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Muzino Ami

What sets Sailor Mercury apart from the other Sailor Scouts is not her looks or physical abilities, but her personality. Ami is the most intelectual of the group. Instead of offensive attacks, she has the only defensive attack in the group. Can any other scout blind a monster long enough to kill it, or freeze it leaving it helpless? Most of the time Ami is studying. She wants very much to become a doctor, and she studies constantly to achieve her goal. However, she has given up parts of her dreams so she can be with her friends. One thing about Ami is she lacks in self-esteem. Unlike the other girls, she can't take an insult without feeling bad about it. She's always worrying if people hate her because she's so smart. The reason she becomes such good friends with Usagi is that Usagi never really cared if she was smart or not. And, as Ami put it, Usagi is the one who taught her how to have fun. Ami enjoys to swim, and is very good at it (hence the water powers).

General Facts

Name - Mizuno Ami
Translation - Friend Of Water
Birth Date - September 10
Astrological Sign - Virgo
Age - 14
Hair Color - Blue
Eye Color - Blue
Height - 5"
Bloodtype - A
School Attending - 10th District Junior High, Juuban High School
Favorite Color - Aquamarine
Hobby - Reading, Playing Chess, Swimming
Dream - To Be A Doctor
Favorite Food - Anmitsu
Least Favorite Food - Hamachi
Favorite Subject - Math
Least Favorite Subject - None
Has Trouble With - Love Letters, Practical Jokes
Gemstone - Sapphire
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Sailor Mercury!

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