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Disclaimer-my disclaimer

Sailor Moon is a copyright of Naoko Takeuchi, Dic and Toei Animation. This site is unoffical and does not have the permission of Dic or Naoko Takeuchi for use of products. It has been made by a fanatic. ^_^; So if you have any negative comments that will not help this website at all, please keep them to yourself! Thank you!,
-Sailor Galaxy

Credits-the many credits

I would like to thank:

Mousey - for the kawaii 4th of July layout used for a while

EternalMoon - for the kawaii layout on the front page that was used as the main layout for a few months.

Total Venus Destination - for the main idea of the index splash picture used as the main layout for a few weeks.

Day Dream Graphics - for reviewing my homepage multiple times.

Starluck's SweetWater Valley - for the shooting star background

All the people who have given this site an award. ^_^

My boyfriend, Zach.. without him, I would have continued to neglect The TMBHSMP because I cared too much about what other people thought of me. >.< Thank you hun, I love you. =)

And lastly - the people (you!) who make this website possible! Without you guys, my site would be nothing!

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