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Tsukino Usagi

Usagi is your average teenage girl, athough she's a huge klutz, a definite crybaby, lazy, and eats way too much. When Luna made Usagi Sailor Moon, she had her doubts at first that she's a good leader. She didn't take her scouting seriously and frequently got distracted by Tuxedo Mask, comic books (manga) or anything else more interesting than being a Sailor Scout! But when she finds out that she is the moon princess that everyone has been searching for, she realized her true destiny and to everyone's surprise became an outstanding Sailor Scout and defeated Queen Beryl. After she defeated Queen Beryl, the scouts came to trust her more. Sailor Moon has sacrificed herself for others many times and is able to handle the Imperium Silver Crystal pretty well.

General Facts

Name - Tsukino Usagi
Translation - Rabbit Of The Moon
Birth Date - June 30
Astrological Sign - Cancer
Age - 14
Hair Color - Blonde
Eye Color - Blue
Height - 4'11"
Bloodtype - O
School Attending - 10th District Junior High, Juuban High School
Favorite Color - Pink, White
Hobby - Eating, Playing Video Games
Dream - To Be Mamorou's Bride
Favorite Food - Ice Cream, Cake
Least Favorite Food - Carrots
Favorite Subject - Home Economics
Least Favorite Subject - Math, English
Has Trouble With - Studying, Dentists And Ghosts
Gemstone - Diamond
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Sailor Moon!

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