...To You...

to you... shits so hard for me lately and i dont know why... u make it hard for me. but its over- i guess forever and thats cool, i just wish things were different. im not one of those girls that are all about boys, that my life revoloves around boys. im not stuck up and i realized that image is nothing...what im tryin to say is that i dont know how i feel anymore, i want to say theres no feelings left for you, but then i think id be lieing to myself...maybe those feelings will never go away or maybe i just need to get a grip. i dont even want anything serious, and i know you dont either... i guess its just i felt so comfortable with u that now its hard for me to ever move on. what we had wasnt even near perfect, because we couldnt see eachother..but being so young it was the only thing i knew of being good. so if thats the only thing i knew was good, and one of the things that made me happy, then once it was gone...where was i to go? its also hard because i dont know how u feel, and how you ever felt... cuz if it was true, then why did it end up this way? i hate bothering you about this, because i dont really think u care...but i guess it was jus harder for me. so just know that you'll always have me as a friend, soemone real, who really cares...i couldnt erase what i wrote about you almost a year ago:

i dont know where to begin but, i love u... i know as much as i wanna be with you, that may not happen. but i guess that doesnt mean that much, we can still be friends. the time we spent together we were more friends then anything and i love that and miss that then anything. you dont know how much you were there for me and helped me through when shit got tough. you actually understand me. u went through a lot and so did i, maybe not as much as you but i can still remember when you were there for me. no ones ever helped me like that, and i really wan to say thankyou. i'm not going to go through all the times we had together, and all of our little conversations because i know you remember them and i hope they mean as much to you as they do to me. thankyou so much for being there... and please just dont ever forget me...i know ya want cuz i'll always be ya FTF babyyy
1-01-01 - i dunno sometime in like august haha

he looked in my eyes and didnt see the pretty girl he used to see something was different.. something was missing...looking into my eyes was darkness and hell at a glance...because inside i was dieing and needed another chance... i needed to act strong so i hope he couldnt tell... then he said he knew something was wrong and in momements my heart fell...i couldnt let him know im not the same because of love, for that would scare him even more away, but it was like he knew what i was thinking, and didnt have much to say...what was i to do now that my secret was now revealed, it was my eyes because my lips were surely sealed, then i thought again and looked into those eyes of teal.. maybe it was just that he felt the same way that i feel

How do you love someone
That hurts you oh so bad
With intentions good
Was all he ever had
But how do I let go when I've
Loved him for so long and I've
Given him all that I could
Maybe love is a hopeless crime
Giving up what seems your lifetime
What went wrong with something once so good
How do you find the words to say
To say goodbye
If your heart don't have the heart to say
To say goodbye
I know now I was naïve
Never knew where this would lead
And I'm not trying to take away
From the good man that he is
But how do I let go when I've
Loved him for so long and I've
Given him all that I could
Maybe love is a hopeless crime
Giving up what seems your lifetime
What went wrong with something once so good
But how do you find the words to say
To say goodbye
If your heart don't have the heart to say
To say goodbye
Is this the end are you sure
How should you know when you've never been here before
It's so hard to just let go
When this is the one and only love I've ever known
So how do you find the words to say
To say goodbye
If your heart don't have the heart to say
To say goodbye

baby i dont know why u wanna do me wrong...

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HoLLa To All Of YaLL
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"If you love something.. Let it go.
if it comes back to you, its yours. If it doesn't it never was"