standard disclaimers applyI don't own sailor moon or any of the characters related to it. So please don't sue me! This story takes place during the R season. The Diamond Affair (AN: I don't know if this is such a great title, but if anyone can email me and suggest another, I would be very grateful). On with the story . . . . Prologue: She looked longingly into his eyes and he into hers. From that moment on, they knew that nothing would ever be the same . . . they knew that they could never be separated. No matter what, she would be his and he hers. Nothing or no one could change that, at least that's what they thought . . . . . . Chapter 1: Author's and Darien's POV At the arcade, Darien walks in by himself and takes his seat at the counter. He looks at his watch again, I read 2:55. 'Great,' he thought to himself, 'I still have five more minutes to wait till they get here!' He looked around and saw that Andrew was busy with a customer. Not wanting to disturb him, Darien just smiles and Andrew does the same. Suddenly, he heard the doors of the arcade open and looked up to see six girls and two cats. He was searching for four men and two more girls, one with blonde hair, the other with pink. They did not come. They all exchanged greetings and proceeded wordlessly to secluded table, away from everyone. Lita: "Hey Dar, you're probably wondering where Serena is right?" Before he could answer, she continued, "Well, it's really hard for her now, and considering you don't even want to see her anymore, we figured that it would be better if we filled her in on the details of this meeting later. Besides, she's spending the day relaxing with Rini, and the Generals stayed behind to protect them." Darien was lost in a train of thought. Although he didn't show it, he was very upset that the girls thought he hated Serena and never wanted to see her again. But, then again, that's what he wanted them to think; he was doing this to protect her, because of that stupid dream. But, he was happy to hear that his 'moonlight angel' was spending the day with Rini, since the two of them have been getting along lately. It made him feel a little better. Rei: "WHY'D you have to tell HIM that?!! It's none of his business where she is and what she does!" That hurt a lot. Everyone knows that Rei and Serena always fight, but what they don't know is that they really care for each other. They are more than just friends, they're more like sisters, and they would do almost anything for each other. Neither will ever admit this in public though. Ami: "Anyway, let's get back to the topic at hand, please!" (AN: leave it to Ami to get everyone back to reality). Rei: "Alright, fine. About last night, Ami, is there anything else that can give us a clue about how Diamond and Wiseman pulled it off." Ami: "No, I'm at a loss. I even went to the alley where Serena said it happ-" Rei: "AND!!" Ami looks up and then back down at her mini-computer, punches a few buttons, and reluctantly says, "and, and nothing . . . the only thing I found out from there was that Serena's blood was almost everywhere . . . . . . . they did a number on her." Don't you just love these cliffhangers! Anyway, this is my second fanfic, I hope you like it. Send any comments to I'll post the next few chapters soon. Thanks for reading it, bye! Don't find a fault. Find a remedy. - Anonymous Only the heart can change the heart. Friends are never far apart when they're together in the heart.