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Reviews-reviews this site has received

Taken From: Destiny Reviews

Owner: Sailor Galaxy
Website Name: Meat Ball Head SM Page
Website URL:
Site Type: Anime (Sailor Moon)
Reviewed by: Suicune
Overall Score: 13.5/15 or an 90%
Layout: 5/5
It is very cute and nice. An image map (this one is not quite one but acts like one) is a good way to display the links to the other pages. I like how neat it is, I love neat pages!

Contents: 4/5

I really hate to negative criticize, but I have to for a review. The content is rather all over the place in some areas. The miscellaneous section is like any other sites', but with a list of her Napster music? Hehehehe..I've never seen that before! But excluding those, the content is well on topic! I especially like how the profiles and image galleries are in one, such as a Tomoe Hotaru gallery with her profile just above! Very unique! I rarely find anything like that anywhere else! Oh, and I hate to be a picky creature, but I saw various spelling errors. Uh-oh!

Broken Links: None! (Either that or I missed one...)

Navigation/ Loading 4.5/5

The loading isn't that bad! Hehehehe...she has my site beat in that category! As for the's rather hard to see the home/guestbook/etc. links at the bottom of the page. If you put a "back" button, it would be a lot easier to see! Then again, I always use my "back" button on my browser, once again I'm lazy! *L*

Overall Impression:

Very well done! Angelfire normally creates problems for people building web pages (I see it a lot!), but you've mastered it with a shortened URL and a lot of HTML experience! I liked it a lot and I'll come back sometime to see how you'll improve the next update, layout, or such. Speedy loading (compared to other sites), great navigation, and excellent design makes your site an awesome one that people everywhere would love! No wonder you have 10,000 hits! :)

Taken From: Day Dream Reviews

First Impression :

Splash page again. *signs*. Another useless one. I said before, the only good splash page is for for 2 navigation styles and this site doesn't have that.

Apparently, the splash page is for a pop-up window, (see the screen shot above). *more signs*. I think I'm going into a critic trance

Navigation : (1/5)

Pop-ups are never the best for navigation due to the disabling on browser buttons, status bars etc. This site's pop-up is so small, and the "maximize" window ability had been disable too. I had a lot of problems trying to read and navigate this site. Personally, I also dislike using pop-up as layout. Am afraid I can't award high points for this category.

The drop down navigation helps a little but I already have a "bad" impression on the navigation due to the difficulties I experienced.

Also, the CSS-set colors on the scrollbar is a little faint. I wasn't sure which pages can scroll, and which can't. Set the face color to a different color and it will solve this problem.

The drop down is very long due to the long list of links. I will recommend using a few drop down menus, one for each section. See KatC's site for example.

Contents : (2/5)

1) About Me

MP3 list, about me, desktop etc are not what a fan will be interested in. I'm reviewing this site as an anime site, not a personal site so this section is irrelevent, in fact odd. The owner may want to move it to a personal site.

2) Awards Won
The links are opening in a new different window each time I click on a link. it'll be better to make each link open in the same "new" window. Put target="_new" instead of target="_blank" will solve that.

3) Cliques

not much to say.

4) Win Award

Preview link opens the image in the same frame. I'm unable to click "back" on my browser to go back since "Back" buttons have been disabled by the pop-up window. A better way is to open a smaller pop-up that is exactly the size of the image and fixed the position of the new pop-up. Its easier to preview and more user-friendly. Also note, the drop down didn't send me to Win Award even though I click on it. I have to select a different choice and then Win Award before I can go back to the page. Its a limitation of drop down, so add a text link will be good. Form was in blue. doesn't seem to match the pink color scheme.

5) Computer Goodies

Same navigation problem as Win Award.

6) What is Sailor Moon

text alignment to left is recommended. Centralise large chunk of texts look messy.

7) Fan Art

Same navigation problem as Win Award. The art should open in a new window since they are large and v hard to view in a small pop-up window.

8) Fan Fics

Fan fics should open in a new window also, since it is extremely hard to read text that requires frequent horizontal scrolling. A summary of each fic can be included as it is more user-friendly.

9) Information & Galleries

Usual presentation problem on text alignment. Fake thumbnails on gallery. Fixed those as loading is extremely slow. (read my previous review on real thumbnails and better quality thumbnails). Has almost information (ordinary profile) on various senshi and gallery. Pity, galleries are slow loading and information not personalise enough.

10) Others

There are other contents such as links, link me, contact, credits etc that I won't go into. Main reason, I'm quite annoyed by the bad navigation and the small pop-up, very difficult to read contents.

Generally, the first link should go to the main contents of a site. About me isn't what I consider the main contents of an anime site. More original profiles and rarer images will be a nice addition. Computer goodies contents are not done by the owner, although credited, I can't award points for contents not done the site owner.

Presentation : (2/5)

In about me page, aligned the text to the left, for neater presentation. Centralise text should be left for headers generally. It is easier to read paragraphs of text in left alignment (default).

Pink text is too faint to read for white backgrounds. Use a darker pink. LCD monitors like mine doesn't render light colors too well and I'm NOT the only one using such monitors. Use bold pink or black for best color contrast.

Some parts were in blue, like the award application form, doesn't seem to match the pink scheme. Scrollbar arrows are in blue too. Doesn't match pink.
Different font style in updates page and rest of the site. The owner should check if that's intentional.

Web Design/Layout : (1/5)

Consistent layout since its in frames. However, the small pop-up window makes it extremely hard to read text and contents. The owner was also careless. Some links open in new window, while others in the existing small frame. The owner needs to take care that contents open in a correct frame or window to ensure that contents can be view without too much difficulty for any visitor. I am experiencing frustration trying to read text (color too light) and other images (frame too small). I will recommend, using normal frames and getting rid of the pop-up.

Loading (2/5) :

Very slow on gallery because of fake thumbnails.

Credits : (4.5/5)

Very well done credits page. Very clear on how each link has helped the site. Just a minor presentation problem on text alignment.

Final Thoughts

This looks like a huge site. However, visibility and ease of navigation is limited by the pop-up so I suggest using normal frames instead and discard the pop-up and splash page.

A fix on the thumbnails for the gallery and addition of small rarer images and personalise opinions for each senshi will be nice.

Another Review, A Few Months Later

name: Sailor Galaxy
sitename: The Meat Ball Head Sailor Moon Page
Final Score : 3.0 out of 5
Reviewed by : Snow White

First Impression :

A kawaii manga picture of Usagi greets visitor on its splash page. Small linking buttons to other sites, and text links tastefully put together. A rather huge guestbook imagemap seems out of place in the splash page. I will think text link is better suited for the layout. The layout looks like from a graphics site, though there's no credit listed and I need to check the site's credits section (if available) to verfiy.

Contents (2.5)

Essentially a pictures gallery site. Each gallery is using text based for navigation. Good for loading but not so user friendly as the usual thumbnail style most people will want. A different manga layout for each gallery. Not a bad idea.

This site has pictures of most characters, including cats and group gallery. A usagi profile, but displayed rather messy and the layout used looked out of place as compared with the rest.

The Pick of the Week is a good idea. Fan art has some nice collections. Again the layout and font used is not consistent with the rest of the site.

There are also fan fics, links and webrings that are rather self-explainatory. It'll be better to text link the links in the links section, and provide alt text when using images. It'll look much neater if the site owner uses all linking buttons of the same size. The webrings looks rather messy with different sizes of webrings, font colors displayed on the page. It'll be better to text link the ring and to use a universal style to display them.

Web Design/ Layout (1.5)

A diced-up imagemap as main layouts. Should provide alt text for those who are impatient to wait. For some reasons, I had to refresh 2x to load the main page, probably AngelFire was slow then?

Ami's gallery, the layout is breaking up though.

Also, the font used in this site is not consistent, the font size as well. In some galleries, the text are centralized while in others, the text was align on the left. There is a need for consistency here to achieve a uniform and sophisicated look.

Information (2) :

There is a only profile page for Usagi. Has correct information but displayed in a messy banner. The various forms of Usagi images can be downsized into a standard portriat size to fit the layout better.

Navigation (4.5)

There is a home text link on every sub pages to the main page. The enter link on the splash page can be missed if one is not observant. The owner may wish to bold it or let it stand out a little more. Generally, navigation is very good in this site.

Images (3.5)

All the pictures in the galleries are text-based so loading time is not a problem. On some image intensive layouts, loading time took a while and some part of the layouts didn't turn out at all.

Loading Time (3.5)

As mentioned in Images, most of the site loads fine except on very image intensive layout pages.

Credits (3.5)

There are some text crediting the main layout maker, and some button links on the splash page to graphics site where the site owner gets her layouts. it'll be better if the site owner has a section dedicated to crediting her sources as it will be just a link away for those who wanted to know her sources.

Final Thoughts

I like the simple design of the splash page and the main layout is very gentle as well. If the site owner can be consistent in using the same layout, fonts style and sizes throughout her site, it will be a very appealing site to look at. The idea of being consistent is not about boring, rather it allows a visitor to get accustomed to viewing materials on the same site and to locate information easier.

Also, The site owner may wish to make a sub section for gallery, where all the galleries can be linked from, a fan works section for fan arts and fan fics, and a site related or misc section for other stuff. This will free up space in her main layout where she can write introductory text or put a short update list in it.

I will also recommend the site owner get rid of the rather huge guestbook imagemaps as they look out of place with the layout and slow loading on the already image intensive main layout.

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