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Armor: Light
Hit Points: 20
Ground Attack: 0
Air Attack: 110
Attack Range: 1
Gas Required: 75
Minerals Required: 25

The Scourge are the Zerglings of the air. They hatch two at a time from each Egg and cost only slightly more then Zerglings, making it relatively easy to create large groups of them. It's a good idea to keep a group of 12 Scourge around for emergencies in case a capital ship attacks.

The Scourge are famous for being Carrier killers.

The Scourge is essentially a kamikaze, slamming into the hull of a larger ship and exploding on contact. They really shine against Terran Carrier; in fact, many StarCraft players call them "Carrier killers." A group of 12 Scourge flung at a Carrier will almost certainly destroy it, making the Scourge a valuable commodity. The downside is they fight less well against smaller ships, and can't attack ground units.


Type: High Speed Attacker
Core Genus: Unknown
Primary Attack: Plasma metamorphosis

In stark contrast to the lumbering Guardian is the tiny Scourge. These blind terrors seek out enemy starships and dive into them. Catalytic agents found within the body of the Scourge cause it to explode like a living plasma bomb when it smashes itself against the hull of a larger vessel. Large numbers of these creatures can cripple a squad of fighters or even a Battlecruiser. Like the Zergling, the simplistic genetic makeup of the Scourge allows two of themto hatch from a single egg.

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