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Father,in the name of Jesus, I take Your word and confess
that my husband hearkens to the wisdom and of God
and that we shall dwell securely and in confident trust
and shall be quiet without fear or dread of evil.

I pray and believe that my husband walks and lives
not in the counsel of the ungodly
following their advice,plans,and purposes,
one stands submissive and inactive in the path where sinners walk
nor sits down to relax and rest
where the scournful and the mockers gather.(Psalms 1:1)

My husband's ear is one who is attentive
to skillful and godly wisdom
and is one whose heart and mind is inclined to understanding,
wholly given to the quest of it.(Prov.2:2)

My husband's delight and desire is in Your word:
and on Your precepts, instructions and teachings,
habitually meditates(ponders and studies)
by day and by night.(Psalm1:2)

Kindness and truth are made to abide with my husband,
upon whose neck and heart
they are written and bound.
Whoever prizes and exalts the wisdom of God highly(Prov.3:3)
will be promoted to honor because my husband has embraced it.

The Lord is my husband's confidence,firm and strong,
and shall keep my husband's foot from being caught in a trap or hidden danger.

Because Your word has first place,
my husband is like a tree firmly planted
and tended by streams of water,
ready to bring forth fruit in its season:
whose leaf also does not fade or wither,
and everything done including our life together,
prospers and comes to maturity.
(Prov.3:26;4:8;Psalm 1:3)

When my husband goes,
the Word and wisdom of God shall lead.

When in sleep it shall keep,
when awake,
it shall cause my husband to speak excellent, princely things
and the opening of my husband's lips
shall be for right thing whose words shall be righteous-upright
and in right standing with God
-and there is nothing contrary or crooked in them.
(Prov. 6:22;8:6-8)

I thank you Father
that my husband loves me
and is affectionate and sympathetic with me
and I believe in Jesus Name
is not harsh or bitter
or resentful toward me
because of love for me
as love for my husband's own body
and as Christ loves the Church.(Eph. 5:28)

I praise You
that our foundation of human life is blessed
with the rewards of fidelity
and we rejoice together.

I satisfy my beloved at all times,
who is always transported with delight in my love.

I rejoice Father
that because Your Word is working in our marriage
my husband will never be
infatuated with an alien person,
embrace the bosom of an outsider
or go astray.

I thank You
that discretion watches over
and understanding keeps
to deliver my husband from the alien person
and from the outsider's falttering words.

I confess that we are of one and the same mind,
united in spirit,
compassionate and courteous,
tenderhearted and humbleminded.(1 Peter 3:8)

I trust God for our welfare,
happiness and protection
because we love and respect each other.(1 Pet.3:9)

Thank you Father
that my husband is of good report,
& is succesful in everything;
is uncompromisingly righteous,
is a fisher of men,
has confidence that You are the Lord God
Who teaches to profit
and leads in the way to go,
abundantly supplied with every need met,
has obtained the favor of You,Lord
that Your will is done in my husband's life.

I thank you Father
that You are giving us one heart,
putting a new spirit within us
and taking away the stony heart,
and giving us a heart of flesh.(Ezek. 11:19,36:26)

I thank You
that You are putting Your spirit within us
to cause us to walk in Your statues.

We will heed Your ordinances
and do them.

I thank You
that we have Your wisdom;
pure, peaceable, gentle easy to be entreated,
full of mercy and good fruits
without variance or hypocrisy.
(James 3:17-18)

I thank you
that we walk by the Spirit
not fufilling the lust of the flesh.(Gal. 5:16)

I thank You Father
that You are hedging our way with thorns,
making a wall
and Satan will not find our paths.(Hosea 2:6)

I thank You
that Your goodness brings us to repentance.
(Rom. 2:4)

I thank you Father
that You are healing us.(Hosea 6:1)

I thank You Father
that You are speaking tenderly to our hearts(Hosea 2:14)

I thank You
that my husband will respond to me
as when we first dated.(Hosea 2:15)

We will be husband and wife,
never again"ex-wife"/"ex-husband".(Hosea 2:16-17)

And we will repeat our wedding vows
and be betrothed as first promised.(Hosea 2:19)

I thank You
that we will be betrothed to You
in stability and faithfullness
and cherish You.

I thank You
that we will acknowledge our offense
and feel our guilt.

We will seek Your face
and in our affliction and distress,
will seek inquire for
and require You earnestly,
and "return to the Lord for He has torn that he may heal,
He has stricken that He may bind up..."
(Hosea 5:15;6:1)

I thank You Father
that we are one flesh
and one in the spirit.

I thank You
that we are companions
and the husband and wife of our covenant
made by our marriage vows(Mal. 2:14)

I thank You
that my husband is taking heed to the Holy Spirit.
(Mal. 2:16)

Father, I thank You
that as we are both reconciled
to You by Jesus' blood;
we are also reconciled to each other
as we forgive what we have done
to each other in the past,
in Jesus' name.(Col. 1:20-22)

And now oh Lord,
You are confirming forever
the Word which Thou hast spoken
concerning us and our marriage,
and You are doing as You have spoken.

Now, therefore, it pleases You
to bless our marriage
and it shall continue before You
as long as we live.

For You have promised
and with blessing shall our house be established
lovingly in Jesus' name.(11 Sam. 7:25,29)

I thank You Father
that many waters cannot quench
my husband's love for me,
neither can floods drown it in the name of Jesus.
(Song of Solomon 8:7)

I thank You Father
that You surround me with favor as with a shield
and therefore,
I have favor in my husband's eyes
above anyone else on earth in Jesus' name.
(Psalm 5:12)

No weapon formed against our marriage shall prosper,
and every voice raised against our reconciliation
God is showing to be wrong,
for this is my heritage as a child of God,
in Jesus' name.(Isiah 54:17-18)

Father I thank You
that You are hastening Your Word
and performing it in our home,
in Jesus' name(Jer. 1:12)

I thank you Father
for speedily performing Your word in our marriage
in Jesus' name.(Luke 18:8)

I thank you Father
for showing Yourself strong in behalf of my marriage
and reconcillation with my husband,
for I am perfect in Jesus.(11 Chron 16:9)

I praise You Father in Jesus' Name
for restoring to us everything the enemy stole
and I thank You
that I see everything restored with the double portion
You promised in Isaiah 61:7;Joel2:25
and that everlasting joy will be ours.

Satan cannot overcome me,
for You have given me a mouth
and wisdom the enemy cannot gainsay
or resist in Jesus' name.(Luke 21:15)

I thank you Father
that my husband kisses me
with the kisses of a loving mouth.
(Song of Solomon 1:2)

Father God,
I sing Your praises,
& I thank You,
not just for what you do,
or what You have done,
but, for WHO YOU ARE!!

And Father,
I thank You
for the precious blood of Your Dear Son, JESUS!!


This is what God wants our husbands to be! {I Timothy 3:2-7}
My husband is above reproach, the husband of but one wife,
temperate, self-controlled, respectable, hospitable, able to teach,
not given to drunkenness, not violent, but gentle, not quarrelsome, not a lover of money.
He manages his own family well and sees that his children
obey him with proper respect.

My husband is not my enemy -- satan is!

Speak to the airways of my home:
"I command the situation to come in line with God's Word."
"I command our marriage to come in line with God's Word."


"My desire will be for my husband. I will it.
God, you work out the details."


"What therefore God hath joined together,
let not man put asunder."


Remember -- NO marriage or family situation is too complicated
or too messy for Jesus Christ to straighten out and clean up.


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Email: robininske@aol.com