income levels stated in the income eligibility guidelines for free and reduced-price lunches may be exempted from transportation fees. Completed applications for free transportation are to be given to the School Cashier.

Transportation for students is not required by state. The school district policy provides transportation only to those students who reside outside a THREE-MILE radius of their high school campus.

Students transported in a school bus are under the authority of, and responsible directly to, the bus driver. Continued disorderly conduct, or persistent refusal to submit to the driver's authority, is sufficient reason for a student to be denied transportation privileges, in accordance with school district rules. When students board the bus, they are on school property and subject to all rules and regulations of the school.

Students are authorized to ride only their regularly scheduled bus, to and from their assigned stops, except when written permission for the student's parent/guardian is presented to the bus driver.

Bus Safety Rules

The bus driver is in charge at all times. Students must follow the driver's instructions.

Students must conduct themselves at all times in a manner which shows respect for property and consideration for others. Actions such as littering, spitting, throwing of objects at, within, or out of the bus, vandalism, or harassment of others will not be tolerated.

When students see the bus coming, they must move back six feet from the stop and line up for loading. Then must enter and leave the bus in an orderly manner.

Animals, birds, reptiles, fish, insects, breakable containers, skateboards, weapons, or any

object that could be hazardous will not be transported.

Students will remain seated from the time they board the bus until they arrive at their destination and the bus door is opened. Seats may be assigned at any time.

ll parts of the body must be kept inside the bus.

Eating, gum chewing, drinking, and smoking are not permitted.<

Students should avoid touching the emergency exit and driver-operated mechanisms. Profanity, vulgarity, and obscene gestures are not permitted.

Students may talk quietly, make no unnecessary noise. They must be absolutely quiet when

approaching and crossing railroad tracks.

Students should arrive at the bus stop 5 minutes before the scheduled bus arrival time.

School dress code is to be followed on the school bus. (see dress code)



Bus Schedule ROUTE 1

Highway 76 @ Harolds Rd. 5:52AM 3:54PM

Sengume Oaks Road @ La Jolla Reservation Tribal Hall 5:57AM 3:49PM

Highway 76 @ Rey River Ranch 6:01AM 3:45PM

Highway 76 @ 21101( La Jolla Private Drive) 6:06AM 3:41PM

Highway 76 @ Harolds Road 6:09AM 3:38PM

Highway 76 @ Stage Stop Grocery Store 6:16AM 3:31PM

Pauma Reservation Road @ Tribal Hall 6:22AM 3:25PM

Pauma Reservation Road @ Adams Drive 6:24AM 3:23PM

Pauma Reservation Road @ Highway 76 (use gravel turnout) 6:26AM 3:21PM

Pala Mission Road @ Stop sign Highway 76 (Turnaround) 6:32AM 3:15PM

Highway 76 @ Transit stop (across from Adams Drive) 6:37AM 3:10PM

Highway 76 @ El Sendero Drive 6:39AM 3:08PM

Cole Grade Road @ Pauma School 6:41AM 3:06PM

Cole Grade Road @ Pauma Vista Road 6:45AM 3:02PM





Valley Center Road @ Woods Valley Road 6:10AM 3:49PM

Valley Center Road @ Lizard Rocks Road 6:13AM 3:17PM

Valley Center Road @ Stream Ranch Road 6:15AM 3:18PM

Valley Center Road @ Irish Oaks Ranch Road 6:17AM 3:19PM

Valley Center Road @ Queensbridge Road 6:19AM 3:20PM

Valley Center Road @ Cobb Lane 6:21AM 3:22PM

Valley Center Road @ 54009 ( First paved road in Rincon) 6:26AM 3:27PM

Valley Center Road @ 33509 (Mazzetti`s Gas Station) 6:29AM 3:30PM

Valley Center Road @ Rincon Store 6:32AM 3:34PM

Valley Center Road @ Waa`ash Road 6:37AM 3:39PM

Cole Grade Road @ Cane Lane 6:47AM 3:13PM

Cole Grade Road @ Faraway Lane 6:49AM 3:11PM

Little Quail Run Road @ Cool Valley Road 6:53AM 3:07PM



Lake Wohlford Road @ Lake Wohlford Resort 6:11AM 3:52PM

Guejito Road @ Crown Hill Road 6:15AM 3:47PM

North Lake Wohlford Road @ Paradise Mountain Road 6:19AM 3:42PM

Paradise Mountain Road @ 18707 6:23AM 3:31PM

Shiloh Road @ Los Hermanos Ranch Road 6:25AM 3:33PM

Paradise Mountain Road @ Los Hermanos Ranch Road 6:26AM 3:35PM

Paradise Mountain Road @ Latigo Road 6:29AM 3:38PM

Paradise Mountain Road @ 17310 6:31AM 3:39PM

Woods Valley Road @ Bates Nut Farm 6:35AM 3:26PM

North Lake Wohlford Road @ Woods Valley Road 6:37AM 3:23PM

North Lake Wohlford Road @ Kumeyaay Way 6:39AM 3:20PM

North Lake Wohlford Road @ Canal Road 6:41AM 3:18PM

North Lake Wohlford Road @ Ahern Ranch Road 6:43AM 3:16PM

Sunset Road @ Valley Center Road 6:45AM 3:15PM

Sunset Road @ Vesper Road 6:47AM 3:13PM

Vesper Road @ Mactan Road 6:49AM 3:11PM

Fruitvale Road @ Paso Robles Road 6:51AM 3:09PM

Fruitvale Road @ Fox Run Lane 6:53AM 3:07PM

Fruitvale Road @ Twain Way 6:55AM 3:05PM

Fruitvale Road @ Olive Lane 6:56AM 3:04PM



Mountain Meadow Road @ Meadow Glen Way 6:04AM 3:54PM

Old Castle Road @ Old Castle Place 6:14AM 3:44PM

Old Castle Road @ Alta Mira Lane 6:19AM 3:39PM

Lilac Road @ Keys Creek 6:26AM 3:26PM

Lilac Road @ Santa Catalina Road 6:28AM 3:29PM

Lilac Road @ Cousar Canyon Road 6:30AM 3:31PM

Lilac Road @ 30840 ( Hooterville Hut) 6:34AM 3:34PM

Lilac Road @ Harvest Farms Village 6:39AM 3:16PM

Lilac Road @ Valley Center Community Hall 6:42AM 3:11PM

Valley Center Road @ 28743 (Transit Stop) 6:45AM 3:09PM

Miller Road @ Misty Oak Road 6:48AM 3:07PM

Miller Road @ 30052 ( Baptist Church) 6:53AM 3:04PM


Media Center

The Media Center is a great place to read and do homework. We open our doors at 7:00 A.M. and close at 3:30 P.M. Students may have up to four library books checked out at one time. The checkout period is for two weeks with a fine of 10¢ per day for each book overdue, with a cap of $2.00 per book. Some academic courses have a classroom set of textbooks. For those who are not able to complete their work in the classroom, we have limited textbooks that the students may check out with the teacher's permission.

Doing research work in the Media Center has been made easier with the use of computers connected to the Internet as well as offering a word processing program and an online encyclopedia. In order for students to utilize these computers, an ethical use policy/contract must be completed by the student, parent/guardian, and teacher. When using computers, students must display student I.D. that has Internet Approval sticker affixed. Students are to use these computers strictly for school-related work. Printouts are 10¢ a page.

We also have a photocopier in the Media Center. Library staff will make copies for students at 10¢ a copy.

When textbooks are issued, students should look through them for any damage not already stamped "DAMAGE NOTED". There are two weeks after receiving books to report damage, otherwise any unnoted damage will be charged top the student. Each textbook issued by the Media Center has a barcode on the inside back cover. Any marking or damage to that barcode will be an automatic $5.00 fine.

When checking out of school, all books must be returned and all textbook fines and/or library fines must be paid. We will not go out to classrooms or lockers for a student's book(s). It is the student's responsibility to return all books. Books checked out from the Media Center must be returned back to the Media Center. DO NOT return books to teachers and DO NOT store textbooks in classrooms.

Lost textbooks must be paid for. If the lost book is found within one year from date of purchase and is in the same condition as when checked out, a full refund will be issued. Please be sure to keep your receipt(s) to prove payment.

If there are questions concerning the above information, please contact us at (760) 751-5540.





Advisor's Name ____________________________

August 1998


I have received a copy of the Valley Center High School Handbook.


I understand it is my responsibility to read these rules and take them home for my parents to read and return this form with appropriate signatures.


I have read and I understand the Rules of Student Discipline, Standards for Student Behavior and Student Responsibilities. I agree to abide by this policy while attending Valley Center High School.




_________________________________________         __________________

Student Signature                                                                    





_________________________________________         __________________

Parent/Guardian Signature                                                     Date




Print Student Name                                                                                                                                 Back