The Music & Art Store
"Downtown Cyberville", but also located on the coast!
We're Suite B at the SWAP MEET in
Brookings, Oregon
Some Musical Things and Artwork For Sale
- Guitars, Keyboards and Drums
- Band Instruments, Accessories and Lessons
- Lithographs & Originals by "Illuminist" Leszek Forczek
- Some Other Things, too * If we don't have it,
maybe we can find it for you!
Featured Instrument **** Beatles-type
Electric Bass
Click here to check it out!
* Leszek Forczek *
This 'world-class'
artist is on the
rise in popularity
and esteem.
His work is beautiful
& truly collectible!
Click here to see
Instruments Sale
A list of new & used instruments
for various levels of musicians!
Music Lessons
Available through
this store! Various instruments
All levels!
Give us a call!REPAIR!
Most instruments
repaired through
this store.
Here is a link to some very
Rare and Precious Instruments
For Sale On-line
An 1825 Violin Made in Rome, Italy
An "Award-Winning" Artendale Viola
A 1799 German Violin
Most Incredible of All!
(Attention Non-profit organiations, universities,
philanthropists and entrepeneurs!)
A World-Class Sheet Music Library &
Being offered For Sale as a
historical archive
or an On-line Business
such as a "Lending Library"! It's huge!!*
Other Links
Non-Profit Funding for Kids in Music
Still under construction...,but worthy!
The Diamond Seller
Precious gems & jewelery
with the The Best "price-connection" availabe!
Easy Street:
A fun & Wonderful site (4-all-ages) to visit
Email: D & D Music Store
Thank You!.