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Sheet Music Library

Information Center

Create Yourown Business
Maybe "On-line"

Sheet Music Library
For Sale or in Search of a Grant!
An Incredible Opportunity!
Many genre and eras. Non-profit status possible. Investment and Treasure!    

a "World-Class Collection" of this century's Sheet Music Publications
and more!
What could ya do with 250,000 titles in Cyberspace,
data-based & each sheet still saleable?
Email Here For More Info

An Historical & Cultural Achievement
Of Preservation
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This collection of an estimated 250, 000 pieces of sheet music presents a very unique opportunity for an individual or an organization.
At the present time, each individual piece is being carefully categorized and preserved in protective coverings; about 30,000 titles now completed, computer databased, as well as stored on disk. This is being done in southern Oregon, U.S.A.
The greatest percentage of this collection is printed sheet music acquired and held over a sixty year period with some pieces dating as old as the early 1800's.
Most impressive is the Variety of Genre as well as the value as related to such reference books as Sheet Music Reference by Anna Marie Guiheen and Marie-Reine A. Pafik (2nd Edition-Schroder Publishing 1995). This collection boasts of containing no less than 50% of the titles found in 'that' reference book which reveals most of them to be worth several dollars each.
A substantial amount are worth far more; up to $45 per title in some instances.

Click Here to see a SAMPLE

Certainly, it is noted that true value is the actual selling price of any material ,however, a minimal estimate evaluates 'retention-value' as a digital library),and indicators such as: hundreds of advanced copies (to say: 'copies' of the composers hand before it was type-set), non-published band arrangements (not made public, but used by movie or play production orchestras), over-sized arrangements (packets of complete orchestral or band arrangements) as well as an occasionally autographed copy of a work, and even the 'artistic or esthetic value pleasing to the eye and heart which many of the covers produce!

One current and on-going objective is a grant search for the purpose of 'scanning' the entire collection for database entry. Making this particular collection available through a Website on the Internet will establish the business value as it becomes the difinitive sheet music library On-line!
A 'non-profit status' is applied for and significant benefits are anticipated toward these goals. Research is also underway to search out interested parties such as a university or a preservation society which might want to take over this endeavor at any point.
The value increases with more of the work being completed, but the true value is this:

Once all is scanned and categorized and part of a searchable and downloadable program, it is possible to create an On-line Lending Library to which millions have availability and access ,either as paying members or granted permission. This database of materials becomes the business either On-line or as a physical print medium store.
The owner(s) still have the physical sheet music to sell as collectibles and possibly with non-profit status! So, it's not "just some sheet music for sale, but a world-class collection with 1/4 million pieces of unique and interesting qualities.

Note:The professor of music who is responsible for this achievement is truly gifted in many facets and avenues of music (an archive of personal interest himself) and should be applauded for having completed such a remarkable and artistic feat of preservation.
His availability to interested persons or organizations is warm and open with consideration for his time.
A PhD in Music and an illustrious 50 year career in the industry allows for distinct professional retrospect with a courteous attention to others input, the point being that there is no interest to offer any part of this magnificent collection as individual pieces nor to dealers who are seeking a portion thereof.
This life's work and heart-felt project is no less than an historical archive of culture and "connection' for many who can appreciate it!

Preliminary discussion may begin through representative Tom Tanzi either by email or phoning (541) 412-7170 in Brookings, Oregon.

Beit ever-so-humble, the asking price to sell outright this collection is way down in this dialogue so as to relate to truly intersted parties. Negotiations may begin with a $325K price in this current market and in view of the progress toward the maximized potential!
Certainly a physical look at the product is an eventuality and stimulating conduit to mutual agreement.
Thank You!

Wait! ..., How about Both
The Sheet Music Collection, The Antique Instruments AND
The Owner will
throw in his HOME in Medford, Oregon...,
ALL THIS has to be worth $500,000 and it's being liquidated
for Much Less...,



The Store That's Contributing by
Selling Musical Instruments & Art

Rare and Precious Violins & Other Musical Instruments
For Sale (Helps to finance the Music Library project)

Thank You


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