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Agamemcon/Prey Minicon On-line Message Central Bulletin Board:

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Prey for Us Campaign Site


Resource Page  for  Agamemcon 2000/Prey Minicon  at  Hilton Burbank Hotel  in  Burbank CA  from  June 23-25, 2000



How to Find Information:


Who's Who

Where’s Where

Alec Orrock – Alec is the co-chair of Agamemcon 2000. Contact Alec for questions about the Agamemcon 2000 Sci Fi Convention 

AGAMEMCON 2000 site

Elaine – Elaine is the organizer of Prey Minicon at Agamemcon 2000. Contact Elaine for questions about the Prey Minicon. 

PREY Minicon site

Carol – Carol is the coordinator of the Prey Tables at Agamemcon 2000. Contact Carol for questions about Prey representation at Agamemcon 2000.   
Mary Ann – Mary Ann is the Coordinator of Prey for us Campaign. Contact Mary Ann about overall Campaign Activities at Agamemcon 2000. 

PREY Campaign site

Judy Kelly – Judy Kelly is the coordinator of the Prey Raffle (including the Prey Bracelet) to be held at the Agamemcon 2000Prey Minicon. Contact Judy for questions about the Prey Raffle.   
The PREY MAKERS - the PREY MAKERS are, well, you know, the people who made PREY.  Panel Discussion with Bill Schmidt and Larry Andries is planned for Saturday, June 24 at 1:30 to 3:30.  The original Prey Pilot, never before aired, called "Hungry For Survival is planned to be shown afterwards. As these times are still changing  - be sure to check your handouts and schedules when you arrive at the con.

All Prey Makers have been invited to the con, and several have responded to inquire about the con. Check back with us to see who else MAY be able to attend!

addresses of PREY MAKERS

On-line Message Central for the CON- keep checking the adjacent link for late breaking news and announcements about the con!

Agamemcon/Prey Minicon Message Central 

AGAMEMCON BULLETIN BOARD. Agamemcon will provide a physical Message Board at the con so that attendees of the con can communicate with one another about parties, events, meetings, etc. Worried about missing out or how to find people? Check this bulletin board as soon as you check in to the hotel - and check it often during the weekend! Somewhere at the Burbank Airport Hilton Hotel - more specifics will be posted when they are known. 
The Prey For Us Campaign Message Board - many discussions about the con are taking place on this board dedicated to the Prey Campaign.


Right now many plans for the con are in the works, Preymates! A few are listed here. Be sure to check our On-line Message Central and the Physical Bulletin Board for Agamemcon 2000 at the Burbank Airport Hilton Hotel for new developments on these and other items of interest: 
*A Prey Key Campaign is currently underway to persuade the Sci Fi Channel to pick up and renew Prey, and con attendees plan to WEAR A KEY ON A CHAIN around their necks to identify one another. Key Posters can be printed at 

Contact Elaine for information on how you can help. 

*Preymates plan to feature a CAGE at or close to the Prey Table at Agamemcon 2000 and hope to contact the media to get some publicity for renewing Prey. Contact Carol and Elaine for information on how you can help. 
*Preymates plan to bring Prey items for the Prey Table - magnets, tee-shirts, posters, fanfic, videos ... and more to spread the word about Prey to convention attendees. Contact Carol and Elaine for information on how you can help.
*Plans are being made to videotape Prey creator Bill Schmidt's sessions at Agamemcon. Contact Mary Ann and Elaine for information on how you can help. 
*Plans are being made to have a television and vcr at the Prey Table to show videotapes of Prey as well as a boombox to play Mark Morgan's wonderful Prey Music for convention attendees. There will also be a screening room, where Agamemcon attendees can view episodes of Prey. We may also need preymates to staff party rooms to show additional Prey videotapes. Contact Carol and Elaine for information on how you can help. 
*Plans are being made to hold a PREY RAFFLE sometime during the weekend of the CON. Contact Judy Kelly for information on how you can help. 
*More to be listed as it happens! 


We also have a PRE-CON CAMPAIGN strategy list that many of you can participate in -whether you are able to physically attend the con or not! Read below to find out WHAT WE NEED TO ACCOMPLISH FOR PREY BEFORE AGAMEMCON 2000! 


More Suggestions from Hollywood Insider

"An invitation to the convention along with letters from fans about how we feel about the show along with some small Prey-related gifts should be sent to Peter Roth at Warner Brothers. The "friend" says Peter is a "teddy bear" and it would be very unlike him not to respond to this small gift basket of sorts.

Another suggestion was to start an email mini-campaign before the convention via the feedback spot on the WB's website. Direct the emails to Peter Roth. The "friend" said if this were done in mass and in an organized way; he would be more than likely to take notice. Besides, it is rumored the line-up for the WB isn't that strong this coming season, and PERHAPS if Peter Roth were approached in mass by as many of us as possible we could at least get noticed. The fact there were only 13 episodes for this show and the fans are STILL enthusiastic about it nearly 2 1/2 years after the fact could really gain the attention of Peter Roth, who as one of the executives at WB, who owns the show, that in itself could really get attention.

The "friend" also said now would be an excellent time to get the ad in the Daily Variety up and running. In fact, the more we get out before the convention the better."

Contact Mary Ann for information on how you can help. Find network and Campaign Contact information at 

  Elaine's Listing of Supplies for Minicon! 


Supply Item


Who will bring it

Tee shirt “Tom”


Fan fiction “The Cage”

Prey urls handout

Prey voting site handout

letters from fans for Bill Schmidt

A Cage (hopefully)

Fan Fiction "Prisoners"

Poster of team in scope of a rifle w/Campaign url

Matching "Heart/Key Prey bookmarks and posters

Boom Box “plug in only”

TV -&- VCR

Mark Morgan cassette


Bumper Stickers


Prey table skirt (1)

"humongo cooler"

Prey Poetry?

Carol H. -&- Diane G
Dog cage (if needed)
Bird Cage (if needed)

Video Camera

TV -&- VCR Fri. -&- Sat only (if needed)

Walkie Talkies

"Might Need Stuff" - hammer, paper clips, robo-grip pliers, safety pins, bic pens, extension cords ...

Videos - Rough Riders, Highway to Hell, Lifepod, ASs LA Law episode, ASs Tales From the Crypt episode

Sue H
Some of her Fan Fiction stories
Digital Camera
Diane S
Prey Table Skirts (2)
Giant Prey Card with notes from Fans encouraging him to promote Prey.
Six foot Banner honoring Bill Schmidt?

Prey Calendars 2000
Prey Calendars 2001

Bumper Stickers

Some of her Fan Fiction stories

Calendars (possibly)

Famous collages: reg size
Famous collages: some blown up for wall hanging

laptop computer
Prey basket for Raffle

Video Camera tripod

Walkie Talkies

Videos - AS part of
"Attack of the 5'2" Woman"
and the AS "snippets" of a "Miami Vice" and "I'll Take Manhattan."
Contact Elaine and Carol if you can bring anything! Contact the webmaster if you have items to add to the list! 


Rules for the Raffle.....

Rules for the Raffle.....
Judy A. Kelly USA -- Tuesday, 6 June 2000, at 4:06 p.m.

All money must be in US currency. If you send a check or money order make the checks or money orders to Judy Kelly and put in the memo section "Prey for Us Campaign."

$1.00 = 1 ticket

$5.00 = 6 tickets

$10.00 = 13 tickets

The prizes include 8x10 pictures of cast of Prey, magnets made by Carol and Mary Ann( I think please let me know if this is correct), and a story bracelet.

Sammi said she would make a Prey basket for the raffle.

I will leaving for the Convention on June 23, 2000. If you are attending the convention you can buy the tickets there. The cut off date for mailing in money is June 16, 2000. That is one week before the convention.

E-mail me for my snail mail.

I will post the concept of the story bracelet later.

If anyone has anything to add or correct, please let me know.


Concept of Story Bracelet....
Judy A. Kelly USA -- Tuesday, 6 June 2000, at 4:28 p.m.

In August, 1998, Susan Snead posted a thread about "Prey Charm Bracelet."

Susan Snead posted:

"Hasn't everyone always wanted a charm bracelet.. well maybe not Rich. Even so if I had one, I know I would not wear it.. accountants do not wear charm bracelets BUT I now have a theme for that bracelet....PREY.

I was looking at an article in Mary Engelbreit's Home Companion Magazine for Aug/Sept. and the bracelets in there got me to thinking of what a Prey Charm bracelet would contain... It would be gold charm bracelet to start with and my first charm would be a small bird of Prey, of course. But then I was trying to decide on the next additions.

I would need a bed....maybe a small doll figure.
I would need a mummy.. maybe a small doll figure.
A monkey to be sure.., a tv set...a car..the number 16..not for sweet 16 but for 1.6.
Can anyone else help on what the proper Prey Charm Bracelet would contain...

thanks susan snead....the frivolous lark...the bop

I have ruled out syringes, guns, nanites but just about anything will fly.

Some of the ideas are:

an axe, a comet,a musical note to commemorated MM'S music, computer, letters TOM SLOAN, a little house Tom's of course, a gas can a limo, a telephone, tiny oil wells, double helix, pillar, a test tube, "Preying hands,

I have a Prey Charm Bracelet but it is silver. Gold is too expensive. This is what I have on mine:

the letters TOM SLOAN
musical notes
an axe
slice of pizza
Preying hands
a computer
an eagle
DR.s insignia
a small house

I have a comet that will be put on later and for fun I have a storke carrying a baby.

For the raffle I have so far:

oil wells
television set
cell phone
old fashion telephone

I plan to get the letters PREY and the bracelet. I will have the charms put on.

So far this is what I have.




Schedule of Events Update 6/8/00 for Agamemcon/Minicon Attendees  (contact Elaine for more details)


Here is the latest schedule for the events we have planned to

I plan to make my room number available to anyone who may have questions on the times certain events will take place. Anyone can check with me every morning at the Con or at the Prey table
itself for scheduling. Please understand with such a large group planning will pretty much be going on daily. People are arriving -&- leaving on different days -&- times, so you must *LET ME KNOW* which events you plan to attend. Usually we get together evenings after we close the table down, just check with us if you have a question.

Although technically the con runs 24 hours, starting on Friday morning, here is a quick list of some department hours obtained from the AgamemCon chairman, Alec Orrock:
------Dealers Room: Fri. 11-6, Sat. 10-6, Sun. 10-4
------Registration:    Fri. 9-5, Sat. 9-5, Sun. 9-4
------Green Room:   9-6 all 3 days
Here is the game plan so far for Prey activities:

Wednesday, June 21, 2000
-----Several Preymates have planned a trip to Disneyland for the day.
---- Please contact me if you would like to join us.

Thursday, June 22, 2000
-----Several Preymates have planned a trip to Universal Studio for that day.
-----Please contact me if you would like to join us.

-----Evening Jam Session at Lapeep's room to start at 6:00 PM.
-----Last minute planning and Con preparations.
Friday, Saturday -&- Sunday, June 23, 24 -&- 25, 2000
-----Sci-Fi Convention -&- Mini Con
-----The Convention runs pretty much non-stop starting Friday morning! Preymates will be hosting three Prey Tables which will feature a variety of items to attract and inform people about PREY - tee shirts, flyers, posters, magnets, fanfic, a Prey raffle and numerous other items, including Prey music and video showings of Prey.     
------Panel Discussion with Bill Schmidt and Larry Andries is planned for Saturday, June 24 at 1:30 to 3:30.  The original Prey Pilot, never before aired, called "Hungry For Survival is planned to be shown afterwards. As these times are still changing  - be sure to check your handouts and schedules when you arrive at the con.
-----Evening Events - a Prey Campaign Strategy meeting hosted by Prey Campaign Coordinator Mary Ann is being planned for Sunday evening after the con. Firm times and locations TBA. Other Evening events during the weekend TBD (to be determined)

Monday, June 26, 2000      
-----Warner Brothers Studio Tour planned for 10:00 AM
-----Afternoon trip to Hollywood Book -&- Poster Store
-----Drive by Laurel Canyon
-----Manton's Chinese Theatre (stars hand prints in cement)
-----Ralph's grocery (infamous Prey site!) Time permitting or moved to Tuesday
-----Evening events TBD (to be determined)

Tuesday, June 27, 2000
-----Diane -&- Carol, have planned a sightseeing trip:
-----Vasquez Rocks early 8:00 or 9:00 AM "Mummy scene"
-----Drive by the cemetery from Episode 2
-----Visit Tom's house from Episode 2 (Westwood area)
-----UCLA "Whitney Laboratory site"
-----Additional ideas for the rest of the afternoon:
-------Beverly Hills-The Beach-Directors Guild
-------Propaganda Management "Adam's Agent"
-----Evening events TBD (to be determined)

If anyone has additional group plans for the Con, please let me know and I'll include them in my next update.




  Contact Prey For Us Campaign Webmaster