This is a popular request, not only in the summer, but all year long. Remember, any drink can be put “On the Rocks” but please do not mix a manhattan or martini by pouring the vermouth, gin or whiskey over the rocks and give it to a customer. This is the mark of a rank amateur. Mix every cocktail properly, then pour it over the rocks. Some drinks are always served in a rock's glass, notably the Old Fashion.

On The Rocks

OLD FASHION: - Rock's glass - add 1/2 mixing spoon of sugar - 1 dash bitters - 1 oz. rye - fill with ice cubes - add soda (plain water if specified) - garnish with orange and cherry.
(Note, any type of liquor may be substituted if requested.)

STINGER: - Cocktail glass - take mixing glass add 1 scoop of crushed ice - add 1 1/2 oz. brandy - add 1/2 oz. creme de menthe - shake vigorously - strain into cocktail glass no garnish. (Note, any type of liquor may be substituted for brandy, in a green stinger substitute green creme de menthe for white.)

BLACK RUSSIAN: - Rocks glass - fill with ice cubes - 3/4 oz. vodka - 1/4 oz. Kahlua.

WHITE RUSSIAN: - A black russian filled with cream.

GIMLET: - Cocktail glass - take mixing glass add 1 scoop of crushed ice - add 1 1/2 oz. of specified liquor (vodka, gin, rum, etc.) - 1/2 oz. Roses Lime Juice - stir gently - strain into cocktail glass - garnish with a lime wedge.

RUSTY NAIL - KNUCKLE HEAD: - Rocks glass - fill with cubes - 3/4 oz. scotch - 1/4 oz. Drambuie.

WHITE SPIDER: - Rock's glass - fill with cubes - 1 1/2 oz. vodka - 1/2 oz. white creme de menthe.

SOMBRERO: - 7 oz. Rock's glass - 1 1/2 oz. coffee brandy - fill with milk.

KAHLUA SOMBRERO: - Rock's glass - 1 1/2 oz. Kahlua - fill with milk.