standard disclaimers apply: I don't own sailor moon or any of the characters related to it, so please don't sue me! Don't find a fault. Find a remedy. - Anonymous Only the heart can change the heart. Friends are never far apart when they're together in the heart. on with the story . . . Chapter 3: Author's POV Serena: " . . . I couldn't sleep last night, I guess it was because I missed Rini, even though I knew that she was safe with Darien. Anyway, I just kept having this bad feeling and I couldn't take it anymore. So, I decided to go to her just to make sure for myself that she was ok. I took Luna and we were on our way to Darien's. About two blocks away, Luna saw two men advancing toward a small child. At second glance she realized that it was Rini. She called to me and I came running. I froze. I couldn't move or anything. I kept wondering where Darien was . . . " She paused and Malachite put his hand on her shoulder as she struggled to hold back her tears. " . . . anyway, Luna started yelling at me and I realized what was going on. So I transformed and went to protect Rini." Ami: "Serena, how could Rini be there when she was with Darien?" Serena: "I thought that she was Rini." Mirchiru: "How come you didn't tell us this before?! We thought that Diamond and Wiseman just attacked you, we didn't know that they used Rini to do it." Serena: "That's why she's not here now. I don't want her to blame herself for this." Lita: "So that's how they trapped you." Serena nodded her head. Rei: "Why didn't you call for help?!" Serena: "There was no time. While we were fighting, I realized that I couldn't do this on my own, so I sent a reluctant Luna to get help . . . and that's when . . . when . . . " Jedite: "Sere, its ok, just take your time." At this point Serena's eyes were full of tears which could no longer be held back. She cried in Jedite's shoulder; not her usual wailing, but real tears. Darien just looked at her. All he wanted to do was comfort her and tell her that everything will be ok. He kept thinking, 'She should be in my arms, not his.' Serena, then slowly began to speak again. "That's when Rini turned into a monster and began attacking me. I was in so much shock that I didn't know what to do. I began to fight it, and after a while it was weakening. I then took out my scepter and started to destroy it. That's when it changed back into Rini, and for a second I stopped. A voice kept telling me it was her, while another said it wasn't . . . I killed her, I mean it." Mina went over to her and gave her a hug, saying, "Oh, Serena, you should've told us. This must've been so bad for you." Darien's POV All I could think about was that once I got my hands on those two bastards I'd kill them!! The would die a slow and torturous death. They hurt MY Serena, no one does that and gets away with it!! I HATE them, I HATE them!! Author's POV Everyone fell silent for a very long time. Malachite broke the silence and said, "Sere, I think that its time that they know." Rei and Darien: "Know what?!" Serena: "The reason why they used Rini is because she is my daughter." This shocked everyone, with the exception of Malachite and Jedite. Ami: "What do you mean she's your daughter?" Mina: "Who's the father?" Glancing at Darien as she said it. Serena: "Rini is my future daughter, she came back to the past to find me. Sailor Pluto confirmed it. And I don't know who the father is . . . neither Pluto nor Rini will tell me." Darien, who was quiet the whole time couldn't deal with it anymore. First he finds out that they used a child to lure his beloved, then he finds out that this child is her daughter. He knew very well that he would never be able to sire a child with Serena and it was eating him even more. He knew that she would eventually find someone to replace him, but the thought of her having another man's child just angered him, yet, at the same time, saddened him. He didn't know which was worse: being away from Serena or knowing she would have someone else's child. He had to get out of there. He couldn't bear it anymore.(AN: Sob, sob, poor, poor Darien! Whatever will he do now?) Darien: "Um, . . . Serena, I'm glad you told us the truth. I'm sorry all this happened to you, and I'm also sorry for what you went through, . . . uh, but, uh . . ., you see, I have an early day tomorrow and need to get my rest." With that, he just got up and left. He ran out the door, not even waiting for a response. He ran out of Lita's apartment building and headed towards his own, tears falling freely from his eyes. Awww, how sad. Depressing isn't it. Our poor Darien! Don't worry, all will be well soon. Anyway, Patch asked a question about the Generals. The Generals were evil, and worked for Beryl. But, during the final battle with Beryl, Serena remembered them and felt guilty for killing them rather than de-brainwashing them (does that even make sense). Anyway, when she wished for everything to get back to normal, she also wished for the Generals to have a second chance. This is my story, so anything is possible. Hope this cleared some things up, also, I decided to change their names, Malachite=Michael, Jedite=Jason or Jay, Nephlite=Nate, and Zoicite=Zach. Another thing, Malachite and Zoicite were never a couple and neither were Rei and Darien. Please tell me what you think, I love to get mail.