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Ten'oh Haruka

Haruka appears to be an arrogant girl when you first see her in the series, but we soon find out she's far from arrogant. She enjoys teasing Usagi (Sailor Moon) and Minako (Sailor Venus), because they both mistook her as a young man. I personally like Haruka a lot, mostly because she thinks she's better than almost everyone else, and lets them know it! She is a bit musically-inclined, and plays the piano very well. Transformed, Haruka has powers over the earth and wind, making her quite powerful, indeed. Haruka is a very athletic person. She races cars, pilot's planes, races in track, does fencing, and often drives her motorcycle when things are bothering her. Now to the "senshi" section of Haruka's profile. ^^ Sailor Neptune and Uranus were searching for pure hearts that contained their talismans. It so turned out that Uranus and Neptune carried the talismans in their own hearts! Their pure hearts were taken, the talismans were revealed, and ... Well I'll just leave it at that so as there are no spoilers here! One last thing! As you might already know, Haruka and Michiru are lovers. Yes, that's right. They're in love. Their relationship is wonderful - they would die for each other, and are truly dedicated to one and other. For those of you who have seen the "new" Sailor Moon episodes on Cartoon Network, the company who dubbed them, CWI, utterly ruined Michiru and Haruka's relationship. They made them cousins! ^^ ::sniff sniff:: How terrible!

General Facts

Name - Ten'ou Haruka
Translation - Sky King
Birth Date - January 27
Astrological Sign - Aquarius
Age - 16
Hair Color - Sandy Blonde
Eye Color - Blue
Height - 5'8"
Bloodtype - B
School Attending - Mugen Gakkuen, Juuban Senior High School
Favorite Color - Gold
Hobby - Race Car Driving, Playing Piano, Track & Field
Dream - To Be A Great Race Car Driver
Favorite Food - Salad
Least Favorite Food - Hatio
Favorite Subject - Phys. Ed.
Least Favorite Subject - Modern Languages
Has Trouble With - Confessing
Gemstone - Amber
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Sailor Uranus!

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