All standard disclaimers apply – I don’t own Sailor Moon or any of the other characters related to the show. So this is a story I’m making up. Okay? The characters are the same and everything, but I have changes to what they do, say, etc – and some of the story is related in the future, just so you know. -Sailor Galaxy (author) The Mysterious Stranger – Chapter 3 Pluto’s POV: As I lay there, I could hear Sailor Moon yelling out ‘Moon Crystal Power!’ The noises were getting quieter and quieter; I could barely hear Sailor Mars yelling out to Sailor Moon that if she used the Moon Crystal in her condition, it would kill her. I was still falling, like I was falling from the top of the sky, down to my death. One of the last things I heard was Sailor Jupiter yelling out something about Queen Serenity, and the Dark Moon’s agents screaming out in pain and agony. I was drifting away from everyone, everything I knew, everything I loved. It grew darker, colder. I tried opening my eyes, but all I could see was darkness, just darkness. Finally, after what seemed like hours of waiting, it felt like my body was being encompassed in a brilliant pink and white light. It was like I was being given energy, enough to wake up. “I hope it’s not too late…” I heard someone say. “Yeah, the silver crystal should work if it isn’t too late,” I could tell that voice; it was King Endy’s! All the newfound energy I had been given somehow was making me rise up into the light. “Look, she’s waking up!” Sailor Venus said. She didn’t sound hurt anymore. “Sailor Moon is all right?” I gasped, breathing heavily. “Yes," a soft voice cooed. I knew that voice. It was Sailor Moon’s! “You saved my life!” she exclaimed, panting, obviously tired from turning into Serenity. “I…I had to. After all, you are the princess!” With this remark, Sailor Moon blushed. “Bring her inside, she needs to rest,” King Endy said. Someone, I believe it was King Endy, lifted me up and brought me to a nice, soft sofa by the fire. As I lay there on the sofa, I noticed that Sailor Jupiter had been carrying Sailor Uranus, and brought her down on the love seat that was next to me. Sailor Mars and Sailor Mercury were carrying Sailor Neptune in as well, and laid her down on a smaller sofa than mine. Regular Story Line: Sailor Moon glanced over at the motionless body of Sailor Pluto. Tears were welling up in here eyes. “She saved my life…” Sailor Moon sighed out. A huge bang and Sailor Uranus and Sailor Neptune crying out for help was what brought her back to the present time. Sailor Moon opened up her brooch, and the silver crystal appeared in her hands. “No, not that Sailor Moon!” Sailor Saturn yelled out. “The silver crystal will zap all your strength!” Sailor Mercury yelled, pointing out a good fact that always happens to Sailor Moon. “Don’t do it Sailor Moon! In your condition, it might kill you!” Sailor Mars screamed out, trying to stop Sailor Moon from using the silver crystal. “Relax guys, everything will be all right!” Sailor Moon replied, in no way at all concerned at what may happen to her. “Moon Crystal Power!” Sailor Moon’s fuku disappeared, as pink pieces of cloth appeared, floating around her. In the blink of an eye, Sailor Moon had turned into Princess Serenity. Of course, this all happened so fast it was all most impossible for the naked eye to view. “Serenity…” Sailor Jupiter said in awe. It always shook up the other scouts to see the person they were fighting for in her true form. Neo-Queen Serenity was winning the battle against the Dark Moon’s agents. “Guys, I could use a little help here!” Neo-Queen Serenity said. She was shaking, trying to hold the crystal. “We are planet power!” Neo-Queen Serenity yelled out. The scouts stood up, and each yelled out their planet symbol. “Mercury Star Power!” “Mars Star Power!” “Jupiter Star Power!” “Venus Star Power!” “Neptune Planet Power!” “Uranus Planet Power!” “Saturn Planet Power!” the scouts yelled out. “Pluto…planet… power,” Pluto managed to say just above a whisper before totally blacking out. “Moon Crystal Power!” Neo-Queen Serenity said after she noticed how Pluto had used the last of her energy to try to help them. A light enveloped the silver crystal, making it look just like a rainbow ball of light. The Dark Moon’s agents screamed out in pain and agony. “We did it…” Sailor Saturn sighed, as the agents disappeared and were turned into moon dust. “You haven’t had the best of us, not yet!” an angry voice yelled out. A blast of energy went towards the scouts, and hit both Sailor Venus and Saturn head on. An evil laugh was heard. “Let this be a warning…” Wow, I think that is a really long chapter for right now! Please send you feedback on this to me at! Ja ne!