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With this ring I thee Wed

Lee, do you take this woman to be your wedded wife
and do you promise that you will love her,
comfort her, honour and keep her,
will you perform unto her all of the duties
and respect that a husband owes his wife
until death shall seperate you?

I Will

I Keri, take you to be my partner in life,
I will cherish our friendship
and love you today, tomorrow and forever.
I will trust you and honour you,
I will love you faithfully through the best
and the worst, through the difficult and the easy.
What ever may come, I will always be there.
I have given you my hand to hold,
so now I give you my life to keep.
I choose you to be my best friend,
my love, the father of our children.
I will be yours in plenty and in want,
in sickness and in health, in failure and triumph.
I will cherish you, respect you, comfort and
encourage you and together we shall live
freed and bound by our love.
I will be faithfully yours till death do us part.

<Bgsound src="images/wedding.mid" loop=infinite>

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