This site is still very much under construction,
and has only the basics of the characters, but I will
add more information as soon as I get a chance!
Thank you for you patience, Minna-san!

This listing is from the Kenshin Resource Center.
In Japanese, the surname comes first.

SoujirouSeta Soujirou - The Heavenly Sword

This is Soujirou.
AnjiiYuukyuzan Anjii - The Meioh

This is Anjii, former monk, master of Futae no Kiwamii.
ChouSawagejou Chou - The Sword Collector

This is Chou, he has really amusing hair.
KamatariHonzo Kamatari - The Giant Sickle

This is Kamatari. Her hair reminds me of a 1960's American housewife. Only different.
KomagataKomagata Yumi - The Night Witch

This is Yumi. SKANK!!!
UonumaUonuma Usui - The Blind Sword

This is Usui. He's blind.
IwanboIwanbo - The Marutama

This is Marutama. He is *very* amusing.
SadojimaSadojima Hoji - The Know All

This is Hoji.
KariwaKariwa Henya - The Flyer

This is Henya.
SaduchiSaiduchi Roujin, Fuji - The Army Breaker

This is Roujin.

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