When pouring highballs, place the glass filled with ice on the bar
in front of the customer, pour the requested liquor in front of the customer
and fill the glass with the chaser of choice [gingerale-soda-water, etc.]
also in front of the customer. Nothing is more unprofessional than mixing
and pouring drinks out of site of the customer.
HIGHBALL: Highball glass - ice cubes - 1 oz. rye - add ginger ale or Seven up.
PRESBYTERIAN: Highball glass - ice cubes - 1 oz. rye - equal parts of gingerale and soda.
VIRGIN MARY: Highball glass - ice cubes - dash of Tabasco - dash of Worcestershire - 1/4 teaspoon of horseradish - add tomato juice - garnish with a wedge of lime or celery stalk.
BLOODY MARY: Same as Virgin Mary but add 1 oz. vodka and horseradish is optional.
SCREWDRIVER: Highball glass - 1 oz. vodka - add orange juice.
MADRAS: Highball glass - ice cubes - 1 oz. vodka - equal parts orange juice and cranberry juice - garnish with a wedge of lime.
CAPE CODDER: Highball glass - ice cubes - 1 oz. vodka - add cranberry juice - garnish with a wedge of lime.
SEABREEZE: Highball glass - ice cubes - 1 oz. vodka - equal parts cranberry juice and grapefruit juice.
SALTY DOG: Highball glass - coat the rim of the glass with a wedge of lime - dip the rim of the glass lightly in kosher salt - ice cubes - 1 oz. vodka - add grapefruit juice.
GIN & TONIC: Highball glass - ice cubes - 1 oz gin - add quinine water - lime wedge garnish.
VODKA & TONIC: Same as gin & tonic but substitute 1 oz. vodka for gin.
SPRITZER: Highball glass - half filled with white wine - soda - garnish with lemon twist.
CUBA LIBRE: Highball glass - ice cubes
- 1 oz. white rum - coca cola - garnish with wedge of lime.
7 & 7: Highball glass - ice cubes - 1 oz Seagrams Seven Crown Whiskey
- Seven-up.
All the above drinks should be filled to 1/4 inch below the rim of
the glass and a cocktail stirrer should be added.