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Do I love You?
More with every breath I take.
Every word you speak,
every deed, every word you write,
I love You More.
Never have I had this feeling before.
I adore You!

Describing the way I feel about you, would be one task that is impossible to accomplish successfully. It is much too simple and obvious to try to portray to you, nonetheless it is too deep for me to want to dive into. May the lonely words of "I Love You" speak to you and share with you what they mean when I say them to you. With all of my heart and soul, once again I say I Love You. To live without you is something unthinkable to me. You give me the greatest feeling in life every day, your true love. Time stops for us when we are together, for our connection with one another blocks out everything and everyone but You and I. You are here with me even when we aren't together, you are there with me when I go to sleep. In my dreams at night and even when I wake up. You will be with me every second of every day until they day I die, for you are a part of my heart and soul which will never leave me.

I don't believe I've told you lately about the thrill I feel when our eyes meet, how when you are near me chills run down my spine, an electricity fills the air, and I am paralyzed by your love for just an instant. While my heart catches up to the emotional overload my brain feels I can only stare at your loving eyes. Then comes the warmth, and the rush of passion that fills my body every time we touch. I then melt, deep into the arms of your love. You are my friend, my companion, my lover, my everything. You are my perfect Soulmate and Angel.

If ever there was a woman who felt she had found the secret to perfecting her life it is I. I have found it all in you. You have unfolded to me like a beautiful butterfly, becoming more than I have ever imagined any lover could be. You are forever adding balance to my life and clearing my vision to new and wonderful ideas about our future together. When I'm with you, I get this feeling inside like I want to kiss you, but that's not enough, so I hold you, but that's not enough. So I say, "I love you." But three little words could never embody all the things I feel and want to say. So I close my eyes and pray you can feel them radiating through me and into you. I will always love you My Sweetheart.

Lee and Keri - Two Hearts are One

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