For those of you, who really don't wanna see me, when I wuz lil, don't, Just don't look, cuz I'm sure I could pick a few of my friends who would die to see these pictures
A start to my dancin life
As most of you know, I absolutely love to dance. Although my dancin is not considered to be of the norm. I love it,and will continue to love it for the rest of my life.
This picture symbolizes the start, the person I am dancing with, is a great friend of mine, although I hardly see him any more, I do miss him, and his family. I wish they could see this, if not be here with me.If they do end up seeing this, I want you to know, that I luv you all, and hope to spend some quality time with you all real soon.
I remember the day like it was yesterday. I was so upset cuz I had never danced before, so I didn't know how. Also no one even noticed I went missing for three hours, when I went to cry in the coat closet. It was awful. But eventually I was found, and I think one of our parents put him up to askin me to dance, but it was still a wonderful gesture, and it brightened the rest of the evening for me.
For those of you who plan to make fun of me for this story, think again, it happened when I wuz young, stupid, and obviously childish.
My bothers and I
Here my brothers and I, sit patiently on a bench, in a park in Virden Manitoba. We are waiting for the photographer to get thingz right, and to settle the rest of the family down.This picture was taken on an event that will never be forgotten within my family. It was the last anniversary that my grandparents had. Even though the last, it all ended on a happy note, thanx to my grandma.She unfortunately had cancer at the time this event happened, but decided it would be best to keep it from us, till the celebration had ended. A great and wonderful lady. We all miss her greatly
Unfortunately I do not have a story to go with this picture. I think it is great, but still no story. Just sit back,and look how incredibly happy I was, even with that terrible hair.
Although, I am one to enjoy crazy hair do's and anythin else that is just wild