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Episode Reviews

Attack of the Prehistoric Pokémon
Ash and friends come to Grandpa canyon and saw a line of people with picks and shovels. Then Gary pops out and said that it's the great fossil rush. The fossil rush is where everybody digs for old pokemon fossils. Suddenly Gary found his first pokemon fossil which soon became a fossilized pokemon manure. Team Rocket came and said their motto and they lit the fuse to the dynamite so they could blow up Grandpa Canyon and get all the fossils without having to dig. Ash calls out Squirtle to stop the fuse but Squirtle can't get the lit fuse to stop. Then Team Rocket calls out Arbok and Wheezing. Team Rocket chase Ash,Pikachu and Squirtle suddenly James trips over a rock and the whole Team Rocket turns into a ball rolling down the Canyon and Ash,Pikachu and Squirtle get caught by Team Rocket's human and pokemon ball. They fell and stopped right next to the dynamite and the fuse was still lit and it was still going and Pikachu did a Thundershock and everything just stopped for about few seconds and the dynamite exploded. The explosion cause the ground to crack and everybody fell in except Squirtle. Brock and Misty didn't fall in and they tried to remove all the boulders that were covering the crack. Underground where Ash and Team Rocket are at they start to see red glowing eyes. Kabuto,Kabutops,Omanyte,Omastar came out and started to chase everybody because they were mad at the humans for waking up their long slumber. While up above the earth's ground Brock and Misty called Officer Jennie for help and Jennie said she can't get the bulldozers to come so they would;d have to dig by hand and Jennie left to get help. Brock called out Geodude to help. Underground They were still being chased and Pikachu tried Thundershock but it didn't work so Ash called out Charmeleon but Charmeleon still wouldn't listen. The rare pokemon just stopped and ranaway. Then a Aerodactyl came and kicked Charmeleon in the face. Aerodactyl lifted up Ash and Pikachu and charmeleon hung on Aerodactyls tail and Aerodacytl flew out of the underground cave. Charmeleon evolved to Charizard and tried to battle Aerodactyl. Then Misty got Jigglypuff to sing it's song and everyone fell asleep and Charizard got Ash. Jigglypuff got mad because everybody fell asleep so Jigglypuff marked everybody faces with marker. When everybody woke up Officer Jennie told everybody that it was all a dream. When Ash woke up he found an egg right next to him and he kept it. Team Rocket was still underground with the rare pokemon. THE END


Who Gets to Keep Togepi?

Ash, Brock, Misty, and Pikachu walk into a Pokémon Center. "I have a message for you." says nurse Joy, handing Ash a message. It's from Proffesor Oak, asking Ash to call him. Ash imediately goes to a phone and calls Oak. Oak tells Ash he should call more often, and Ash says that he's been pretty busy.. As Ash and Proffesor Oak talk, Muk is visable moving around Proffesor Oak annoying him. "I see my Muk's doing well!" Ash says happily. "Yes. It hasn't been so easy caring for it. I hope the next pokémon you catch is easier to care for." says Proffesor Oak. "I haven't caught any new pokémon yet." Ash mumbles, a little upset. "Have you heard about the pokédex upgrade?" Proffesor Oak asks Ash. Ash says no so Proffesor Oak explains that it has information on all the latest pokémon discoveries. "Wow! How can I get it?" Ash asks excitedly. Proffesor Oak directs him to put his pokédex into a slot on the phone and that he'll upgrade it. Ash does as instructed and insurts his pokédex. Soon he has the upgrade and says bye to Proffesor Oak. They sit down at a table and begin talking about the egg they found as Brock polishes it with his shirt. "So when's that thing going to hatch, Brock?" Ash asks. "I don't know." Brock replys. They begin talking about what it might hatch into, since they don't know what it'll be. Misty says how she'd love it to be a Tentacreal or a Lapras, and Brock says how he'd like for it to be a Golem. Than Ash realizes, "You mean it could turn out to be an Aerodactyl?!" He says scared. "Could be." Brock replies. Team Rocket is there, but on another side of the room, unoticed. They begin talking about the egg. "I think he said it's a Dragonair." says James. "No, an Aerodactyl." says Jesse. They talk about how surprised the boss would be if they actually got it and hatched it.. "We've got to get that egg." Meowth says. "Remember we haven't even been able to get that one Pikachu. We have a proud tradition of failure to uphold!" says James. "Than you fail and we'll succeed!" Jesse says angrily and starts explaining the plan to Meowth. James trys to hear but can't and says "I can break tradition!" Ash, Brock, Misty, and Pikachu are walking outside, when Jesse and James come up to them in digise as egg sales girls and do a weird dance. "We kick up our legs, so you will buy our eggs!" they say. "We don't need one, we already have our own." Ash says. Team Rocket gets them to show off their egg and throw the eggs they were holding in baskets at Brock who's holding the egg. Brock drops the egg and Meowth grabs it, unnoticed. "They're not egg salesmen." Ash says and Team Rocket starts saying their motto after ripping off the diguise. They stop angrily because Ash, Brock, Misty, and Pikachu aren't paying attention because they're to busy trying to find their egg. "Lookin for this?" Meowth says holding up the one real egg. "Meowth's got our egg!" Brock says. "It was" "Your egg." Says Jesse than James and they run away. Team Rocket actually get away and are back at a secret hideout. James mentions several ways to cook the egg. "Your not cookin it cause I'm hatchin it!" Meowth says. Meowth cares for the egg like it was it's own child. It bathes with it, sleeps with it, polishes it, and he never puts it down. Ash, Brock, Misty, and Pikachu finnally find the hideout in the woods. They peer in the window and see Meowth with the egg. Ash sends Pidgeotto, Brock sends Geodude, and Misty sends Starmie. The three pokémon burst through the window and Pidgeotto grabs the egg and brings it to Ash, who's now inside. Jesse and James send out Arbok and Weezing. Weezing creates a smoke screen and everyone trys to get the egg. When ever someone got the egg, it'd be nocked out of their hands by one of the pokémon. Finnally Ash orders Pidgeotto to blow the smoke away because he can't see. The gust knocks the egg out of Meowth's hand. Everyone stares in shock as the egg flies through the air. Ash runs and leaps to try and catch the egg, but misses. The smoke clears away from where the egg landed and Pikachu's standing there holding the egg because it caught it. Ash takes the egg from Pikachu and thanks him. "Huh? It feels like there's something moving inside." Ash says. Brock goes over and watches as the egg begins to crack. Just before it's about to hatch Misty pushes Ash and Brock aside and grabs the egg so she can see it hatch. The egg hatches and Togepi looks at Misty. "Togi!" it squeaks happily. Everyone gathers around and aws at Togepi. Team Rocket than realizes they have to finsih their match. Ash has Pikachu thundershock Team Rocket, defeating them. Ash, Brock, Misty, Pikachu and Togepi are in a park. They're all wondering what Togepi is. Ash than remembers than he had Dexter upgraded and looks to see if it has the information. "Togepi. There is no specific information available." They talk about who should get to keep Togepi. Than Team Rocket show's up. Jesse and James crying about how much Meowth cared about the egg. "I didn't know you guys were so sensative." Ash says. "All I ask for is my Togepi." Meowth says. They decide to have a Tournament to see who get's to keep Togepi. Meowth declares that Jesse and James didn't do anything to help Togepi and shouldn't be included in the Tournament. Jesse and James are out raged but sit in some seats in front of the stage where the tournament is being held. They decide to only use one pokémon each. While deciding which pokémon to use, Meowth realizes he doesn't have any pokémon and asks for Jesse or James'. Jesse and James refuse to let him use theirs. Meowth remembers that he is a pokémon and can fight for himself. The first match is Brock versus Meowth. Brock uses Onix and Meowth chooses himself. The battle begins with Meowth ordering himself to use the scratch attack. It doesn't affect Onix. Brock has Onix use rock throw, badly hurting Meowth. "Meowth tells himself that his scratch and bite attacks are no use against rock pokémon. Than he notices two buckets of water. He grabs them and throws them at Onix's face shouting "Total victory will be mine! Meowth uses swift water attack!" Onix roars in pain as Meowth attacks it's face with Fury Swipes. Jesse and James are surprised that Meowth won. "Hey! useing water is cheating!" Brock argues as Onix lays there on the ground unconcious. "I am merely a parent fighting for it's child." replys Meowth and is declared the winner. The next match is Ash and Misty. Ash chooses Bulbasaur. "I knew you'd choose Bulbasaur. So I choose Starmie!" Misty shouts and is about to throw Starmie's pokéball when Psyduck comes out. "Ah! Quick Psyduck return to your pokéball!" she shouts desperately. "You can't return your pokémon!" Ash says. Misty knows he's right. "All right Bulbasuar! Aim for the head!" Misty shouts. "I'm not that dense! Bulbasaur, go lick Psyduck on the head." He commands Bulbasaur, who obeys. "Bulbasaur! You'll never lick Psyduck if you lick it!" she says upset. "Now use the tickle attack!" Ash says, and Bulbasaur begins tickleing Psyduck with it's vines. Psyduck returns to it's pokéball, making Ash the winner. Now it's Ash versus Meowth. Ash chooses Pikachu, and Meowth chooses himself. Meowth jumps back to where the trainer stands and Orders himself to use Fury Swipes attack. He jumps forward to where the pokémon starts off, looks back and says "Right!" When he turns around Pikachu puts the tip of it's tail on Meowth's charm and shocks him into a defeat. Jesse and James drag Meowth away. "I hope you'll be happy with your new trainer." Meowth says crying to Togepi. "All right Togepi! Your mine now!" Ash says happily. Togepi looks at him unhappily. "I told you. Togepi only wants to go to me. Togepi looks at Misty and smiles. Misty puts Togepi on the ground and lets it follow her around. Ash checks Dexter again. "Togepi. When this pokémon hatches it is imprinted with the first thing it sees, thinking this is it's mother." "That explains it! Togepi likes Misty best because she was the first thing it saw!" Brock says. So Misty gets to keep Togepi.

- Charizard2000

Episode 13: Mystery of the Lighthouse

Our heroes are in another forest and find a beach. Ash then tries to capture a Crabby and sees the Pokeball disappear. Ash finds out that he must can only carry six at a time in a Pokemon league. Our heroes then find a lighthouse and ask for some help and get the help they need. Ash talks to Professor Oak to see if Crabby was O.K. and finds Gary has captured a bigger one and has 45 Pokemons, and Professor Oak introduces Bill, a Pokemon researcher. Ash gets Bill out of a Pokemon costume and Bill tells them about the 150 Pokemons that are in the world, and tells about ones that are extinct. Bill then tells him about the research is doing. He is trying to be friends with a huge water Pokemon by mimicking sounds and illuminate the lights in the lighthouse. Team Rocket climbs the mountain and then shoot the monster and the monster is enraged and the monster goes back into the sea. Bill then says he will continue his research and our heroes go off into the sunset.

- Ash Ketchum

Episode Title: The Flame Pokemon-a-thon
Who's That Pokemon?: Ponyta
Synopsis:Ash and his gang enters the Safari Zone when there is a stampede of Tauros. Then finds out from Pokemon breeder Laura that they were in Laramie and couldn't catch any Pokemon. Laura says that there is a tournament coming and she was going to race with her flaming horse, Ponyta. Laura invited her new friends to a party that night and that's when Team Rocket sprung into action with their nasty tricks and made Laura break her arm. She couldn't ride but she said Ash should. On the day of the race, Ash got on Ponyta and later in the race found out that Team Rocket was working for the favorite for the race. Team Rocket still did some of their dirty tricks until they got "blasted off" by Starmie, Squirtle and Pikachu. Ash continued the race and caught up to the favorite in the later part of the race. Just then, Ponyta evolved into Rapidash and won the race with a speed close to 100 mph. Rapidash, Ash and Laura were happy and Ash continued his journey to the Safari Zone.

Episode Title: The Kangashkan Kid
Who's That Pokemon?: Kangashkan
Synopsis: Ash and his gang reach the Safari Zone but when trying to catch a Chancey, it turns out to be the safari zone ranger. She was going to put them in jail but she let them go because they didn't know. Then, they heard something and went to the scene. They found a herd of Kangaskhan being attacked by Team Rocket. They Kangashkan got captured but out of nowhere came a little kid that freed the Kangaskhan and sent Team Rocket "blasting off" again. When they got back to the ranger station a helicopter flew down and out came the heroic boy named Tommy's parents. They all then went to look for Tommy. When they found him, he didn't remember his parents but then he did. Next, the ranger came and said that the Kangashkan were being poached again by Team Rocket. This time Team Rocket didn't go down easy, they had a life sized Kangashkan that they made and they put all the Kangashkan to sleep. They were about to capture them until a helicopter came and "blasted" Team Rocket again. The helicopter contained Tommy's parents but they were OK. In the end, Tommy's parents joined Tommy to defend the Kangashkan from the poachers.

Written by Dux

Episode:Pikachu's Goodbye

One day, Ash, Misty, and Brock were lost in the forest and ran into a herd of wild Pikachu. Ash's pikachu makes an acquantence with another young Pikachu and the two have fun. Soon, the young Pikachu falls into a nearby river and Ash's Pikachu jumps in after it. With the help of the rest of the Pikachu, the young Pikachu is saved. Ash, Masty, and Brock are sleeping and are soon awakened by Team Rocket. Team Rocket captures all the Pikachu. Ash, Maisty and Brock save the day! Ash tries to leave his Pikachu, but it heads him off and makes him take it with him.
Written by s.marsala

The Song Of Jigglypuff
One day Ash, Misty, and Brock are in the forest and discover a Jigglypuff. It couldn't sing. Brock gave it a special fruit that allowed it to sing. It sang and put them to sleep. Tey wake up and take it to a place called Neon Town. It sang and everyone fell asleep. It got mad and ran away. Ash, Misty, and Brock left Neon Town, with Jigglypuff following them and they didn't even know about it! THE END (This is one of WB's new episodes.)
Written by s.marsala

The Problem With Paras
Meowth falls in love with a Paras Trainer. The trainer wants to make her Paras evolve. It's too cowardly to fight, though. Meowth decides to send Wheezing and Arbok to fight Paras. Paras beats them. Charmelion attacks Paras. Paras beats him. Paras evolves! The Trainer is very happy. Meowth asks to be her friend, but he gets dumped for a Persian! HeHeHeHe. THE END (This was one of WB's new episodes)

Written by s.marsala

Challenge Of The Samurai
Ash and Misty are walking through Viridian Forest and are attacked by a samurai. Their battle is interrupted by a swarm of Beedrill. They steal Metapod. Ash manages to get Metapod back. Metapod evolves. Butterfree saves Ash, Misty, and samurai from the Beedrill.

Written by s.marsala

The Problem with Paras
The gang reach Moss City (?) which was a small town with no gym and were going to pass it until they found out they were out of Potions and Antidotes. Meanwhile, Team Rocket was trying to think of a plan to snatch Pikachu but Meowth had a bad cold. Team Rocket kept going though because cats have 9 lives but a pretty girl comes along and helps Meowth and calls Jesse and James irresponsible trainers. Meowth then falls in love with the girl. When the gang arrived at the Potion shop, they met the same girl that helped Team Rocket and she challenged Ash to a battle. The girl had a Paras who's confidence was really low but a fair Pokemon. Ash's Pikachu electracuted it with a tiny shock and Squirtle washed it away with a tiny stream of water. Ash then sent out Charmeleon, but it didn't listen to Ash and burnt Paras to a crisp and even burnt Ash. Pikachu shocked Charmeleon so Ash could return it to the PokeBall. After all the losses, Paras ran away. The gang found it finally and Team Rocket thought if they evolved Paras, they would get rich and Meowth would be the store's mascot. They let Paras beat Arbok and Wheezing and then Ash has the same plan, he sends out Pikachu and Paras pokes him so Pikachu was going to do his thundershock but Ash stopped him and Pikachu fell down like he lost. Then Ash sent out Charmeleon and once again Charmeleon didn't obey Ash and couldn't stop it. But Paras poked it in the stomach and it fell down for a little while. Then Paras evolved into Parasect and finished the Charmeleon off with its Spore. Cassandra (The girl) praised Team Rocket of their efforts but they didn't get what they wanted because Cassandra's grandma found a Persian in the backyard and it became the mascot.

Written by Dux

The Song of Jigglypuff
The gang arrive in Neon Town. It is a very hyper place (kind of like Las Vegas) where people don't sleep. Ash accidently bumps into someone and get into a big fight until Officer Jenny comes and breaks them up. The gang decide to head on to the forest where they find a Jigglypuff sitting on a tree stump. Misty wants to catch it and sends out Staryu. It does Double-Edge and makes Jigglypuff cry. Ash and friends try to figure out why it didn't defend itself. They later find out that Jigglypuff can't sing. Misty tries to teach it but dosen't work. Pikachu tried to sing and did great! (I liked that part) After, Brock found a fruit that clears up sore throats and let Jigglypuff try it. It worked! Jigglypuff started singing and it was very soothing. When Jigglypuff sang again, everyone fell asleep and Jigglypuff drew on their faces with a marker. Then, the gang tried their Pokemon. They all fell asleep too. Next, Team Rocket butts in and wants to capture Jigglypuff and do a new theme song which was fantastic then attacked right away. James sent out Wheezing while Ash sent out Bulbasaur. Bulbasaur did Vine Whip which spun Wheezing around and did a Poison Gas attack at Team Rocket. Misty sent Staryu to wash them away. Since Team Rocket couldn't capture Jigglypuff, they decided to just record her song. They tried but fell asleep. When they woke up, they found their faces drawn on and their recording was a bunch of snoring. Ash tries another plan. This time it was to have Jigglypuff sing to Neon Town because they couldn't fall asleep and Jigglypuff would be happy again. Team Rocket was happy and let the gang have a outdoor stage. Jigglypuff sang its song and suprisingly everyone (including Team Rocket) fell asleep. Jigglypuff then went away with her magic maker scribbling on everyone's faces. When everyone woke up, they were friendly. Everyone apologized to each other for doing wrong things and Neon Town was pretty much peaceful again. The gang couldn't find Jigglypuff so continued on their journey. They didn't know that Jigglypuff was following... hey wait for Jigglypuff!

Written by Dux

The Path To The Pokemon League
Ash just won his 10th battle. He sees a gym, but it's not an official gym, though! He challenges the Trainer, but gets creamed. Team Rocket steals the trainers best Pokemon. He beats Team Rocket and gets his Pokemon back. Ash gets a new rival, the trainer.

Written by s.marsala

"Bye Bye Butterfree"
"Who's that Pokémon?" It's Butterfree!
Ash and his friends are walking when they get to this cliff and see lots of butterfrees flying.Brock tells Ash to let Butterfree go and mate.Butterfree flies off and sees a pink butterfree and falls in love.Ash's Butterfree performs the mating dance but the pink butterfree slaps him with her wing.Butterfree then flies away.Ash and his friends find butterfree in a forest all alone and Misty ties a yellow bandana around his neck and they tell him to impress the pink butterfree.Then,Team Rocket catches all the butterfrees including the pink butterfree and Butterfree tries to save them but he can't.Ash and his friends find the butterfrees in a warehouse and they save the butterfrees and the pink butterfree falls in love with Ash's butterfree.After the butterfrees were saved,Butterfree and the pink butterfree fly away.

-Geoff Ketchum

The Case of the K-9 Capers

Who's that pokémon!: Growlithe
Ash, Misty, Brock, Pikachu, and Togepy contine their quest. They then run into Growlithes all controlled by Team Rocket in a police dog training school. What will happen. You have to find out yourself, because it is on Saturday April 10, (The year is 1999 mind you) on Kids WB!


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