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Oh how you turn me on in every way.
Whatever you do, whatever you say,
whatever you think,
you have such a spell on me.

My love for you comes from within my soul,
It is not infatuation,
it is faithful, sweet and sincere.
I don't need many thing's in life,
only love, faith and optimism.
But, they are nothing without you.
I need you in every way,
within the time i've known you
my life has seen the greatest happiness
it has ever known.
You took my tears and made them smile,
you took the aches and hurt away,
turned my world around for me.
We have shared so much together,
love, laughter, joy, fears,
sadness and tears.
You've given me courage to brave all
and strength to hold on.
We share something that is our own,
something no one else could ever have.
I am you, you are me.
We are one now, for eternity.

Don't worry about me changing,
as long as you love me,
I'll always be the same.
You bring out the love that's been hiding away,
inside this dark shell all my life.
Now you hold the to the passageway of my soul
and I'll always be yours,
for as long as you'll have me.

Copyright 1999 Leesluv

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