This site is still very much under construction,
and has only the basics of the characters, but I will
add more information as soon as I get a chance!
Thank you for you patience, Minna-san!

This listing is from the Kenshin Resource Center.
In Japanese, the surname comes first.

the Hiruma BrothersHiruma Kihe and Gohe

These are the Hiruma brothers. I don't like them. biiidaa!!! In the manga (which is all anyone cares about, ne? ^_^ ) Kihe was staying at the Kamiya Dojo when Gohe did his whole "I wanna be a serial-killer" spheal. Their main intent was to buy the Dojo so that they could make money off of it.
YutarouTsukayama Yutarou

This is Yutarou.
EijiMishima Eiji

This is Eiji.
TakedaAritomo Kanryuu Takeda

This is Takeda.

This is Ujiki.
Tsukioka Tsunan

This is Tsunan.

This is Shibumi.
Akamatu Arundo
This is Arundo.
Okubo Toshimichi
This is Toshimichi.
Kawaji Toshiyoshi
This is Toshiyoshi.

This is Senkaku.
Arai Seiku and Iori

These are the Arai brothers.

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